Here is a quick explanations of what each of the options means and their possible affects. Please note that once information is public the Moderators can not stop people from talking about it. However, if you so wish, the Moderators can stop discussion surrounding the accident circumstances as the Police don't publicly release full details until their investigation is closed (often a considerable time afterwards). Should you agree that people can discuss your accident you must be aware that speculation and sheer stupidity will likely comprise a large amount of that discussion. Please consider how this sort of discussion will affect your family!!
As per kb rules (the default)
This is the default option, so if you don't do anything this is the option that will be used. It may not be the best option for you because it is entirely possible that the Site Rules will change. Please at least consider one of the other options before choosing this one.
No announcement or discussion at all.
As it says. The Moderators will remove all evidence linking you to an accident. They will not remove anything that may refer to your accident but does not name you or give any clue as to who it was. Please note that once the details are made public by the Police the Moderators will no longer have reason to remove anything linking you to the accident. However, should you choose this option discussion of the accident circumstances will definitely be removed.
No discussion. Family/friend/media to announce.
This choice means that you want someone close to you to tell the kiwibiker members you've had an accident. This will hopefully take place within 24 hours of the accident happening. If your family or a close friend does not let everyone know before the Media releases the details that knowledge is then public. The Moderators will, however, remove any discussion surrounding the circumstances.
Family/friend/media to break the news. Seperate discussion thread.
As stated a close friend or family will announce your involvement in a major accident. Failing that it will be public knowledge once the Police have released details. You will be stating that discussion is ok. However, any discussion about your accident will be governed by the site rules and these rules do not rule out speculation, sheer stupidity or baseless accusations. Think very carefully about how a kiwibiker discussion would affect your love ones if they read it.
Anyone can break the news. Discussion in same thread is fine.
Think very, very carefully how this will affect your loved ones. It is highly likely that this option will upset people close to you. We strongly recommend that you do not choose this option as the fallout from this one will almost definitely cause emotional distress to many. Be absolutely certain that people close to you can handle seeing half truths, lies, blame attributed arbitrarily, keyboard experts saying you completely screwed up and that you obviously were in the wrong etc, because that is what any discussion will contain. Be certain of your choice.