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Thread: ACC - Here we go again

  1. #1
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    ACC - Here we go again


    ACC to raise levies

    So I had a look at the ACC website to see how much they wanted to sting us this time round and I found out that it is motorcycle awareness month. Cool.

    Also found this nugget -

    In 2023, we accepted 4,487 motorbike-related injuries at a cost of $133 million to help recover. This was the highest number of injuries and the highest cost in the past five years.

    Time to strap in again. Or on, to be inclusive.

  2. #2
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    There are a couple of bits in there that are interesting....

    The motor vehicle levy, which averages $113.94 per vehicle each year - is less than the total rego cost for a car, would be interesting to see more of a breakdown on who is paying what to get the average to that level

    The restructure was part of a $700m overhaul of ACC's systems that was meant to produce $438m in cost savings by 2030. - spending money to save less money than you're spending?

    Unless something has changed significantly from the 2023 annual report the Motor Vehicle account appears to be in good health with $14b in assets producing $900m of income and a $578m surplus, so at face value not much justification for any increase of motor vehicle levies....
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Motor vehicle account.jpg 
Views:	48 
Size:	91.5 KB 
ID:	354978
    Riding cheap crappy old bikes badly since 1987

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  3. #3
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    In 2013/14, the earners' levy was $1.70 per $100 earned (22.3 percent higher than today), the work levy was $1.15 per $100 of payroll (82.5 percent higher), and the average motor vehicle levy was $330.68 (190 percent higher).
    Anyone know why the average motor vehicle levy has been lowered so much since then (in the same article the current average is $113.94)?
    Moe: Well, I'm better than dirt. Well, most kinds of dirt. I mean not that fancy store bought dirt. That stuffs loaded with nutrients. I...I can't compete with that stuff.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Berries View Post

    ACC to raise levies

    So I had a look at the ACC website to see how much they wanted to sting us this time round and I found out that it is motorcycle awareness month. Cool.

    Also found this nugget -

    In 2023, we accepted 4,487 motorbike-related injuries at a cost of $133 million to help recover. This was the highest number of injuries and the highest cost in the past five years.

    Time to strap in again. Or on, to be inclusive.
    That article in the ODT (by RNZ) is unbelievable.

    "It recently had to ditch part of a $74 million restructure that had removed personal case managers for clients, because the new system wasn't working.

    The restructure was part of a $700m overhaul of ACC's systems that was meant to produce $438m in cost savings by 2030.

    The 2022 review found there was a "high degree of uncertainty" over whether those forecast benefits would be achieved."

    If this is typical of the performance of ACC, no wonder they need us all to pay more.

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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by rastuscat View Post

    Interesting. My guess is a higher proportion of bikes going on hold.
    I’d wager that the Honda NC750X is almost exclusively responsible for the lower cost and claim frequency in the 601-750cc category .
    Moe: Well, I'm better than dirt. Well, most kinds of dirt. I mean not that fancy store bought dirt. That stuffs loaded with nutrients. I...I can't compete with that stuff.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by nerrrd View Post
    I’d wager that the Honda NC750X is almost exclusively responsible for the lower cost and claim frequency in the 601-750cc category .
    They would be better off taking make and model into consideration rather than a simple engine size category but that would be way too much like actual risk profiling which is something the wankers just won't do. Yeah, lump me in with an uninsured twice banned rider with a zero alcohol licence and a history of ACC claims.

    And once again, consultation will be a complete and utter waste of time and effort.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by rastuscat View Post

    Interesting. My guess is a higher proportion of bikes going on hold.
    Or going on hold for longer.

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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaferRides View Post
    Or going on hold for longer.

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    pretty much everyone i know with a bike has them on hold over winter and just takes them off for the summer period

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Berries View Post
    They would be better off taking make and model into consideration rather than a simple engine size category but that would be way too much like actual risk profiling which is something the wankers just won't do. Yeah, lump me in with an uninsured twice banned rider with a zero alcohol licence and a history of ACC claims.

    And once again, consultation will be a complete and utter waste of time and effort.
    As the owner of a litre sports bike, not sure I'd support that!

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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaferRides View Post
    As the owner of a litre sports bike, not sure I'd support that!

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    And there's the conundrum. Some will think it's better, as it costs them less. Others will dislike it, because it costs them more.

    When ultimately, the societal need is for things to be paid for. It's how we pay for things that causes debate. Inequity and unfairness, real or perceived, is what causes the angst.

    And here we are.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaferRides View Post
    Or going on hold for longer.

    Sent from my SM-S906E using Tapatalk
    Or not coming off hold at all. Ride the thing and take a chance on being stopped. Make sure the bike is warranted and safe and dont ride like twat to avoid attention. Penalty for unreg bike is a lot less than reg cost.
    it's not a bad thing till you throw a KLR into the mix.
    those cheap ass bitches can do anything with ductape.
    (PostalDave on ADVrider)

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaferRides View Post
    As the owner of a litre sports bike, not sure I'd support that!
    I have the same. I just get thoroughly pissed off paying through the nose for arseholes on any size bike that contribute to the statistics. All well and good them posting the engine size breakdowns vs claims on their website but that tells us basically nothing.

    What about bike type?
    Rider experience?
    Riding currency?
    Claim history?
    Licence history?
    Weight of chrome?

    ACC has its place but IMO it does not work for motor vehicles. Jumping from an RF900 to a CBR600RRRRRR hardly lowers the risk profile which is what they imply. Sold my 2016 non-ABS GSXR750 a few years ago and now they are going to lower the levy by nearly 15 percent. Yeah, that makes perfect sense if you are concerned about injury prevention. My issue is that bike engine size is not an ideal determinant for likelihood of making an ACC claim.

    Don't start me on cars. How does my Nissan Skyline GTR Mugen Duff Duff Gazoo GTI have the same ACC levy component as my Daewoo Snugglebug?

    I have previously done research into make, model and engine size when it comes to motorcycle involvement, posted on here at various times over the years. I think I might have to update it, not that it will make a difference. Consultation is just a sham.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by pete376403 View Post
    Or not coming off hold at all. Ride the thing and take a chance on being stopped. Make sure the bike is warranted and safe and dont ride like twat to avoid attention. Penalty for unreg bike is a lot less than reg cost.
    whatever did happen to the ANPR hit squad that was around checking this stuff, they had a van a set of cops to pull you up and another set with road spikes????

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by jellywrestler View Post
    whatever did happen to the ANPR hit squad that was around checking this stuff, they had a van a set of cops to pull you up and another set with road spikes????
    Many of these activities, including breath testing, pretty much stopped during covid, and haven't started again with other police work being a higher priority.

    A friend leaves his rego on hold for 9 months at a time. He's never been ticketed in maybe 20 years.

    Sent from my SM-S906E using Tapatalk

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