After some googling at lunch I decided to go with a S4r airbox, its ordered and on its way.
Andy at Ducati spares had one and it will be here before the end of the week.
this should fit (I hope) if it doesn't well I might have to use a Monster frame.
early monster frames and st4 are similar to the 851/888 but different with how he subframe the and the steering head are braced. (Plus the rear suspension)
That said It is a lot better shape and It has a bigger volume more aesthetic shape.
The filter size goes up from 210mmx210mm to 217mmx278mm so that's abox 25% larger so the box is at least that is not more bigger.
Plus it doesn't effectively block off the air entry into the Bellmouth with a lip a few mm above.
some pics here I want I intend to do plus the pics of the st4 vs S4R airbox
With the std st4 for instance below the front intake is not even under the air filter as it stops short of there, it has a ledge about 40mm high to the top of the box.
look below and you will see what I mean.
Oh i can already hear the wtf why go to the trouble do this, but anyone familiar with this era Ducatis will know they have shithouse airbox's and like Harleys of the area they used The airbox to control the noise.
The std intake with the top off is good for 118 with better ex and the cams dialled, but I want 145 HP and 145kg
I have a early 2001 Husaberg which breathes right next to your nuts ,Intake noise can be intoxicating.
At this stage I am not sure if I are going to cut the top off and run the std filter or do the snorkels into the side like the 998 or what ever it is in the pics with another cold air intake through the top like a std S4r.
All i know its bigger , in this but not all cases bigger is better and I have not seen a thread when I searched where someone has done it.
pics to follow...