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Thread: Accidents - IMPORTANT change to the Site

  1. #1
    Join Date
    9th August 2005 - 19:52
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    Exclamation Accidents - IMPORTANT change to the Site

    Please talk this through with your partner and family before making your choice.

    As things stand Rider Down/RIP threads are a major issue for this site because of the highly emotional nature of people we all know getting hurt or dying. From now on these situations will be handled differently. Please note that this only relates to kiwibiker and does not extend to handling anything outside of the forums.

    Currently, when somebody known to others on kb has an accident a member of kb will often post a thread saying who was involved. Normally this will be removed by the Moderators until either the family/friends/media come forward and let us know or until 24 hours has passed. While this is done for very good reasons and the best of intentions it causes huge problems because it arbitrarily applies rules that appear uncaring (but are in fact the complete opposite of uncaring) in a situation that is highly emotionally charged.

    Your User CP now has 2 new fields (User CP -> Edit your Details ... in the Additional Information section). These 2 new fields consist of options where you will be able to specify your wishes for how kb handles the announcement and discussion of any accident you may be involved in that results in your injury or death. There is 1 field for dealing with Major Injury Accidents, and 1 field for dealing with Fatal accidents. Both fields have the following options, from which you can make 1 choice per field:
    • As per kb rules (the default)
    • No announcement or discussion at all.
    • No discussion. Family/friend/media to announce.
    • Family/friend/media to break the news. Seperate discussion thread.
    • Anyone can break the news. Discussion in same thread is fine.

    These fields will be private, so nobody except the Site Administrators and Senior Moderators will be able to see them. They aren't compulsory but there is a default option for both (as above).

    How this works is when someone has an accident and a Rider Down/RIP thread is started where the person is named, the Administrators/Senior Moderators will check for that persons preferred method of handling the situation. The Moderators will then edit the 1st post in the Rider Down/RIP thread and put in a message. For example (and this is only an example message):

    The person involved in an accident today has indicated in their Profile that they want their family/close friend or the media/police to make the public announcement about this accident. They also do not wish to have the accident details discussed at all until they are ready to talk about it themselves. Please do not expect to find out or discuss the details here.
    The Moderators will then attempt to comply with the wishes of the person involved. As with anyting else, it's not always possible to do so but the Moderator team is committed to making this work.

    The major advantage of doing this is that everyone has a say in how an accident that involves them is handled and it's not merely done because that's the rules.

    Originally there was an option that allowed people to specify that they didn't care who or when their misfortune was announced and that any sort of discussion about their accident was ok. However, this option was eventually dropped after much debate because all of the people that felt it should be included and would choose that option changed their minds after talking to their families and thinking things through. People who are extremely liberal changed their stance after a couple of days of thinking about it and realizing the implications. So that's why there isn't an option that doesn't impose any restrictions.

    Please take your time. Discuss it with your partner and family. The one thing that came through when this was being worked out is that every single person who was consulted (there was a group of nearly 30 members) were worried that people would not involve their partners and families and would make a choice that they later regret. We can not emphasize enough the importance of consulting your loved ones before making your choice. Please, talk it over with them.

    Thank you.
    Zen wisdom: No matter what happens, somebody will find a way to take it too seriously. - obviously had KB in mind when he came up with that gem

    Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity

  2. #2
    Join Date
    9th August 2005 - 19:52
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    Here is a quick explanations of what each of the options means and their possible affects. Please note that once information is public the Moderators can not stop people from talking about it. However, if you so wish, the Moderators can stop discussion surrounding the accident circumstances as the Police don't publicly release full details until their investigation is closed (often a considerable time afterwards). Should you agree that people can discuss your accident you must be aware that speculation and sheer stupidity will likely comprise a large amount of that discussion. Please consider how this sort of discussion will affect your family!!

    As per kb rules (the default)
    This is the default option, so if you don't do anything this is the option that will be used. It may not be the best option for you because it is entirely possible that the Site Rules will change. Please at least consider one of the other options before choosing this one.

    No announcement or discussion at all.
    As it says. The Moderators will remove all evidence linking you to an accident. They will not remove anything that may refer to your accident but does not name you or give any clue as to who it was. Please note that once the details are made public by the Police the Moderators will no longer have reason to remove anything linking you to the accident. However, should you choose this option discussion of the accident circumstances will definitely be removed.

    No discussion. Family/friend/media to announce.
    This choice means that you want someone close to you to tell the kiwibiker members you've had an accident. This will hopefully take place within 24 hours of the accident happening. If your family or a close friend does not let everyone know before the Media releases the details that knowledge is then public. The Moderators will, however, remove any discussion surrounding the circumstances.

    Family/friend/media to break the news. Seperate discussion thread.
    As stated a close friend or family will announce your involvement in a major accident. Failing that it will be public knowledge once the Police have released details. You will be stating that discussion is ok. However, any discussion about your accident will be governed by the site rules and these rules do not rule out speculation, sheer stupidity or baseless accusations. Think very carefully about how a kiwibiker discussion would affect your love ones if they read it.

    Anyone can break the news. Discussion in same thread is fine.
    Think very, very carefully how this will affect your loved ones. It is highly likely that this option will upset people close to you. We strongly recommend that you do not choose this option as the fallout from this one will almost definitely cause emotional distress to many. Be absolutely certain that people close to you can handle seeing half truths, lies, blame attributed arbitrarily, keyboard experts saying you completely screwed up and that you obviously were in the wrong etc, because that is what any discussion will contain. Be certain of your choice.
    Zen wisdom: No matter what happens, somebody will find a way to take it too seriously. - obviously had KB in mind when he came up with that gem

    Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I commend you on this step Shane.

    I've discussed it with my wife, and we've made a decision. She'd rather that the family has the opportunity to announce any bad news and that discussion may take place, but in a separate thread away from the announcement.

    Well handled. About time too.
    And I to my motorcycle parked like the soul of the junkyard. Restored, a bicycle fleshed with power, and tore off. Up Highway 106 continually drunk on the wind in my mouth. Wringing the handlebar for speed, wild to be wreckage forever.

    - James Dickey, Cherrylog Road.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Well done, to all that have worked on this.
    If your looking at Bike Comms, have a read of this review..

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by riffer View Post
    I commend you on this step Shane.
    Ditto, well done, good move and all that.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    30th August 2006 - 21:44
    Triple Delight
    Wow! Thank you for making some clear and specific rules about this issue. We will sit down really soon and make our choices.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gubb View Post

    He rides the Leprachhaun at the end of the Rainbow. Usually goes by the name Anne McMommus

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Thanks MT and others who have worked on this. It will really help clarify things when family/friends are in shock.
    Small and dangerous with a sting in my tail!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    14th February 2005 - 17:33
    I like this.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    10th November 2007 - 15:25
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    Good idea.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    20th October 2005 - 17:09
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    As riffer said....''about time''....I dont get involved with ''those threads'' so I applaud the steps taken..good work Shane.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    What the others said! My husband and son are members of this forum and I would hate to read or for them to read of any one of us being a rider down.

    You do a damn fine job on this site, Shane. Appreciated.
    A dream without a plan is just a wish!

    Make it happen....


  12. #12
    Join Date
    30th August 2006 - 21:44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mental-Trousers View Post
    Huge amount of work...gone into this!
    Hi MT. There is one thing that has come up in discussions here tonight, and that is the first point of contact should something happen.

    If something happens to Maha man out on a ride I would want to be the first to know, and vice-versa but, we are most often out and about together, me pillion, sometimes me on my bike.

    All I can imagine is one of us out and about on a ride having something happen and not being told before parents/children are contacted. That would be terrible. I know it is unlikely as we would usually ride with people that know us, and who would let either of us know should something go wrong.

    The reverse of that is, we name each other as first point of call, and we both go down together, no one from here has contact details of other significant people to offer support.

    Sorry to be a pain.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gubb View Post

    He rides the Leprachhaun at the end of the Rainbow. Usually goes by the name Anne McMommus

  13. #13
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    That's fantastic, thanks all involved!!
    One question... what are the site rules around discussion of details that may possibly compromise insurance payouts?? For instance, I may have an accident that wasn't necessarily my fault, is there anything stopping someone who has a grudge against me coming on and saying they saw me doing wheelies when the accident happened, will moderators get rid of shit like that?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mom View Post
    The reverse of that is, we name each other as first point of call, and we both go down together, no one from here has contact details of other significant people to offer support.
    You can list more than 1 person in the Emergency Contact field in your Profile. I suggest you list a couple of others as well, just in case.
    Zen wisdom: No matter what happens, somebody will find a way to take it too seriously. - obviously had KB in mind when he came up with that gem

    Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity

  15. #15
    Join Date
    30th August 2006 - 21:44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mental-Trousers View Post
    You can list more than 1 person in the Emergency Contact field in your Profile. I suggest you list a couple of others as well, just in case.

    ok, will go review that now!

    I take my hat off to all of you that have put this in place for KB though. It is one of my personal soap box issues, and it appears to have been addressed by the site!

    Thank you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gubb View Post

    He rides the Leprachhaun at the end of the Rainbow. Usually goes by the name Anne McMommus

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