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Thread: Horse face rules.

  1. #61
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    My older brother and partner live in the UK

    They are both fully vax

    His partner had a breakthrough infection

    He didnt get it despite caring for her. She had mild symptoms and recovered at home which is why you should get vaccinated.

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by pritch View Post
    Most people would react appropriately, some would not. KB is mostly not very serious, it's a distraction.

    I'm just starting to encounter people who have decided they don't need the jab. One is an intelligent person, but I assume she has been reading the wrong shit on her computer. Another one last night on a Zoom meeting. His situation would suggest that his chances of surviving the virus would not be great. Zuckerberg could put a stop to much of the stupidity overnight, but he won't 'cause clicks is cash.
    Cindy could make another chch call.... they made a massive deal (rightly so) overvthe death of 52 people. Yet how many people are dying due to vaccine misinformation, surely thousands if we believe the published efficiacy....
    But maybe they want us divided and arguing amongst ourselves?
    Or it could just be your garden variety govt inconsistentcies....
    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    Or it could just be your garden variety govt inconsistentcies....
    Or it could be that some people are easily led idiots, who would prefer to believe internet conspiracy theories than actual science.

    Or some people will just argue against the 'mainstream media' line, just on principle, because they're contrary pricks.

    The interesting news is that a huge proportion of people (as in almost all of them) dying from covid overseas are unvaccinated, so they're weeding themselves out of the gene pool rather effectively.
    Riding cheap crappy old bikes badly since 1987

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  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by neels View Post
    The interesting news is that a huge proportion of people (as in almost all of them) dying from covid overseas are unvaccinated, so they're weeding themselves out of the gene pool rather effectively.
    Yes - although it would be more efficient if the hospitals could refuse to treat those that have refused vaccination

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim.cox View Post
    Yes - although it would be more efficient if the hospitals could refuse to treat those that have refused vaccination
    You're crossing over into Jehova's Witness territory there. Hospitals provide care up to the level the JW will accept.
    I'd argue it's at least safer for the community at large to have covictims die within a controlled environment. Imagine dying in front of a crowd of unvaccinated family and friends who then spread it further. Harsh if family want to be there - but safer for everyone else.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grumph View Post
    You're crossing over into Jehova's Witness territory there. Hospitals provide care up to the level the JW will accept.
    I'd argue it's at least safer for the community at large to have covictims die within a controlled environment. Imagine dying in front of a crowd of unvaccinated family and friends who then spread it further. Harsh if family want to be there - but safer for everyone else.
    Hospitals in the US (and elsewhere?) when inundated send patients home untreated. This was happening early on but it's happening more now apparently.
    There ws a report yesterday of a guy who tried forty hospitals, couldn't get admitted anywhere. He died trying.

    Quote Originally Posted by neels View Post
    The interesting news is that a huge proportion of people (as in almost all of them) dying from covid overseas are unvaccinated, so they're weeding themselves out of the gene pool rather effectively.
    It strikes me as strange that it's Republican politicians who are against lockdowns, masks, vaccines, and any other counter measure. It's predominantly their voters that adopt this attitude and they are dying at a number approaching 2000 a day. Every day. Killing off your voters does seem an odd policy.
    There is a grey blur, and a green blur. I try to stay on the grey one. - Joey Dunlop

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by pritch View Post
    Hospitals in the US (and elsewhere?) when inundated send patients home untreated. This was happening early on but it's happening more now apparently.
    There ws a report yesterday of a guy who tried forty hospitals, couldn't get admitted anywhere. He died trying.

    But Free..........

    It strikes me as strange that it's Republican politicians who are against lockdowns, masks, vaccines, and any other counter measure. It's predominantly their voters that adopt this attitude and they are dying at a number approaching 2000 a day. Every day. Killing off your voters does seem an odd policy.

    I pointed this out on a US based forum - with the comment that at least the US would get a better educated voter base out of it. Took a while for that jab to be fully understood.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by pritch View Post
    It strikes me as strange that it's Republican politicians who are against lockdowns, masks, vaccines, and any other counter measure. It's predominantly their voters that adopt this attitude and they are dying at a number approaching 2000 a day. Every day. Killing off your voters does seem an odd policy.
    You say like you think it's a bad thing
    "If you can make black marks on a straight from the time you turn out of a corner until the braking point of the next turn, then you have enough power."

    Quote Originally Posted by scracha View Post
    Even BP would shy away from cleaning up a sidecar oil spill.
    Quote Originally Posted by Warren Zevon
    Send Lawyers, guns and money, the shit has hit the fan

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    Yet how many people are dying due to vaccine misinformation, surely thousands if we believe the published efficiacy....
    Currently nearly two thousand a day in the US of A.

    If we followed the British pattern of indecision making we would have some 10,000 deaths instead of less than thirty. So far so good. When the virus does hit us seriously following the opening of our borders, Darwin's law will be enacted.

    I was talking to a guy last night who has decided not to be vaccinated. For several reasons he would seem to be at high risk of serious harm from the vaccine.

    He reminded me of a social media post I'd seen the day prior by a US nurse working in one of the southern states. She was talking to a guy about vaccinations. He told her that he didn't need a vaccination, his health preconditions would mean he would be admitted to hospital as a priority. She told him that was not how it worked now. Patients arriving were assessed as to the likelyhhod of their survival, and due to the dire situation, only those most likely to survive were treated. She said that she saw in his eyes that the message had gone in.
    There is a grey blur, and a green blur. I try to stay on the grey one. - Joey Dunlop

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by pritch View Post
    Currently nearly two thousand a day in the US of A.

    If we followed the British pattern of indecision making we would have some 10,000 deaths instead of less than thirty. So far so good. When the virus does hit us seriously following the opening of our borders, Darwin's law will be enacted.

    I was talking to a guy last night who has decided not to be vaccinated. For several reasons he would seem to be at high risk of serious harm from the vaccine.

    He reminded me of a social media post I'd seen the day prior by a US nurse working in one of the southern states. She was talking to a guy about vaccinations. He told her that he didn't need a vaccination, his health preconditions would mean he would be admitted to hospital as a priority. She told him that was not how it worked now. Patients arriving were assessed as to the likelyhhod of their survival, and due to the dire situation, only those most likely to survive were treated. She said that she saw in his eyes that the message had gone in.
    Yes next year we will be hit hard for several reasons. The early adopters of the vax will have waning protection as demonstrated in the Israel situation where a large portion were vaccinated 9 months ago...
    Absent some decent booster shots we will be in a serious situation when the new vaccine passport allows free travel for many. The real worry is many early adopters were in health and the border/logistics....
    Couple that with Afern saying we materially can’t afford as a country to be doing level 4 lockdowns much longer.
    You can already see people getting complacent in the workplace sanitisation routines and social distancing... people developing false sense of security...
    Buckle up and stock your pantry/bar/toolshed season three is here soon...
    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    Yes next year we will be hit hard for several reasons. The early adopters of the vax will have waning protection as demonstrated in the Israel situation where a large portion were vaccinated 9 months ago...
    You mustn't be paying too much attention to Israel, the vaccinated there are still far better off than those who haven't
    "If you can make black marks on a straight from the time you turn out of a corner until the braking point of the next turn, then you have enough power."

    Quote Originally Posted by scracha View Post
    Even BP would shy away from cleaning up a sidecar oil spill.
    Quote Originally Posted by Warren Zevon
    Send Lawyers, guns and money, the shit has hit the fan

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    Yes next year we will be hit hard for several reasons. The early adopters of the vax will have waning protection as demonstrated in the Israel situation where a large portion were vaccinated 9 months ago...
    Absent some decent booster shots we will be in a serious situation when the new vaccine passport allows free travel for many. The real worry is many early adopters were in health and the border/logistics....
    Couple that with Afern saying we materially can’t afford as a country to be doing level 4 lockdowns much longer.
    You can already see people getting complacent in the workplace sanitisation routines and social distancing... people developing false sense of security...
    Buckle up and stock your pantry/bar/toolshed season three is here soon...

    Hard for the likes of you that kept telling us Covid was not a threat.

    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    As of Dec 4 2020

    1,298,455 Total tests

    2219 positive test results

    139 (estimated based on 6.3% in previous data of 1600/80 approx) Hospitalised

    25 dead

    WHY is it SO HARD to find the data on how many people in NZ NEEDED hospital treatment for this.
    This number has to be actively suppressed as ALL the other data comes up very EASY in searches.
    The answer is so people don’t ask WHY are we scared.
    Can you imagine a Pandemic being declared of the PM said oh by the way 93% of you that actually manage to contract the virus won’t need to go to hospital just stay home and rest.
    Nothing else matters the maths tells the story, especially post lockdown any new cases should have spread massively as everyone suddenly enjoyed a watered down form of freedom.
    And just think of all those Asymptomatic cases in the 3,800,000 people that have NOT been tested...
    There should be another 6600 odd positive cases, another 400 extra in hospital and another 75 people dead, where are they????
    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    Your odds of dying from Covid in NZ is about the same as winning Powerball....
    People dream of winning powerball, actively visit known powerball superspreader hot zones twice a week in hope of winning...

    Meanwhile about 6 times as many people die in drink drive car crashes.
    We even have mass random surveillance testing for that too, typically about 1.5-2% are ‘ infected’ with the influence of alcohol.....
    Would we tolerate say a 24hr lockdown every time you bought a beer at bar?
    Or after your night at the bar you don’t leave through the front door, a govt agent escorts you to a ‘quarantine ‘ facility which you can’t leave for 24 hrs.
    Just imagine that, we would ABSOLUTELY save 150 lives a year
    The govt will NEVER do that so why all this crap with the virus where the potential victim has a 93% chance of not even needing hospital treatment...
    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    Well it seems the MORE deadly and MORE contagious delta variant failed to deliver... just think about that, the infected person came on a flight where people would have taken masks off at times to eat and drink and all shared the same inflight tier facilities. THEN they sauntered all over a MAJOR metropolitan area and thefe was no outbreak.
    Guess that’s why an ever nastier version lambda? Starts with L has just been “ discovered”....

    Oh but we’ve locked down so quick, yes but not before the exposure events and not before all those exposed on weekends away returned to provincial centres.

    One has to wonder if the new respiratory infection in young kids is a result of the sterility of lockdown life not letting there immune systems learn properly in early development months as the age band is very low.
    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    Whoa whoa whoa, back the truck up...

    “The foundation of good science is approval by the military” LMFAO
    Good science is ANY other scientist in the world being able to reproduce your results with same methods and material.

    “I don’t want SARS or Covid in my lab” (as I can’t afford the fees to buy these patented bio warfare weapons), butvyet still managed to make and test antibodies for them????

    The Russians already developed a vaccine but the hysterical media said its dangerous and might not be safe while saying all vaccines are safe?????
    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    Bang on. That’s been the goal all along to decimate the world economy so we’re all on Chinese or Mexico level slave wages. Except of course that “lowering” wages is unpalatable so it’s done by stealth via inflation or economic disaster so people will take any job to survive.
    They were planning to do it via carbon taxes, slowly lower is in to total oppression, but they took too long and too many people were seeing the gross lies predicted 20 years ago fail to happen.
    Then they got cocky and fronted an autistic 16 year old and switched off everyone.
    So how convenient that Covid whether natural or engineered came along to fill the same goals.
    And to top it off we have race riots destroying the surviving small businesses and soon to be the food supply chain as amazon and other large centres get hit.
    The Bolsheviks would have been so jealous of us getting the people to destroy their own society.
    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    There’s two ways this pans out... the virus magically mostly disappears and we return to some form of normal rampant consumerism after being tattooed/implanted with bill gates digital ID2020 social/vaccine passport


    Or this virus turns out to be as nasty as they say it is. Then we have at least three years living under full blown communism to control spread til it naturally mutates itself out of existence as all virus strains do. This will be a major worldwide depression and everyone will be off to workcamps in exchange for food as all western economies will be crippled by the early welfare dolled out to “keep the economy going”

    One thing Is for sure either way, given the chance of a crisis govt will pass new laws and taxes to “save us”.... next election will be very interesting
    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    As of Dec 4 2020

    1,298,455 Total tests

    2219 positive test results

    139 (estimated based on 6.3% in previous data of 1600/80 approx) Hospitalised

    25 dead

    WHY is it SO HARD to find the data on how many people in NZ NEEDED hospital treatment for this.
    This number has to be actively suppressed as ALL the other data comes up very EASY in searches.
    The answer is so people don’t ask WHY are we scared.
    Can you imagine a Pandemic being declared of the PM said oh by the way 93% of you that actually manage to contract the virus won’t need to go to hospital just stay home and rest.
    Nothing else matters the maths tells the story, especially post lockdown any new cases should have spread massively as everyone suddenly enjoyed a watered down form of freedom.
    And just think of all those Asymptomatic cases in the 3,800,000 people that have NOT been tested...
    There should be another 6600 odd positive cases, another 400 extra in hospital and another 75 people dead, where are they????
    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    Well well well, our journey into communist hell continues.

    There has only been 1650 alleged cases (out of 700,000 tests!!!!) of the virus, but what has spread faster has been submission to communist control.
    Nearly 2 million have downloaded the Covid app so you can be sent to a govt “ health” camp to catch the virus if you didnt already have it.

    But yay 3 million kiwis have said no to turning their phone into govt spy device.

    Tommorow is D-day, public transport will be the barometer of how many of us have rolled belly up to mask wearing.
    Hopefully most will say screw this shit and drive their cars to work.

    You don’t have to wear a mask if it affects your physical or mental health and you do NOT need to present documents to prove this.

    Out and about it’s refreshing to see nearly No one scanning the qr code thingy.

    It’s quite clear now as the mountain of contradictions grow that it’s not about stopping the “virus”..

    Masks are for destroying social interaction and communication with strangers. You know those moments in life when some shitbag is bashing his missus and enough of you make visual contact to know you’ve got each other back and intervene.
    But with masks there will never be any Flight 93 “lets roll” moments of bravery, you’ll never know if your fellow citizen is a Karen or Stasi as you reluctantly board the blacked out train carriage...
    A cop will never see your friendly smile, never know you like them and not let you off that minor stop sign indescretion...
    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    We could have a few months of level four lockdown as well, that’s just as painful as doing 99 but would save even more lives.
    We need a sensible balance and the previous status quo was it.
    Police Comms is going to be jammed with Karen’s reporting people overtaking at 110 in 100 zone.
    Poor cops are going to be even more alienated on top of this other antifa/BLM drama...

    I’m predicting a rise in the road toll for the next two years. The covid apocalypse means a mere sneeze could see you die alone in a govt death camp so people are going to YOLO and live every day like it’s your last.
    I went on a ride yesterday that was normally outside my own yes/no safety checks. Slightly tired from night shift, high winds and other factors.
    But I went because I might wake up tommorow to find the country wrecked with another lockdown.
    I’ve been riding lots more than normal which increases my risk exposure and sure others doung same.
    Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
    I reminder distinctly .

    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kickaha View Post
    You mustn't be paying too much attention to Israel, the vaccinated there are still far better off than those who haven't
    Yes of course merely illustrating we are entering a time of a false sense of security... there’s about to be travel opened up along with large concerts etc. Overseas countries have exposed all of their weak people already where as here technically very few have been exposed to even the original virus. We will be soley reliant but on the vax working properly. Interesting times..,,
    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

  14. #74
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    Apparently Idaho had a renowned epidemiologist but he wouldn't follow the party line, he talked sense. He was sacked and replaced by an unqualified guy who was opposed to masks and vaccinations. He recommended vitamin K and Ivermectin. Idaho has now announced a medical emergency, the hospitals are almost at 100% capacity and all treatments and surgeries except COVID have been postponed.

    I seem to recall reading that Tennessee now has the most cases. They must be going some to beat Texas and Florida or the other broke arsed southern states.

    The Lincoln Project has but this out about Texas. Impressive numbers.
    There is a grey blur, and a green blur. I try to stay on the grey one. - Joey Dunlop

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    . We will be soley reliant but on the vax working properly. Interesting times..,,
    Odd you already suggested what the cure is hydroxychloroquine.

    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    The media are tripping over themselves trying to solve the mystery of why Africans aren't dying from covid as badly as the west.
    Africans routinely take a cheap safe anti malaria drug invented in n 1960's called hydroxychloroquine....
    Scooby Doo would solve that puzzle faster
    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    If you widened your reading circle to sources outside the mainstream media machine you’ll find plenty of independant sources were saying hey we experimented with this and had some success.
    Hydroxyclhoriquine has been around since 60’s been used years officially as anti malaria drug and its super cheap.
    This statement has been fact checked and found to be true.
    Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
    I reminder distinctly .

    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken

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