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Thread: What's your sickest joke?

  1. #1936
    Join Date
    22nd October 2020 - 17:03
    Suzuki 250 1976
    Lower Hutt

    Sick text jokes

    There's now a saliva
    test which claims to tell
    whether you're gay or
    I guess the deciding factor
    is if it tastes of fucking

    A BBC worker was sacked
    for downloading porn
    at work - despite being
    completely blind.
    A colleague said, "No one
    can understand why he
    was downloading porn,
    he's been blind since he
    was a teenager."
    Hmm....... I wonder what
    caused that.

    Princess Eugenie has
    given birth to a baby boy.
    Her father Prince Andrew,
    says he is overjoyed
    and can't wait to wet the
    baby's head... And face
    and chest.
    And if it's got another
    round in it, all over it's
    back too.

    What's with all the double
    barreled names with
    Used to be stinky old
    cunts that drove Jags,
    played golf and wore
    tweeted jackets with leather
    elbow patches.
    I suppose that's what
    getting paid $400,000 a
    week does to you.
    Oh... the equality.

  2. #1937
    Join Date
    22nd October 2020 - 17:03
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    Sick text jokes

    Oprah was asked if she
    thinks Harry and Meghan 's
    interview will surpass
    Michael Jackson' s viewing
    Personally I don't think
    they'll beat it.

    Looks like Meghan Markle
    or whatever the fuck she's
    now called is now going
    to have to search for
    other planets to tell that
    she doesn't want publicity
    now that she's told the 7.4
    billion people of Earth.

    The neighbours kept
    me up all night because
    they were having sex in
    the early hours of the
    I would've asked my wife
    to knock on their door, but
    she was out playing tennis
    wlth her friends...

    Sex is a bit like clicking
    your pen: It's fine when
    you do it, but it's not
    something someone else
    wants to hear.

    I made my wife so happy
    last night when I told her
    she has "the face of a
    She was much less so
    when I elaborated I was
    specifically talking about

    New research shows porn
    give young people an
    unrealistic and unhealthy
    idea of how quickly a
    plumber will come to your

    People think that being a
    taxi driver with dyslexia is
    It's as easy as C, A, B

    I got depressed when
    I lost my job at the
    Apple factory.
    "Have you been taking
    any tablets?" asked the
    "Yeah why do you think I
    got the fucking sack?"

    My ex-wife was livid with
    me because our young
    daughter was crying after
    my one night of custody
    with her...
    "What,?" I asked, You told
    me she loved watching
    that piggy thing? "
    " I meant peppa pig, not
    fucking Deliverance. "

    Apparently mine and the
    wife's idea of all black
    men being hung are totally

    I always know when
    my girlfriend has had
    an orgasm, in fact I am
    It's the look on her face
    when she comes home....

    What do you call a Korean
    Li Kim Young.

    Why does the Argentine
    navy have a submarine?.
    So it can go underwater
    and check out the rest of
    It's navy.

    "Anvil: the 80's metal band icons
    who were born to fail"
    After every concert they'd
    go to the bar and get

    Porn improves cardio-vascular
    fitness, lowers blood pressure,
    helps with mental health,
    lmproves sexual well-being and
    can iead to better
    relationships, claim the

    "Push! Push!" I screamed
    at my pregnant wife today.
    But her efforts still
    couldn't get my car to
    start, the lazy twat.

    "I put an abortion clinic
    out of business."
    "I didn't realise you were
    so pro life and anti-abortion."
    "I'm not, I opened a coat
    hanger shop next door to

    Nicola Sturgeon has
    warned Scots not to book
    Easter holidays.
    Looks like Blackpool's
    East European prostitutes
    will have to wait until
    summer before they can
    afford smack again.

    Bored during
    Call a women’s group and
    ask to speak to the man in

    Lesson learned tonight :
    There is no such thing as
    a goalie in darts.

  3. #1938
    Join Date
    22nd October 2020 - 17:03
    Suzuki 250 1976
    Lower Hutt

    Sick text jokes

    Prince Philip is in the King
    Edward VII Hospital in
    London as a precaution.
    He obviously didn't drive
    there then.

    Prince Philip has been
    admitted to hospital as
    a precautionary measure
    after 'feeling unwell.'
    Myself and the other 4.4
    million on the NHS
    waiting list wish him a
    speedy recovery.

    If the Prince gets out of
    hospital this time, he's
    gonna party like he's 99!

    Prince Philip admitted to
    hospital after feeling a bit
    flaky. Well,he is 99.

    Prince Philip, Duke of
    Royal Knight of the Garter
    Prince Andrew, Duke of
    Royal Knight of the Minor

    Prince Harry 'will be
    banned from wearing
    military outfits as official
    events when he is stripped
    of honorary titles '
    Oh well, there's still the SS

  4. #1939
    Join Date
    22nd October 2020 - 17:03
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    Smile Sick text jokes

    "Dolly Parton asks for
    statue plans to go on
    For purely practical
    reasons. The sculptor said
    if carved faithfully it would
    be so top heavy it would
    fall over.

    Dolly Parton has asked
    the state of Tennessee
    not to erect a statue of
    her, saying she doesn't
    think it's right with the way
    things are at the moment.
    I would agree a statue
    seems a bit much.
    A bust would be more

    Gary Glitter has been
    given the covid vaccine in
    He has had a prick in him
    for a change.

    NASA's Perseverance
    rover has finally landed on
    That's the most effort
    anyone has put into
    investigating a dry and
    barren wasteland since
    Madonna's gynaecologist
    at her last smear test.

    NASA have landed a Rover
    on Mars after a 300million
    mile voyage.
    Fucking Hell, the one I
    drove in the 90s barely
    used to make it to

  5. #1940
    Join Date
    22nd October 2020 - 17:03
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    Lower Hutt

    Sick text jokes

    Working at McDonald's isn't great
    and I often find myself
    laughed at by customers when
    I try and flirt a little.
    Just the other day for example
    some young bird said, "You
    have no chance with me
    pin dick, hurry up
    with my order!"
    I smiled and replied, "once
    you have tried a big mac, you
    won't be needing your chicken
    nuggets. "

    Did you hear about the 2 gay
    They were putting the
    willies up each other.

    If only 6 of the 7 dwarfs
    turned up for work would
    They be shorted staffed?

    The Telegraph:
    Harry and Megan tell the Queen
    they will not return as
    working Royals :
    Now there's an oxymoron
    if ever I heard one.

  6. #1941
    Join Date
    22nd October 2020 - 17:03
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    Sick text jokes

    "The only wrong way to
    be a woman these days is
    to stand up for woman's
    Try lying down instead
    most managers can't
    resist that.

    Kim Kardashian files for
    divorce from Kanye West.
    Makes a nice change to
    hear of a black not just
    filing to escape from

    When Meghan Markle saw
    an advert for washing up
    iquid saying "Women all
    over America are fighting
    greasy pots and pans,"
    She was so outraged by
    the sexist, demoralising
    content it prompted her
    To write to the advertising
    company complaining
    that it's not iust a
    woman’s job and that all
    her servants had equal

    " Two wines please. "
    " Did you girls come
    together tonight?"
    "Cool. Did you get it on

    When my wife said she
    was going to give up
    chocolate for Lent this
    year, I said she'd never be
    able to do it.
    "I was right," I laughed
    to myself, as I was
    coming home two days
    later this black guy was
    climbing like a monkey
    right out of our bedroom

    Harry went into his
    relationship with Meghan
    with his flies wide open.

    Prince Charles
    encourage children to
    explore nature.
    Just like he did his own
    ..... with shotguns and
    packs of dogs.

    'underground church'
    pastor arrested... "
    He was betrayed by a

    " Texas Rocked By Food
    Shortages... "
    Not as drastic as it
    sounds, apparently it's
    a new progressive band
    from Abilene.

  7. #1942
    Join Date
    22nd October 2020 - 17:03
    Suzuki 250 1976
    Lower Hutt

    Sick text jokes

    Disney adds content
    warning over 'negative
    stereotypes' on Jim
    Henson's comedy show
    from the late 1970s.

    "Do you have any Disney
    "I have some Mickey
    Mouse ones."
    "No thanks, I'm looking for
    the real thing."

    I just heard Daft
    Punk have split up
    What Da Funk?

    What did Meghan Markle
    say to Harry the moment
    after he said "I Do"?
    "Ha ha, you've been

    White vowels : A, E, I, O, U
    and sometimes Y
    Black vowels : I O U? Y?

    I've heard a bit of the
    interview with Harry and
    Meg's and it went a bit like
    " Yeah, so had a bit of a
    Barney with me old man
    n that, fell out with me
    sister coz she's proper
    envious of my acting in
    that, oh and I bagged a
    Prince, alright he's a ginger
    but you gets em where
    you can, and there was
    no fooking way I was
    going to stand next to that
    skinny fooker Kate, she
    made me look a right fat
    cunt, anyway, I'm off to
    cash me nexfilx cheque
    Ya bastards, see Ya"...

  8. #1943
    Join Date
    22nd October 2020 - 17:03
    Suzuki 250 1976
    Lower Hutt

    Sick text jokes

    On Friday we had that
    absolutely insufferable
    "Diversity Training" where
    like they were instructed
    at Coca Cola, we were told
    to be "Less White"!
    So on Monday I do just
    what they fucking want
    and get all blacked up
    and wear in a set of Joke
    Store lips and some bling
    bling, and now I'm told I'm
    facing the sack.

    A gorgeous, big-titted
    blonde hopped in the back
    of my taxi.
    "Where to love?"
    I enquired.
    "How about your place."
    She purred.
    "Okay," I replied, "that'll
    be about Ł23 though it's
    quite far."

    "If you want to live a
    happy life, tie it to a goal" -
    Albert Einstein.
    We'll I tried that, genius
    and all I got was a lifetime
    ban from Chelsea and
    Six weeks for indecent

    The child who is not
    embraced by the village,
    will burn it down to feel its
    warmth ( African Proverb )
    I come from a broken
    home. I broke it. ( Sid Snot )

    SpecSavers are building a
    Supercentre in China.
    That's a site for sore eyes.

    I asked a guy from
    Birmingham if he was free
    to tell me the name of the
    upcoming James Bond
    "No time today" he replied
    "No worries I'll ask
    someone else then," I said.

    I saw a golf buggy parked
    in a disabled parking
    space outside countdown
    this morning. I thought to myself, "I
    wonder what his handicap

    How many times did Tiger
    Woods car fly through the

    Tiger Woods has been
    pulled from the wreckage
    of a serious car crash
    Surprising he's usually
    very good at driving.

    Bad day for people named
    after animals

    What's the difference
    between Tiger Woods
    playing golf and driving a
    In golf, Tiger can
    stay out of the trees.

    Tiger Woods owns a lot of
    expensive cars.
    Now he has a hole in one.

    I can't blame Tiger for that
    one, he was between

    So, Tiger Woods in
    He needs to practice his

    Tiger Woods shouldÂ’ve
    used a driver

    Looks like Tiger Woods
    needs some driving

    A misjudged little birdie
    told me Tiger Woods was
    Shit at driving.

    I knew the Duke of
    Edinburgh had given lp
    his driving licence.
    I didnt know he'd given it
    to Tiger Woods.

    Tiger Woods Sat Nav after

    That's a roll in one...

    Top Tip:
    If you're gardening in LA,
    and someone shouts
    'FOUR', Quickly check the
    sky for SUV's

    PGA to reassess Tiger
    Woods handicap.

    Tiger into the rough

    Sheriff said regarding the
    Tiger Woods crash that
    there was "no sign of
    braking no skidmarks"
    Have they checked inside
    his underwear?

  9. #1944
    Join Date
    20th June 2007 - 17:08
    2019 Triumph Bobber
    Manurewa, Auckland
    "I saw a golf buggy parked
    in a disabled parking
    space outside countdown
    this morning. I thought to myself, "I
    wonder what his handicap

    It's probably Tiger Woods. Didn't think a professional golfer could drive so bad...

  10. #1945
    Join Date
    22nd October 2020 - 17:03
    Suzuki 250 1976
    Lower Hutt

    Sick text jokes

    Stay with me on this... I've
    just read that a white
    guy, Harry Shearer, who
    does voice of Dr Hibbert
    in The Simpsons is to
    be replaced by black
    actor Kevin Richardson
    as the show said white
    actors would stop doing
    voices of ethnic minority
    characters. Poor Harry
    Shearer does voice of
    Mr Burns and Waylon
    Smithers Jnr too and as
    Waylons character came
    out as gay a few years
    ago looks like Harry is
    going to lose another
    voice. If they don't take
    work off him that means
    The Simpsons are fair
    with ethnic minorities but
    not with homosexuals.
    I see it as black actor
    stealing white guys job
    and if Harry is going to
    lose his Waylon voice to
    a homosexual actor he is
    going to feel shafted. The
    Simpsons, so true to life.

    What's the difference
    between a car and a golf
    Tiger can drive a ball 300
    Yards without a near-death

    The crash seems to have
    damaged his legs, but the
    jolt might have reset his
    back. Too early to say if
    It's an eagle or a double

    After watching Tiger
    Woods on the tele for
    years, I always thought he
    was a good driver.
    After seeing the state of
    his car after his crash,
    obviously he's lost his

    So much for eye of the
    Tiger! Should've looked
    where he was going.

    I know we often confused
    Black celebrities with
    each other but the Queen
    confusing Tiger Woods
    with Meghan Markle is a
    bit over the top.

    We had a rolling blackout
    in our area yesterday.
    Turned out it was Tiger

    "Putt- putt- - putt- putt- putt-
    putt-putt-putt." - Tiger
    Woods exhaust pipe.

    Poor Tiger Woods. It's
    going to be a while for him
    to put his hands on the
    end of a big long shaft.

    I've just been evicted.
    Unlike Tiger Woods, I need
    a place to crash.

    Last night I couldn't
    remember the name of
    that horse that recently
    won 2 grand nationals in
    consecutive year, then I
    flicked the news on and it
    came to me.
    Tiger Roll.

    I've been saying it for
    years,. If Tiger Woods is
    going to get competitive
    again, he's got to improve
    his driving

    If only he'd used that
    little lemon wipe after
    devouring his Bargain
    Bucket the crash may
    never have happened

  11. #1946
    Join Date
    22nd October 2020 - 17:03
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    Smile Sick text jokes

    The Guardian :
    Sailor survives for 14
    hours in ocean by clinging
    to a buoy.
    Isn't that what sailors do

    The nurses treating Tiger
    Woods say he's firmly
    upright and in good spirits and
    said to be much more like
    his old self.
    That's reassuring to hear
    that he's already pissed and
    got an erection

    Hello and welcome to
    another episode of Top
    Gear. On tonight’s show
    our star in a reasonably
    priced car is Tiger Woods
    and he is going to be
    finding out which is the
    quickest way to the local
    By ambulance or by SUV?

    Tiger Woods wife has
    admitted she has a major
    feet fetish
    That's neat, that's neat,
    That's neat, that's neat.

    It's the first time I've seen
    Tiger drive off into the

    The sherrif who attended
    the Tiger Woods, accident
    comfirmed he wasn't
    "We asked him to do a
    field sobriety test where
    the driver is asked to
    count from 1 to 100 really
    fast. And we were really
    happy that he did it with
    100 doller bills as well."

  12. #1947
    Join Date
    22nd October 2020 - 17:03
    Suzuki 250 1976
    Lower Hutt

    Sick text jokes

    Following on from Mr Potato Head
    becoming gender neutral, children's
    classic The Mr Men is to be renamed
    so it is no longer offensive.
    It will now be known as "The
    Coloured People" .

    Mr Potato Head is now just called
    Potato Head. As a result, Mrs Potato
    Head now wishes to be known by her
    first name, Jackie.

    Mr Potato Head has gone
    the same way as ponce
    Harry he's also lost his
    meat 'n two veg!

    " Mr Potato Head" is
    getting the Mr dropped
    in a half-baked gender-
    inclusive rebrand so young
    kids can play with it and
    can "create same-gender
    couples with two dad's '
    and such.
    I'm more disturbed as to
    why they think anyone
    this young would even
    Comtemplate engaging in
    this kind of role-play.

    I met a female TV
    I told her to bend over and

    I went for a job as a
    labourer on a nearby
    building site.
    The gaffer said, "Can you
    make a cup of tea?"
    I said, "Yes"
    He said, "Can you drive a
    I said, "How big is the
    fucking teapot?

    We were watching a film on the
    telly when all of a sudden the bloke
    lifts the woman onto the kitchen
    top and starts to make love to her.
    " Yeah right, " said the wife," As if
    that happens. "
    " I totally agree, " I replied, " the
    only thing that gets fucked in our
    kitchen is the food"!

    I whispered in her eat what I
    would like to do to her and she
    said, "I'm getting really wet."
    "Turns you on does it?" I asked
    "No," she replied, "You dribble a lot."

    My wife is always telling me I do not
    know anything... how wrong she is.
    I know her sister has a birthmark
    on the top of her inner leg and her
    husband leaves for work at 9am.

    Should lesbians be allowed on "Who
    Wants To Be A Millionaire?
    They have an unfair advantage in
    the fastest finger first round.

    Easter's coming and I was checking
    out some chocolate eggs in the
    Then the black teen spotted me
    staring down her top.

    At 100 and out, Capt. Sir
    Tom Moore scored higher
    than the English cricket
    team v India.

  13. #1948
    Join Date
    22nd October 2020 - 17:03
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    Lower Hutt

    Smile Sick text joke

    I feel so sorry for the next
    generation growing up in
    Scotland if the SNP make
    law their new hate crime
    Bill and gender recognition
    act-where you can legally
    change your gender at will,
    with no checks, doctors
    agreement or anything....

    "Doctor, we've been unable
    to conceive a baby"

    "They'd because your both
    biologically male"

    "No, I'm a man and my
    wife is a woman"

    "No, your wife is
    biologically male"

    "Biological? What's that?
    She's not a man"

    "It's taboo science thing,
    it explains how men and
    women reproduce"

    "But I'm a man and she's
    a woman. You need a
    man and a woman to
    reproduce, we learned that
    at school"

    "No, you're both
    biologically men, you both
    have penises and testes"

    "No, I'm a man with a
    penis and my wife is a
    woman with a penis. And
    everyone knows men can
    have babies now anyway"

    "Yes, but those men who
    have babies are actually
    biologically women"

    "OMG!!! I'm reporting you
    to the police for a hate
    crime and I demand a
    second opinion from
    a doctor who is not a

  14. #1949
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    22nd October 2020 - 17:03
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    Smile Sick text jokes

    Don't know much about
    Don't know much biology,
    Don't know much about a
    science book,
    Don't know much about
    the french I took.
    Don't know much about
    Don't know much trigonometry
    Don't know much about
    Don't know what s slide
    rule is for.

    Sam Cooke could have
    saved himself the bother
    of having to say all that by,
    simply saying "I'm black."

    A handsome young man
    named Skinner
    Once took a girl out to
    By a quarter to nine,
    They started to dine.,
    And by quarter to ten it
    was in her
    ( The dinner, not Skinner )

    Another young man
    named Tupper
    Took the same girl out to
    By quarter past ten,
    They were at it again,
    And by quarter to twelve it
    was up her
    ( Not Tupper, some bastard
    called Skinner )

    Coca Cola have advised
    all their employees to
    be "Less White"
    Seamed a good idea until
    they all stopped working.

    NYPD's $57,000 robotic
    police dog named Digidog
    accused of racism - as
    It seems to only pick on
    communities of colour.
    That's not racsim, that's

  15. #1950
    Join Date
    22nd October 2020 - 17:03
    Suzuki 250 1976
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    Sick text jokes

    Southhampton's defence have
    bigger gaps than a coons front

    "Any man who calls a spade a spade
    should be compelled to use one.
    It is all he's fit for"
    ( Oscar Wilde)
    But any man who is a spade is too lazy
    to pick one up.

    What did Elton John say after his 7th
    can of Amstel?
    Amstel standing Yeah Yeah Yeah.

    Kevin De Bruyne has laid
    on more balls this season
    than Taylor Swift.

    I've decided to respect
    Harry and Megan's
    request for privacy by
    not watching their Oprah

    "Clementine Ford's vile
    rant against 'garbage' men
    of Married At First Sight."
    She shouldn't alienate
    them if she wants to
    get laid in future. Only a
    garbage man would shag
    an evil bitch like her.

    "Oldest footage of
    London ever shows
    Capital's 'incredible' 100-
    year transformation."
    Yes, truly amazing. I didn't
    see one minaret, one
    black face or any men
    holding hands.

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