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Thread: What's your sickest joke?

  1. #1501
    Join Date
    21st June 2016 - 08:52
    1976 Honda 125

    Sick Text Jokes

    Aretha Franklin reaches
    the pearly gates and
    sees George Michael
    standing there."I knew
    you were waiting for
    me." She said.

    Aretha Franklin and
    Elton John.One's the
    Queen of soul the other
    the Queen of arsehole.

    Have you noticed how
    many F1 drivers have
    names linked to
    scottish towns?
    Stirling Moss,Lewis
    Irvine....AYR Town

    In Jamaica you can
    get a steak and kidney
    pie for $1.75,a
    chicken and mushroom
    pie for $1.60 and an
    apple pie for $2.15.In
    St Kitts and Nevis a
    steak and kidney pie
    will cost you $2 a
    chicken pie ( without mushroom }
    is $1.70 and a cherry pie can
    be yours for $1.95.In
    Trinidad and Tobago,
    that steak and kidney
    pie comes in at $2.50,
    but you can get two for
    $3.50,while the
    chicken and mushroom
    pie is $2.25.They also
    offer meat and potato
    pie for $2,or two for
    $3.Their apple pies
    and cherry pie are
    often sold for $2.75,
    or two ( any combination ) for
    $4.75.Those are the
    pie Rates of the

    It used to be called
    But they renamed it
    "meth" so it's easier
    to say when you have
    no front teeth.

    My girlfriend
    moaned,"I had to
    walk home in the rain
    and now I'm really
    wet." "You get turned
    on by the weirdest
    shit." I replied.

  2. #1502
    Join Date
    20th January 2010 - 14:41
    The Wild Wild West
    It turns out a major new study recently found that humans eat more bananas than monkeys.
    I can't remember the last time I ate a monkey.

    A guy picks up a girl in a bar, brings her home, and they start getting it on. He starts sucking on one of her tits and milk comes out.
    He says, "Hey, are you pregnant?"
    She says, "That wasn't a nipple, that was a boil."

    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken

  3. #1503
    Join Date
    21st June 2016 - 08:52
    1976 Honda 125

    Smile Sick Text Jokes

    Sufflok police
    comfirmed that a man
    who fell into a
    trying to steal it....has
    been bailed!!

    I got home from work
    and my wife was
    stark naked with her
    legs wide open.She
    smiled at me and said,
    "I' m just preparing
    dinner." "Fuck me."
    I replied,"How many
    are coming?"

    "Women are the
    stronger sex." say
    the gender that cries
    lots and can't open

    Stevie Wonder
    apparently went to
    see Aretha Franklin
    just before she
    passed....I very much
    doubt it....

    The name"s
    Bond..Bail bond.

    Looking forward to
    the next Bond movie.
    "The Man With The
    Stolen Gun."

    I'm all for a black man
    playing a
    sophisticated upper
    class English spy...As
    long they're prepared
    to do the equivalent
    and cast Colin Firth as
    the lead character in a
    Mike Tyson biopic.

  4. #1504
    Join Date
    3rd February 2004 - 08:11
    1982 Suzuki GS1100GK, 2008 KLR650
    Wallaceville, Upper hutt
    Blog Entries
    baby seal walks into a bar.
    "what will you have?" asks the barman.
    "Anything but a Canadian Club"
    it's not a bad thing till you throw a KLR into the mix.
    those cheap ass bitches can do anything with ductape.
    (PostalDave on ADVrider)

  5. #1505
    Join Date
    21st June 2016 - 08:52
    1976 Honda 125

    Smile Sick Text Jokes

    Foreign Aid:
    People in a rich
    country sending
    money to rich people
    in a poor country.

    Jamie Oliver has
    apologised for any
    offence caused by his
    Jerk Rice and has
    renamed it Nigger
    Rice....its quite thick
    but quite easy to stick
    a knife into it.

  6. #1506
    Join Date
    21st June 2016 - 08:52
    1976 Honda 125

    Smile Sick Text Jokes

    "Barely legal"
    Because "almost underage"
    Sounds a bit creepy.

    I played football for
    the first time yesterday,after
    a long lay off with health
    issues.I heard someone in
    the crowd shout,"You're still
    got it mate!"
    Unfortunately,it was
    my doctor with my
    latest test results.

    My dystexa is getting whores.

    Remember when plastic surgery was
    a taboo subject? Now you mention
    Botox and nobody raises an eyebrow.

    Took this hot girl
    back to mine earlier
    and,after a couple
    of drinks,she was
    laughing away at my
    banter and my witty
    one-liners."I love a
    good laugh" she
    said.."it really gets
    me going if you
    know what I mean"
    "I'm the same" I
    said...."in fact...let me
    show you this really
    funny joke site I's hilarious"
    Anyway..long story
    short..she fucked off
    in a taxi and I'm back
    to the wanking.

  7. #1507
    Join Date
    21st June 2016 - 08:52
    1976 Honda 125

    Smile Sick Text Jokes

    The pope was in
    Liverpool last week
    curing the sick and
    healing the masses
    and all those pope
    type things he does.
    Anyway,little scouse
    Johnny comes up to
    him and says,"Please
    Mr pope,can you
    help me with my
    hearing?" The pope
    then placed his hands
    over the lads ears and
    blessed him."Well
    that's all well and
    good." said Johnny.
    "But my hearings not
    till next thursday."

    Vain Brazlian
    homosexual and plastic
    surgery nut,Rodrigo
    Alves left Celebrity
    Big Brother because of
    a meltdown.He
    must've set his
    hairdryer too high.

  8. #1508
    Join Date
    21st June 2016 - 08:52
    1976 Honda 125

    Smile Sick Text Jokes

    I see Shania Twain has
    been boasting about
    her new Subaru on
    Twitter.That don't
    Impreza me much.

    Only 3 games into the
    season and I've
    already seen a Man
    United season ticket
    nailed to a tree.I
    thought to myself:
    "I'm having that."
    After all you can
    never have enough
    nails can you?

    Warehouse,like a
    normal house but hairy
    during a full moon.

    A cure for premature
    ejaculation.At that
    critical moment,just
    think of Terasa May
    dancing in Cape Town

  9. #1509
    Join Date
    21st June 2016 - 08:52
    1976 Honda 125

    Smile Sick Text Jokes

    I was out fishing
    yesterday when I
    heard a soft voice
    saying,"Kiss me,then
    I will turn into your
    faithfull mistress." I
    looked down and saw
    a little frog.I Said
    "Was that you
    The little
    frog said "Yes,kiss me
    and I will turn into
    your faithfull mistress."
    So I picked the little
    frog up and placed it in
    an empty bait box.
    When I got home,the
    missus was out,so I
    opened the bait box
    and the little frog said
    "Are you going to kiss
    me now so I can turn
    into your faithfull
    I said 'Nah,
    at my age I'd rather
    have a talking frog."

    I visited a cafe and
    ordered eggs for
    breakfast this
    morning.The woman
    behind the counter
    asked "How would
    you like your eggs
    "Does it
    affect the price?" I
    said,"No,not at all."
    she replied."In that
    case I'd like them
    cooked with bacon,
    sausage and tomato

  10. #1510
    Join Date
    12th January 2010 - 19:53
    pushbike 06 XB12X
    Blog Entries
    A hillbilly is fucking his sister
    His sister starts laughing and says , you fuck just like dad !
    Hillbilly says , yeah that's what mum said !

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  11. #1511
    Join Date
    21st June 2016 - 08:52
    1976 Honda 125

    Smile Sick Text Jokes

    After a number of
    kaleidoscopes have
    been stolen from
    believe a pattern is

    Dear ladies.Tell your
    boobs to stop staring
    at my eyes.

    To commemorate 100
    years of Fosters Larger
    Austrailians are having
    a 7 day celebration
    "Piss Weak"

    "Why are men only
    interested in one
    thing?" Because
    nature designed us to
    reproduce,not take an
    interest in your shit

    I've been playing the
    nigger version of
    community chest is
    takes a chance and
    each square has "Go To
    Jail" on it.

    Woman: I want a man
    who will put me first
    commit himself to me
    and stand by me
    through anything,no
    matter what.Friend:
    What happened to the
    bloke you were
    seeing? Woman:He
    lost his job and my
    mates advised me to
    get rid of him.

    I've seen a
    few women writing things
    starting with the catch "I need
    feminism because." Being the
    ardent equalist I am,I thought
    I'd give it a shot myself! I need
    feminism because I want
    facebook to stip censoring
    pictures of tits.

    It's great getting a titty
    wank off the wife as we get
    older.Her toenails scratch my
    balls at the same time!!!

    Everytime my
    girlfriend and I have sex,I pray
    she doesn't fall pregnant.I don't
    think I'm ready to be an
    ex-boyfriend just yet.

    How I count to ten:1,2,3,
    4,5,6,7,8,9,10.How Bill
    Gates counts to ten: "1,2,3,95,

    I applaud china for relaxing
    the restrictions of one child per
    couple I mean somebody has to
    keep making those iphones in
    the future.

  12. #1512
    Join Date
    21st June 2016 - 08:52
    1976 Honda 125

    Cool Sick Text Jokes

    I went down to the
    patent office trying to
    register some of my
    inventions earlier
    today.I walked up to
    the main desk to sign
    in and the lady pulled
    out a form to fill out.
    She asked for my
    personal info,wrote it
    down and then asked
    me what I had
    invented.I said,"A
    folding bottle." She
    said,"Ok,what do
    you call it?" "A fottle."
    "What else do you
    have there?" "A folding
    carton." "Ok what do
    you call it?" "A farton."
    She chuckled and said,
    "Those are silly names
    for products and one
    of them sounds a bit
    crude." I was so upset
    by her comment I
    grabbed the form and
    left the office without
    even telling her about
    my folding bucket...

  13. #1513
    Join Date
    20th January 2010 - 14:41
    The Wild Wild West

    man walks into a bar with a ostridge and a black cat.
    the bar man asks the bloke "what do you want to drink?" The bloke replies, nothing for me or the ostridge but a pint for the cat!.
    two minutes later he goes up again and buys the cat another drink. a minute later he buys the cat a third drink.
    on the fourth time to buy a drink for the cat the barman asks "you seem to be buying that cat a lot of drinks where did you get it and the ostridge."
    he replies I found a magic lamp rubbed it and asked for a long legged bird with a tight pussy!!!!

    Steve has just bought himself a new motorbike... But one of the seals is loose, so whenever it rains, he has to smear vaseline around it to keep the water out. Anyway, Steve is visiting his girlfriend's parents for the first time, and as he arrives at their house, his girlfriend greets him, telling him that there is a big ongoing argument in the house, and that nobody has done the dishes for three months. The arrangement is that the first person to speak will do the dishes. Steve say okay, and they go in. The house is in a terrible state - dishes in the kitchen, dishes in the living room, dishes _everywhere_, but Steve says nothing. Halfway through dinner, Steve gets up from the table, and has sex with his girlfriend on then floor. She is flustered, and her parents are livid, but nobody says a word. A while later, Steve picks up his girlfriend's mother and gives her the same treatment. Now, his girlfriend is livid, her mother is a little happier, and her father is mad. But still nobody says anything. Steve admits defeat, and sits back down. Suddenly, the sky turns black and it starts to rain heavily. Remembering his motorbike, Steve grabs his vaseline and stands up. His girlfriends father jumps to his feet screaming "okay okay I'll do the fucking dishes!!!!!"

    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken

  14. #1514
    Join Date
    21st June 2016 - 08:52
    1976 Honda 125

    Smile Sick Text Jokes

    I was at a comedy
    show the other day
    and the cast wanted
    the audience to start
    making sex noises.
    You should have seen the
    look on everyone;s
    face when I started
    uncle Pete stop!!!"

    I saw a paki in the
    street earlier and he
    asked me the
    quickest way to
    hospital... I
    pushed thecunt
    under a bus.

    A clean browsing
    history is the same
    thing as a dirty one.

    When I'm naked in
    the bathroom the
    shower gets turned

    Next week is
    Caribbean Hairstyle
    dreading it.

    What is the
    difference between a
    pint of beer and a
    clitoris? A clitris
    only tastes like piss
    for a second.

    I keep confusing
    homophodia and
    ...which one is scared
    of being in a closet?

    It would be horrific if
    farting was
    contagious like

    I lost a sexual
    competition I came

  15. #1515
    Join Date
    21st June 2016 - 08:52
    1976 Honda 125

    Smile Sick Text Jokes

    I've been taking
    viagra for my
    sunburn.It doesn't
    make it go away or
    anything but it keeps
    the sheets off of my

    A girl at the nightclub
    kissed me and
    do doggy syle." I
    thought,"Where the
    fuck am I going to
    find a swimming
    baths that's open."

    Ever deam about
    looking like a rich and
    famous rock star?
    Simply look at your
    own reflection in the
    back of a tablespoon
    and....hey presto
    Pete Townshend.

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