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Thread: Horse face rules.

  1. #46
    Join Date
    22nd July 2005 - 00:27
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    new information - such as COVID IS FUCKEN AIRBORNE, not just delta
    The best way to forget all your troubles is to wear tight underpants.

  2. #47
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    Well... all fair points. But maybe it's time for a question:

    Where would we all be if Collins and Brownlee had been in charge? Y'know, from day one of this situation?

    That's kind of what it boils down to. Unfortunately we as voters have a limited set of choices. Vote for one, or vote for the other, or chance it on a minority party (thanks MMP!). Or if you've got some super rich mates or some mega dollars of your own, try your own campaign al la Gareth Shoot The Kitty Morgan... anyway, it's an imperfect world, work with what you've got, not with what you'd hoped for.

  3. #48
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    There's a lot of truth in Hoonicorn's clip. Some in that series may be loose with the facts but that one is largely accurate, right down to the final throw away line about jerking on desks. You'd need to be up with a successon of Aust government sexual scandels to know about that though, but it happened.

    Most Australian states have been attempting to do it right. Government ministers gave the Victorian premier grief when he locked Melbourne down, but he is in their opposition party. They praised the NSW premier who didn't lock down, 'cause the economy, and she's in their party. As someone in the US poined out the other day though, dead people don't buy pizzas.

    So when Delta arrived the NSW premier tried to repeat her earlier "success" by doing now't. Then when forced to act, by doing the minimum. We can all see how that's working out. Now she's saying we have to live with COVID, which is basically just giving up. Gladys is the epitome of useless.
    There is a grey blur, and a green blur. I try to stay on the grey one. - Joey Dunlop

  4. #49
    Join Date
    4th December 2009 - 19:45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoonicorn View Post
    To avoid catching an airborne virus, we need to wear masks. ....

    ... new information - such as COVID IS FUCKEN AIRBORNE, not just delta, the difference between Delta and the original strain is that delta in the air is better adapted to STICK in your cells and reproduce, IE: infect you. Survival of the fittest and all that.
    From what I've read since early 2020, medical authorities have always been conscious that Covid-19 could be spread via either hard surfaces or via aerosol. Though earlier papers did not appear to indicate which "route" was deemed the more dangerous (e.g. hand contact with contaminated surfaces with transmission to nose and mouth - vs - inhalation with transmission down to the lungs. Hence the advice to both (i)wash hands and (ii) mask up.

    It's only more recently that I've seen articles mentioning papers indicating a greater infection risk via inhalation of aerosol :

    This difference has probably been accentuated by the arrival of delta strain, with enhanced ease of cell entry (and quicker build-up of viral load). Quite apart from infection in the lungs being more difficult to treat and clear.

    Early documents from 2020

    Virus Persistence

    Droplet vs Aerosol Modelling

  5. #50
    Join Date
    14th June 2007 - 22:39
    Obsolete ones.
    Pigs back.
    I'm surprised to read a discussion on infection vectors.

    Like momma said, coughs and sneezes spread diseases.

    Outside of the host (us) a virus will survive if it has moisture and the temperature is neither too high or low. Same applies to PH of the moisture. To low a temp may only make the virus drowsy. The time frame of survival or infectiousness depends on the virus but they cannot survive and multiply significantly without a host.

    The flu virus was found to be still alive and therefore transmissible on a blob of mucus wiped onto the rubber handrail of an escalator in New York central station during winter, temp was 7c, for 90 minutes, the mouth piece of a public phone for slightly less time.

    The symptoms caused by viruses and bacterial infections have evolved to aid transmission.

    We can contract viruses through any moist membrane, eyes, nose, mouth, knob or wound. If you're in company, discreetly see how often the people you are with touch their face. This is a major transmission vector and virtually impossible to avoid. If you don't wash your hands thoroughly, you put yourself at risk.

    Alcohol based hand sanitisers are a bit misleading. They're ok as a quick stop gap but once the alcohol has gone, which takes seconds, then the residue which is left can actually accelerate viral or bacterial growth if you have not been thorough and cleansed like a surgeon. Between the fingers, loose skin, cuts etc.

    Do as momma said.

    Just had an afterthought about aerosol transmission. It took the doctors ages to figure out that patients were contracting Legionaires disease while in hospital from the ventilation system.
    Last edited by george formby; 12th September 2021 at 17:40. Reason: But wait...

  6. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by george formby View Post
    Like momma said, coughs and sneezes spread diseases.
    Momma is a bit out of date. Coughs and sneezes are not good but the primary source of colds and flu has been considered to be hand contact for a decade or three now. Thus coughing into your elbow. Hand contact would also be a factor in COVID. Watching the US Open this morning with very few in the packed stands wearing masks, and the victor was getting hand slapped by anyone within reach. Good luck wishes to all.
    There is a grey blur, and a green blur. I try to stay on the grey one. - Joey Dunlop

  7. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by george formby View Post
    I'm surprised to read a discussion on infection vectors.

    Like momma said, coughs and sneezes spread diseases.

    TB aerosol droplets can remain suspended in the air for up to 2 hours.
    Aerosol is the primary means to which TB is spread
    but it can be spread from surfaces provided it can be kept moist and out of sun etc etc.

    Bacteria are far larger than Virus and can replicate without a host,but if Bacteria can remain airborne for over 2 hours, just how long can a microscopic virus stay airborne?
    Virus can also piggy back on Bateria

    covid 19

    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken

  8. #53
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    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken

  9. #54
    Join Date
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    I cant help but wonder wtf you guys would do if something really serious happened right now that you had to deal with?

    Recent experience - well - it changes your perspective. Just get the bloody jab and follow the rules

  10. #55
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    Imagine where the world would be if they hadn't invented, not just one but several good vaccines.
    Don't you look at my accountant.
    He's the only one I've got.

  11. #56
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    Kb most ardent anti-vaxxer
    Had received all his childhood vaccinations, as had his siblings with no ill effects.
    Had no children of his own.
    Had vaccinated his Dog.
    Liked to beg other to suck his tiny one

    Go figure......

    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken

  12. #57
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    Given that maori / polynesians make up the bulk of the density followers, wtf is this twat trying to do to "his own people"?

    Needs them all back at work so they can keep up the contributions perhaps.
    it's not a bad thing till you throw a KLR into the mix.
    those cheap ass bitches can do anything with ductape.
    (PostalDave on ADVrider)

  13. #58
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    He is completely delusional. The belief in Dog is just the start point.
    Don't you look at my accountant.
    He's the only one I've got.

  14. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul in NZ View Post
    I cant help but wonder wtf you guys would do if something really serious happened right now that you had to deal with?

    Recent experience - well - it changes your perspective. Just get the bloody jab and follow the rules
    Most people would react appropriately, some would not. KB is mostly not very serious, it's a distraction.

    I'm just starting to encounter people who have decided they don't need the jab. One is an intelligent person, but I assume she has been reading the wrong shit on her computer. Another one last night on a Zoom meeting. His situation would suggest that his chances of surviving the virus would not be great. Zuckerberg could put a stop to much of the stupidity overnight, but he won't 'cause clicks is cash.
    There is a grey blur, and a green blur. I try to stay on the grey one. - Joey Dunlop

  15. #60
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    Actually another chap was saying he was going to wait until he needed to travel. No point you see?

    This was 3 days before this lockdown.

    I wondered about hesitancy and its ability to make people procrastinate.
    Don't you look at my accountant.
    He's the only one I've got.

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