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I ain't doing no ride forever course !!!
About twelve years back I attended a course to support the local Honda dealer who was supplying all his staff to assist with the running of the course. The guy who was running the course was very "my way or the highway" though and he upset the dealer so he wasn't going to get any Honda staff in future.
The course kicked off with the main man telling us all how extraordinarily qualified he was to manage this event. He went on and on and on. And on some more. I was thinking that's OK if he knows what he doing and he's allowed time for this. Then he explained that we were now running late so we would not be having the emergency braking part of the course. Wanker!
After the theory and some slow pace stuff around a kart track when he would shout criticism and instructions as you circulated, none of which was audible to the rider. We went for a ride on the road. We were doing a very sedate and boring 80kph yet two riders somehow managed to bin it.
The road ride ended at a pub, a strange choice perhaps as some of these people couldn't stay upright sober. We were given a cleaning cloth and some visor demister but apart from that the day was a farcical waste of time.
There is a grey blur, and a green blur. I try to stay on the grey one. - Joey Dunlop