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Thread: ACC - Here we go again

  1. #91
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    4th October 2008 - 16:35
    Quote Originally Posted by SaferRides View Post
    Many of these activities, including breath testing, pretty much stopped during covid, and haven't started again with other police work being a higher priority.

    A friend leaves his rego on hold for 9 months at a time. He's never been ticketed in maybe 20 years.

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    I have a friend who is the same .

  2. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by rastuscat View Post
    Really interesting correlation with chaos theory, Vietnam. When nobody has an expectation of the actions of other road users, they ride with less expectation, and more care…
    Do the every-person-for-themselves countries have comparable road tolls to ours? The data might be hard for them to collect I guess.
    Moe: Well, I'm better than dirt. Well, most kinds of dirt. I mean not that fancy store bought dirt. That stuffs loaded with nutrients. I...I can't compete with that stuff.
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  3. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaferRides View Post
    How do you know whether any gauge is accurate without a traceable calibration certificate?

    They are all different brands and read within 0.5 psi. That's good enough for me.

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    Dare I say it the likely piezo transducer used to turn a pressure reading into a voltage are probably mass produced by probably a single manufacturer. And likely ditto for what’s probably an off the shelf surface mount chip that does the maths.

    Anything calibrated whether it’s a tyre gauge or a micrometer it’s only accurate till the first time it’s dropped on garage floor.
    Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket - Eric Hoffer

  4. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by rastuscat View Post
    Really interesting correlation with chaos theory, Vietnam. When nobody has an expectation of the actions of other road users, they ride with less expectation, and more care.

    North Vietnam is quite a few years behind the south, economically. Thank the war for that. In the North, there are still more bikes and motorbikes
    There’s a new metric to consider though, growing up in an era of guerilla warfare alongside foreign invasion. Where never mind traffic crashes, your survival is dependant on spotting mines/booby traps or govt agents and having to make instant decisions that will impact on your survival. Perhaps war culls all the slower thinkers(and sadly some of the better minds too).

    Given all the last few decades of experimental implementation of democracy via airmail it would be interesting to see road safety stats pre and post invasion around the world.
    Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket - Eric Hoffer

  5. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by nerrrd View Post
    Do the every-person-for-themselves countries have comparable road tolls to ours? The data might be hard for them to collect I guess.
    No. They are far worse. I have been working on a number of road safety projects in Vietnam over the last few years and the numbers are terrible. I came to the conclusion that in NZ we have pretty much got as far as we can go with road safety while keeping the general population on side while in Vietnam and many other countries low cost improvements can make huge improvements. Much more satisfying working over there where you can actually see the results in front of your own eyes.

    Check out this list of countries.

    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    Perhaps war culls all the slower thinkers(and sadly some of the better minds too).
    Much like motorbikes in that respect.

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Berries View Post
    No. They are far worse. I have been working on a number of road safety projects in Vietnam over the last few years and the numbers are terrible. I came to the conclusion that in NZ we have pretty much got as far as we can go with road safety while keeping the general population on side while in Vietnam and many other countries low cost improvements can make huge improvements. Much more satisfying working over there where you can actually see the results in front of your own eyes.

    Check out this list of countries.

    Much like motorbikes in that respect.
    so road to zero, Veitnam?

  7. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by nerrrd View Post
    Do the every-person-for-themselves countries have comparable road tolls to ours? The data might be hard for them to collect I guess.
    When I was first in Thailand, they didn't even attend fatal crashes. People crashed, ambulances might arrive, maybe not. People sorted themselves out.

    So the country had no real idea how many people were being killed on the roads. Even now, the number they give is a best estimate.

    What gets measured gets done. You can't properly address a problem you don't measure.

  8. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    There’s a new metric to consider though, growing up in an era of guerilla warfare alongside foreign invasion. Where never mind traffic crashes, your survival is dependant on spotting mines/booby traps or govt agents and having to make instant decisions that will impact on your survival. Perhaps war culls all the slower thinkers(and sadly some of the better minds too).
    Sean Flynn and Dana Stone might agree. Except they can't. Perhaps unwisely they went for a motorbike ride. They never returned.
    There is a grey blur, and a green blur. I try to stay on the grey one. - Joey Dunlop

  9. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by jellywrestler View Post
    so road to zero, Veitnam?
    No chance there like no chance here.

    it is dangerous moving forward. Did anyone know that Genghis Kahn died from a fall from a horse? Or William the Conqueror. As did the great Saladin's father, Robert the Bruce's daughter and the original bobby himself Sir Robert Peel. Even Superman was paralysed by a horse. Bet none of them were exceeding 30km/h.

  10. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Berries View Post
    No chance there like no chance here.

    it is dangerous moving forward. Did anyone know that Genghis Kahn died from a fall from a horse? Or William the Conqueror. As did the great Saladin's father, Robert the Bruce's daughter and the original bobby himself Sir Robert Peel. Even Superman was paralysed by a horse. Bet none of them were exceeding 30km/h.
    Weren't there a couple of deaths from falls on ice recently in the news? When I see one of my neighbours riding his electric scooter at 40kph in rush hour traffic with his shaved head glinting in the sun, it does makes me wonder how he gets away with it...but he does seem to.
    Moe: Well, I'm better than dirt. Well, most kinds of dirt. I mean not that fancy store bought dirt. That stuffs loaded with nutrients. I...I can't compete with that stuff.
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  11. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by Berries View Post
    Did anyone know that Genghis Kahn died from a fall from a horse? Or William the Conqueror. As did the great Saladin's father, Robert the Bruce's daughter and the original bobby himself Sir Robert Peel. Even Superman was paralysed by a horse. Bet none of them were exceeding 30km/h.
    Quote Originally Posted by nerrrd View Post
    Weren't there a couple of deaths from falls on ice recently in the news? When I see one of my neighbours riding his electric scooter at 40kph in rush hour traffic with his shaved head glinting in the sun, it does makes me wonder how he gets away with it...but he does seem to.
    Falling is just another way of moving at speed to a sudden stop.

    If I remember correctly acceleration due to gravity is 10m/s/s, so in simple terms if it takes your head 1/2 second to get from it's normal height to ice it's doing 18km/h when it stops, add more height from a horse and you add more speed, at which point force = mass x acceleration. As these cases have demonstrated, enough force to break things in your brain.

    Electric scooter with no helmet is a great way to decelerate your head very quickly to 0km/h against the side of a car.
    Riding cheap crappy old bikes badly since 1987

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  12. #102
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    I drove around a blind corner at the weekend to find a Lime scooter on my side of the road coming straight for me. No helmet of course.

    Then last night someone at a stop sign turned right as I was going straight ahead. It's scary out there sometimes!

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  13. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by Berries View Post
    Interesting to read the difference between the number of road deaths per 100000 population in Australia and NZ. They have a population 5x ours, much greater distances between 'here and there' in rural Australia and much denser traffic in urban areas and yet they have a much lower road death rate per 100000 people. Why? What are they doing that we aren't?

    I'm going to suggest that Australian authorities have embraced the second E of the three Es to lower road deaths. For those wondering, second E = enforcement.

    Their whole approach to road rules enforcement is 'in your face' almost. Speed through a road works zone, limit 40km/h, and the excess speed is doubled and you are fined by that amount plus get demerit points. There are both highly visible traffic patrol vehicles and plain vehicles, plus the everyday police also act on driving issues.

    Perhaps the Minister could forget about fancy roads and focus on spending big money on a traffic police force in this country.

    How much it would lower the road death rate per 100000 I don't know, but I do suspect that the general standard of driving would improve.

  14. #104
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    We live in a country full of squiggles and they don't.
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  15. #105
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    Any insurance underwriters out there? I wonder how much private health insurance would cost if you had the option of forgoing ACC, especially if you have multiple bikes.
    I have health insurnace, even though we supposedly have state funded health care, because I want to be treated before I die.
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