Join us riding from Los Angeles along the Pacific Coast up into Canada for the best of. Sea to the Sky, Icefields Highway and the number 1 going to the Sun, over the Rockies to Montana. Nice cruise along Lolo Pass enroute to Beartooth,
4 nights at the 85th Annivesary at Sturgis riding the Black Hills then 12 days riding the Best in the West including best of Route 66 on our way to fun and laughs in Las Vegas for 3 nights.
Several options on 18th ride to Sturgis ,and unbeatable costs. Example 25 days riding a late model HD with Zero Excess Insurance included two singles or two couples from $18259.00 per bike. Includes a late model HD with Insurance , excellent accom with option to tent or Hotel at Sturgis.
We have tented past 2 years, 5 minutes to all the bars and bikes and no worries riding back and a big big cost saver. Several time options to suit your needs from 24 days to 43 days.
Check out ken@kiwi ken