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Thread: The Dogcati

  1. #91
    Join Date
    25th March 2004 - 17:22
    RZ496/Street 765RS/GasGas/ etc etc
    Wellington. . ok the hutt
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    I built mine about a decade before his but the mincer I used to do the welding of the barrel and cases just kept trying to fix his mistakes and the aluminum was separated from the steel liner. It was a brand new nos barrel I'd got for $85, but it was irreplaceable. Felt so despondent I wheeled it under the house for many years. When I first built it it was a generation ahead of anything else out there yet to an old school bucket budget.

    I think his had a tiny carb on it.
    Don't you look at my accountant.
    He's the only one I've got.

  2. #92
    Join Date
    20th January 2010 - 14:41
    The Wild Wild West
    Care package arrived from Andy at Ducatispares

    Seals for front and rear calipers and Master Cylinders.
    I already had a new std style front lever and some new reservoirs
    Cam Belts
    14T Sprocket as they only put a 15T on them to pass the drive by noise test.
    When the chain on it gets worn I will do 520 chain conversion.

    Engine breather is Alloy as the plastic ones tend to break.

    Oil filter
    Air filter (SR4)
    Quick action Throttle
    New Throttle cable. as the Dogcati currently has a twin cable very slow action one of a Carby Monster.
    Bar grips.

    New oil pressure sender as these can let go releasing all the oil in the process. (in time I intend to run a braided line frome the sender to the cams as this gets oil quicker to the fragile rockers.
    Plus arrived quick all at bloody decent prices.

    Andy also found a SR4/s2r airbox lid for me
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    One weird thing with the Airbox lid above.
    It looks like some sort resonant chamber or an intake silencer baffle
    any ideas?
    (I have lite it it from underneath hence the light at the end)

    Click image for larger version. 

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    Hes also found me a moth eaten ratty ST4 tank I am intending to chop up into a dummy tank

    I mocked up some Daytona rear sets off my old bucket but the original bracket places the pegs a touch too far forward..
    So I will need to find some alloy plate.
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    I have also had a bit of a poke around and I think I can directly substitute the later coil on plug set up in place of the std coil packs
    That way I might be able to tidy up some of the massive rat's nest of wiring.

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    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken

  3. #93
    Join Date
    8th November 2005 - 12:25
    Aprillia RSV1000R 92 KX500
    Waverley, kind off
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    Great work mate, enjoying seeing what you are doing with this machine

  4. #94
    Join Date
    20th January 2010 - 14:41
    The Wild Wild West
    Quote Originally Posted by sugilite View Post
    Great work mate, enjoying seeing what you are doing with this machine
    Thanks, its never work when its enjoyable, Hopefully in the next few weeks the bodywork will be ready.
    I am going for a more retro look.

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    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken

  5. #95
    Join Date
    30th January 2017 - 15:02
    2022 Harley Davidson Ultra Limited FLHTK
    I can't reply to your message, your inbox must be full. This is the bike I'll be using in the hill climb and sprints at the Burt. Unsure of year all I know is its pre 89. Bike belongs to Butch Woods, he bought it as a parts bike and decided it was too good to wreck. He did nothing with it for more than a year and then he decided to let me give it a run at the Southern Classic last Nov. He enjoyed seeing it run after we sorted a couple of comical issues which I'll share with you in person, and is keen for me to keep racing it. It's an ex Andy from Ducatis Spares bike and used to be owned/raced by a guy called Gary who loved running at the back of the pack.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  6. #96
    Join Date
    4th November 2003 - 13:00
    BSA A10
    Quote Originally Posted by Hairymcsweary View Post
    I can't reply to your message, your inbox must be full..
    It Is, I get a message saying it's reached its limit
    "If you can make black marks on a straight from the time you turn out of a corner until the braking point of the next turn, then you have enough power."

    Quote Originally Posted by scracha View Post
    Even BP would shy away from cleaning up a sidecar oil spill.
    Quote Originally Posted by Warren Zevon
    Send Lawyers, guns and money, the shit has hit the fan

  7. #97
    Join Date
    20th January 2010 - 14:41
    The Wild Wild West
    Quote Originally Posted by Hairymcsweary View Post
    I can't reply to your message, your inbox must be full. This is the bike I'll be using in the hill climb and sprints at the Burt. Unsure of year all I know is its pre 89. Bike belongs to Butch Woods, he bought it as a parts bike and decided it was too good to wreck. He did nothing with it for more than a year and then he decided to let me give it a run at the Southern Classic last Nov. He enjoyed seeing it run after we sorted a couple of comical issues which I'll share with you in person, and is keen for me to keep racing it. It's an ex Andy from Ducatis Spares bike and used to be owned/raced by a guy called Gary who loved running at the back of the pack.
    Butch can be pretty entertaining at prize givings.
    Pre 89 is such a cool class.

    re the box i had emptied it the other day but yeah it might be full.
    Ducatis are a cool bike and they are what I feel is a "formula kit bike" what you do is well known to get them faster or handle better lots of parts can be improved or swapped and knowledge is freely available plus you can do a bit as you go and as budget allows. Also of course for a 4t the sound can be glorious.
    I am glad glad the pre 89 rules allow a slipper clutch, those pre 82 ones don't .Although raising the idle can help.

    oh yeah did nothing on the Dogcati.

    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken

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