1971-Light hearted TV
western Alias Smith and Jones
premieres on ABC
1971-Light hearted TV
western Alias Smith and Jones
premieres on ABC
21 January 2025 - America succumbed to fascism and folly in its ruling billionaire class. The downtrodden populace finally saw sense and took up arms. This is widely seen as the beginning of the troubles that, once the rich had been eaten, led to the liberal communist utopia that allowed the development of warp drive and trans-galactic civilisation.
I thought elections were decided by angry posts on social media. - F5 Dave
bite down on that sonofabitch
I thought elections were decided by angry posts on social media. - F5 Dave
2005-Donald Trump, 58, and
Melania Knauss, 34, marry in
Palm Beach, Florida.
1975-US police comedy
series Barney Miller, with
Hal Linden and Rob Glass,
premieres on ABC
1983+Swede Bjorn Borg,26,
announces his retirement from
top-level tennis after winning
five Wimbledon and six French
Open titles.
1983-The A-Team with Mr.T,
Dirk Benedict and George
Peppard debuts on NBC.
2018-Musician Neil Diamond
retires, the day before his 77th
birthday, after being
diagnosed with Parkinson's
1940-The movie The Grapes
Of Wrath, based on John
Steinbeck's novel of the same
name and starring Henry
Fonda, is released.
1924-The first Winter
Olympic Games open in
Chamonix, France.
1998-Spice Girl Victoria
Beckham and footballer David
Beckham announce their
2017-US actor Mary Tyler
Moore dies, aged 80, of
cardiac arrest and, on the
same day, beloved English
actor John Hurt dies, aged 77
of cancer.
1967-A fire in the Apollo 1
Command Module kills US
astronaut Gus Grissom, Ed,
White and Roger B.Chaffer
during a launch rehearsal.
1984-During filming for a
Pepsi commercial in a studio in
California, Michael Jackson's
head is engulfed in flames,
leaving him with second and
third-degree burns
1833-Jane Austen's Pride
And Prejudice is published in
the United kingdom.
1982-Actor Rhea Perlman, 33
and Danny Devito, 37
marry in Beverley Hills.
1985-Charity single We Are
The World, written by Michael
Jackson and Lionel Richie is
recorded by the Supergroup
USA For Africa.
1951-US actor Elizabeth
Taylor divorces for the first
time, as her marriage to hotel
heir Conrad Hilton Jr ends.
1964-The movie Dr
Strangelove, directed by
Stanley Kubrick and starring
Peter Sellers and George C. Scott,
2004-New Zealand author
Janet Frame, 79 dies in
Dunedin of leukemia.
1948-Mahatma Gandhi, the
Indian independence activist
who advocated non-violent
resistance is assassinated.
He was 78.
1969-The Beatles perform
their last live gig, a 42 minute
concert on the roof of Apple
Corps GQ in London.
1956-English author A.A.
Milne, who wrote the Winne-the-Pooh
books, dies aged 74.Four years earlier,
he had a stroke and brain surgery, which
left him confined to a wheelchair.
2020-The United kingdom
formally withdrawn from the
European Union ( Brexit ).
1988& Heather O'Rourke, who
started in the Poltergeist horror
movies, dies of an intestinal aliment,
aged 12.
2013-New Zealand broadcaster Paul
Holmes dies, aged 62, of prostate
cancer and heart problems.
1901-Queen Victoria's funeral
takes place in St George's
Chapel, Windsor Castle.She
had died on January 22.
1973-Cricket all-rounder
Richard Hadley makes his
test debut for New Zealand
in the drawn first test against
Pakistan in Wellington.
2014-US actor Philip
Seymour Hoffman dies, aged
46, of a suspected drug
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