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Thread: Restoring faded black plastics, any recommendations?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    15th October 2009 - 17:33
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    Restoring faded black plastics, any recommendations?

    My bike has spent most of its life exposed to the elements, to the point where the switchgear, black panels, panniers etc have all faded to a much lighter shade of grey. I might be in a position to sell the bike soonish so hoping there might be a magic way of wiping away all the years of neglect.

    Any simple product recommendations for restoring them? Don't think I'd trust myself with a heat gun, for example.

    Also when all the little symbols on the switches are almost gone, that's it right? They look as though they're painted on so wouldn't be restore-able.
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  2. #2
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    Armourall is pretty good on soft stuff. Bumper black for the rest.

    Paint on a toothpick then wipe before you try above on switchgear. Experiment with wiping techniques with something engraved. Enamel Humbrol like from Toyworld.
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  3. #3
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    There are a few different products intended for black plastic bumpers which would probably work on the faded plastics, at least for long enough for them to look pretty when you sell it, anyone buying is probably going to realise it won't stay that shiny without some help in the future. I've got some CRC stuff for car trim that works well on black plastic wheel arches.

    The car sales mentality seems to be to drown everything with silicone spray, but that's a bit obvious and messy, and very temporary. And collects dust like a bastard.

    For repainting the markings you need to find someone who paints war gaming models, they're good at really fiddly shit that needs a steady hand with a single bristle brush.
    Riding cheap crappy old bikes badly since 1987

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  4. #4
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    Nah. You paint it on and wipe it off. Practice. It really does get in, Mrs Marsh.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by neels View Post
    For repainting the markings you need to find someone who paints war gaming models, they're good at really fiddly shit that needs a steady hand with a single bristle brush.
    Sigh that was me back in the day, no way my hand would be steady enough to paint these though – maybe someone from the Repair Shop?

    Quote Originally Posted by F5 Dave View Post
    Nah. You paint it on and wipe it off. Practice. It really does get in, Mrs Marsh.
    Unfortunately Honda haven't moulded the symbols into the switches at all (no wonder they're wearing off), looks like some kind of decal or maybe originally airbrushed through a tiny stencil?
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  6. #6
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    Ah then if that's the they are screen printed on so onto Plan B.
    Yer fuk'd.
    Not much if a plan I'll agree, but sometimes you have to make the most of what you have.
    By giving up.
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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Not sure with the black, but a heat gun occasionally helps with the other colour plastics with stuff like lines from bends etc.

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  8. #8
    Join Date
    29th July 2020 - 20:26
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    A recommendation for a product that is a step up from Armorall is called "Black Inner Fairing and trim rejuvenator" by Harley Davidson.
    Yes, really!
    I bought some from the Auckland harley shop for the same purpose as you on the recommendation of a friend who is a fanatical car detailer.

    Think it was about forty dollars with shipping included for a 275ml bottle with a little flip top nozzle.
    Expect to see something like the consistency of black toothpaste.

    Good luck.

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