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Thread: What's your sickest joke?

  1. #2251
    Join Date
    21st June 2016 - 08:52
    1976 Honda 125

    Smile Sick Text Jokes

    Got chatting to a real stunner of a girl in the pub.
    We discussed the Ukraine situation and what Putin might do if Europe intervened.
    I said he would probably nuke us and we'd only have 20 minutes warning.
    She asked me what I would do if that happened.
    I answered, "Shag the arse off of anything that moved. What about you?"
    She replied, "Stand very, very, still"

    What's the difference between my bank account and my testicles?

    My wife is very fond of draining my bank account.

    Billy Eilish said that America should send troops to Ukraine as a preventative measure.
    Joe Biden says he'll wait and see what Miley Cyrus has to say first.

    Usain Bolt is black. So is Linford Christie.

    And there you have it. You can always trust a black man to do a runner!

  2. #2252
    Join Date
    25th June 2012 - 11:56
    Daelim VL250 Daystar
    “As a German I just wanna get some things straight...

    The entire western world wants us to:

    Build up a huge army
    March through Poland
    Fight the Russians of needed”
    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

  3. #2253
    Join Date
    25th June 2012 - 11:56
    Daelim VL250 Daystar
    BBC pulls all reporters from Russia after Moscow criminalises “ disinformation”

    Trans people are being stopped from leaving Ukraine as their gender doesn’t match passports
    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

  4. #2254
    Join Date
    22nd October 2020 - 17:03
    Suzuki 250 1976
    Lower Hutt

    Sick text jokes

    Why don't Ed Sheeran
    and Adele to perform
    a concert in Kiev? That
    should make the Russians
    ( I'd suggest Yoko Ono,
    but the Ukrainians would
    bugger off too... )

    Richard Branson, 71 is
    sued after 'deliberately
    sending faulty rockets to
    And yet his trains are so

    How do you make a Black
    Get the BBC to remake Dr

    The wheels of time rolls
    ever onwards.
    Ancient writing was done
    on wax or clay tablets
    using a stylus
    Eventually tablets were
    replaced by scrolls,
    which were themselves
    superseded by books.
    It’s all different nowadays,
    We now we read books on
    tablets by scrolling, often
    using a stylus to do so.

    According to new
    research, heavier men last
    longer in bed.
    But that includes time
    looking for their

    I and a few other people
    were approached by a 70s
    pop group who wanted
    to find a high street video
    shop. None of us knew its
    location. Come on. "Does
    anyone know the way,
    there's gotta be a way.

  5. #2255
    Join Date
    21st June 2016 - 08:52
    1976 Honda 125

    Smile Sick Text Jokes

    I don't get along very well with my stepmother.

    I think I can trace it back to her wedding reception, when I asked the DJ to play 'Papa's Got A Brand New Bag'.

    For Sale..
    Two antique silver plated petrol lighters...
    One empty £25.
    One full £225.

    With all the African and Blonde Ukrainian refugees coming over, the streets of Kent are looking like a Brazzers set

    My girlfriend left me today.

    I guess my future's in my own hand now.

    It took Vladimir Putin this long to declare Ireland as "an unfriendly country ".

    Anyone who ever visited Belfast could have told that right away.

    I can’t believe Carlsberg are to stop selling all products in Russia, I thought it was a war crime to cut off a countries water supply.

    In a new survey, 1 in 5 Americans believes that God steers the economy.

    So mystery solved—God is Chinese...

    I once hadn't done the laundry for awhile so I wore an old T-Shirt that read "Dungeon Master."

    This gothic girl asked me if I was into D & D

    "No, S & M."

    Jizz's Russian leader metal shit container idea has been stolen by gays in celebration of Pride Month -

    The 'Glad I'm Queer Poo Tin'.

    SALES of second-hand cars in the UK are at an all time high after buyers discovered they often come with a full tank of petrol.'

    1 man with 2 girlfriends equals 1/2 a penis each...
    (them having dicks at all could be a worry)

    '...Paddy says to Mick, "I'm getting circumcised tomorrow."
    Mick says, "I had that done when I was just a few days old."

    Paddy asks, "Does it hurt?"
    Mick says, "Well I couldn't walk for about a year."

    SAVE fuel by planning all of your journey's downhill.

  6. #2256
    Join Date
    22nd October 2020 - 17:03
    Suzuki 250 1976
    Lower Hutt

    Smile Sick text jokes

    "I'll be ready in 5 minutes!"
    My wife letting me know
    that I've got time to check
    out that Director's Cut
    Extended Edition 'Lord of
    the Rings' blu-ray I bought.

    When I go camping, I shit
    into a metal container, and
    recently I manufactured
    a lid for it with Vladimir's
    face on, to prevent
    And so other campers
    know it's my poo tin.

    I've just accidentally
    Signed off an email with
    'Many Tanks,' and now
    I feel like a Ukrainian

    My car just made a
    very worrying noise all the
    way home that made me
    feel tense.
    Radio 1 played Adeles new

    The latest statistics
    suggest that China's
    population is on track to
    begin shrinking soon.
    Fuck me, as if them
    Chinkies aren't short
    enough already.

    I just saw someone
    disappear in an instant,
    like magic.
    It was a member of the
    Taliban who had just
    shouted "Allah Hu-Akbar!

  7. #2257
    Join Date
    22nd October 2020 - 17:03
    Suzuki 250 1976
    Lower Hutt

    Smile Sick text jokes

    The Royal Train takes
    precedence over every
    train on the rail network,
    That's every express train,
    every goods train and
    every replacement bus

    The people who are
    complaining about petrol
    prices.. Have no problem
    spending £100 on Lottery
    tickets to win nothing.

    So Andy Murray is going
    to donate his winnings
    from this year's tennis
    tournaments to the
    children affected by
    Russia's war on Ukraine.
    A fiver it is then.

    The BBC have announced
    the next Dr Who will be
    black. He will be called Dr
    Who Dat

  8. #2258
    Join Date
    21st June 2016 - 08:52
    1976 Honda 125

    Smile Sick Text Jokes

    My wife bought me a petrol cigarette lighter for my birthday, you don't half waste your money on fags she said ..
    Its not the fuckin price of the cigarettes I said .Its just cost me £200 quid to fill up the lighter ..

    What's the difference between hair and a trigger?

    I've never pulled the hair on a black man.

    With the fuel prices escalating, I'm worried soon I wont be able to fill my cigarette lighter.

    "The wise speak because they have something to say. Fools speak because they have to say something"

    Made me realise I've never met a wise woman

    Male or female:

    PHOTOCOPIERS: These are female, because once turned off…it takes a while to warm them up again.
    They are an effective reproductive device if the right buttons are pushed…but can also wreak havoc if you push the wrong Buttons.

    TYRES: Tyres are male, because they go bald easily and are often over inflated

    HOT AIR BALLOONS: Also a male object… Because to get them to go anywhere…you have to light a fire under their arse.

    SPONGES: These are female…because they are soft…squeezable and retain water.

    WEB PAGES: Female…because they’re constantly being looked at and frequently getting hit on.

    TRAINS: Definitely male… Because they always use the same old lines for picking up people…

    EGG TIMERS: Egg timers are female because…over time…all the weight shifts to the bottom.

    HAMMERS: Male… Because in the last 5000 years…they’ve hardly changed at all…and are occasionally handy to have around.

    THE REMOTE CONTROL: Male: It easily gives a man pleasure, he’d be lost without it…and while he doesn’t always know which buttons to push…he just keeps trying

  9. #2259
    Join Date
    22nd October 2020 - 17:03
    Suzuki 250 1976
    Lower Hutt

    Sick text jokes

    102-year-old great
    grandmother reveals
    her secrets to a long
    life. Tequila shots,
    Jägerbombs, sausage
    rolls and Dominos pizza.
    Are the things to avoid.

    Petrol prices are so high.
    That I could only drive
    forward to the next

    SALES of second-hand
    cars in the UK are at an
    all time high after buyers
    discovered they often
    come with a full tank of
    petrol. '

    Petrol prices are so high.
    That gangs are now doing
    walk by shootings.

    Petrol prices are so high
    I'm tempted to get a bag
    of coke off Delroy and run

    Aren't Molotov Cocktails
    chemical weapons?
    Just sayin '

    Sam Ryder to represent
    UK in Eurovision song
    Like most people I
    thought, who the fuck is

    Iran has successfully sent
    a rocket into space.
    Iran is calling it a huge
    advancement in not letting
    women drive..

    Paul McCartney' s new tour
    is called 'Paul McCartney
    Got Back.'
    Think I'll give it a miss. I
    don't really want to see
    him tweaking.

    If they're confiscating
    everything in Britain that
    belongs to Russians, I
    want first dibs on Rachel

    Why did the chicken cross
    the road?
    Because a black guy was
    coming up the other way

  10. #2260
    Join Date
    21st June 2016 - 08:52
    1976 Honda 125

    Smile Sick Text Jokes

    I have three blond lesbian adolescent Ukrainians living with me now. I receive £350 a month to house them...

    And £1000 a month on my hidden camera website.

    What does LGBTI+ stand for? No one can give me a straight answer

    Does anybody else remember when BAFTA didn't stand for Black Association of Fucking Thieving Arseholes?

    In recent years I've lost a lot of interest in the banking system.

    If Russia invade Turkey up the rear... Would Greece help?

    Lewis Hamilton has announced he's changing his name to include his mother's.

    He'll now be known as Carmen Hamilton.

    How do you tell it's a smartphone in a supermarket queue?

    Because there's a dumb cunt talking TOO LOUDLY into it

    We were watching this pretty young woman dragging, with difficulty, a heavy black bin-bag out of a newly built house on the site where I work;
    "Bet she's just killed her husband"!, my mate said.

    'Nah' I thought...'she'd never kill him at the beginning of the mortgage....'

    - Naomi Osaka in tears after getting heckled at match.

    Someone should tell the big Serena Williams type tranny that "boys don't cry"

    I've had sex with loads of celebrities. I've also got a lifetime ban from maddame tussauds

    I went into a pub and said to the guy serving, 'How much is a pint of lager?'

    He replied, 'Five hundred and sixty-eight millilitres.'

    Sarcastic barsteward.

    People wonder why Muslim terrorists are quick to commit suicide. Let's have a look at the evidence:

    No Christmas
    No television
    No topless sunbathing
    Constant wailing from some tosspot in a tower
    No pork chops
    No burgers
    No hotdogs
    No bacon
    No beer
    Rags for clothes
    Men wear dresses
    Towels for hats
    More than one wife
    More than one mother-in-law
    Can't shave
    Can't wash off the smell of donkey
    Wipe their arse with their hand
    Cook over burning camel shite
    Wife is picked by someone else
    Wife smells worse than their donkey
    The girlfriend's a goat
    Then they tell you, "When you die, it all gets better."

    No shit.

    It couldn't get much fucking worse.

    Woman: Why don't you want to marry me?

    Man: Before I answer, let me ask you a question. When you were a little girl, who were your favourite bands?

    Woman: Well, first it was Take That, then it was Boyzone, then The Spice Girls, and then I got into The Westlife

    Man: And who is your favourite band now?

    Woman: BTS

    Man: And that's why I won't marry you

    Woman: What do you mean?

    Man: Because I know how fickle and disloyal you are

    Just Started Playing in a Posh Rock Tribute Band They're Called BY JOVI

    When my wife still worked she told me this black lady in her office was getting married and she was helping her get ready for the wedding.

    "She's already got something stolen, now she just has to get something blue."

    I only shave my cunt if I'm 100% certain I am going to have sex.
    You wouldn't peel a potato if you weren't going to mash it.

  11. #2261
    Join Date
    25th June 2012 - 11:56
    Daelim VL250 Daystar
    Stuck behind a fat lady in supermarket que when her phone started beeping.

    My son shouts out “watch out daddy she’s reversing”

    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

  12. #2262
    Join Date
    22nd October 2020 - 17:03
    Suzuki 250 1976
    Lower Hutt

    Sick text jokes

    I'm looking for
    a woman that
    loves to suck,
    but not
    I need her to
    help me steal

    According to Bang
    showbiz, Daryl Hall was
    asked to replace David
    Lee Roth in Van Halen.
    That's a bit like asking
    Demis Roussos to replace
    Lemmy in Motorhead.

    The Government are
    offering people £350
    a month to put up a
    Ukrainian immigrant.
    My wife and I have put our
    names forward but the
    immigrant must be a hot
    blonde with big tits and into

    I knocked on my
    neighbour's door this
    morning and said, "Can
    you have my children? I'll
    be no longer than a few
    minutes, I promise"
    "Sure," she replied.
    I said, "Great! Get your
    knickers off then."

    As far as I know, the fine
    for running a red light was
    £100 and 3 penalty points
    on your licence.
    I got 2 years in jail and all
    my hookers deported.

    2020 - 2021 - you cannot
    see your friends and
    family and must stay 2m
    away from anyone.
    2022-please take in as
    many Ukrainians as you

    I once knew a bird that
    worked at Autoglass who
    would let you do it in her
    arse for a takeaway.
    First a chip, then her

    Covid regulations : You can
    go places again.
    Petrol prices : Like fuck
    you will sunshine!

  13. #2263
    Join Date
    21st June 2016 - 08:52
    1976 Honda 125

    Smile Sick Text Jokes

    Mobil are to fit petrol stations with new smart pumps featuring a 12 inch colour display on which they will show pornography. The idea being you can watch other people getting fucked at the same time as you are..

    Ukrainian refugees are coming!

    Best flick on Pornhub so far this year.

    The reason there is no male agony aunts.

    Dear Andy,

    As I left for work last week, My car broke down not half a mile from home so I had to walk home and was planning to get my husband to drop me off. Instead I found him hand cuffed to our bed while the sixteen year old from next door was riding buck naked reverse cowgirl on top off him I'm at my wits end and don't knew a what I should do, please can you help. Jennifer P.

    Hi Jennifer if it's overheating keep an your coolant levels, or just dirt in your carbureta , get your filters and spark plugs changed this should solve the most common problems.

    Credit Davey at work.

    America has astronauts
    Russia has cosmonauts
    Jamaica has coconauts

  14. #2264
    Join Date
    22nd October 2020 - 17:03
    Suzuki 250 1976
    Lower Hutt

    Sick text jokes

    Cyndi Lauper is reported
    to be sick and tired of buying
    the same herbs over and
    over again.
    Thyme after thyme.

    While addressing
    attendees of a St Patrick's
    Day reception in the White
    House, Joe Biden was
    heard saying : "I may be
    Irish, but I'm not stupid."

    P & O are using a new type
    of ferry
    Roll on and Fuck off.

    Who Do You Think You
    Are Kidding Mr Putin
    If You Think We're On The
    We Are The Boys Who Will
    Stop Your Little Game
    We Are The Boys Who Will
    Make You Think Again
    'Cause Who Do You Think
    You Are Kidding Mr Putin
    If You Think Old Ukraine's

    Well the petrol lawnmower
    has to go! Just spent
    £300 mowing my lawn.


    Wicket keeper-puts on gloves and stands back

    Harvey Norman - 3 years no interest

    Sensor light - only works if someone walks past

    Noodles-thinks all jobs take 2 minutes

    Blister-appears when the hard work is done

    Show bag - full of shit

    Lantern - not very bright and has to be carried

    Deckchair - always folds under pressure

    Perth-3 hours behind everyone else

    G-Spot-you can never find him

    Bushranger - holds everyone up

    Wheelbarrow-only works when he's pushed

    Limo - carries about 8 people

    Cordless _charges all night but only works for 2 hours

  15. #2265
    Join Date
    25th June 2012 - 11:56
    Daelim VL250 Daystar
    It’s just for two weeks to flatten the curve
    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

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