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Thread: Discussion on Mentor Programme

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ixion View Post
    Because the price of getting it wrong is funerals.

    If there was a novice rider for whom I had some personal attachment I would go to some considerable lengths to dissuade him (or her) from any involvement with Kiwbiker, until he/she had some years experience .

    I'm sure the mentoring program will produce some very fast and 'skilled' riders, capable of 'giving the learn' to anyone. Whether that is the most important matter for novices may be more open to contention
    Settle down, Ixion. Nobody is talking about that sort of mentoring. Unless it is asked for and provided as part of racing - not on the road. We are talking about the little things that contribute to safe, enjoyable biking. Like lane position awareness, corner entry lines, hazard awareness, correct gear selection or use of front/back brakes etc.
    Do you realise how many holes there could be if people would just take the time to take the dirt out of them?

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ixion View Post
    Because the price of getting it wrong is funerals.

    If there was a novice rider for whom I had some personal attachment I would go to some considerable lengths to dissuade him (or her) from any involvement with Kiwbiker, until he/she had some years experience .

    I'm sure the mentoring program will produce some very fast and 'skilled' riders, capable of 'giving the learn' to anyone. Whether that is the most important matter for novices may be more open to contention
    You're a little too old to be acting like a kid. Whassa matta? Didn't get an invitation to join this party?

    Can't we give these chaps credit for sitting down in their free time and thinking of newbies? This is most definitely a non-profit, highly charitable motion.

    Why would you advise new riders against getting involved in KB? KB is for all practical purposes the best thing to happen to motorcycling in NZ ever.

    Definitely make them aware that they should not attend some rides and let them know your opinion of some riders but why stop them from meeting 10,000 like minded people. Do remember all the public road racers would have ridden and crashed whether they joined KB or not and they knew exactly what they were doing.
    For what it's worth I say all these guys involved in this program need a standing round of applause.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by MSTRS View Post
    My point exactly. There is usually no such thing in threads like this one. The decision on whether to have a mentor program is over. This thread is for suggestions on some of the finer points of how it will work. Got some ideas - post them.
    Haven't checked - but is there a sticky section containing the relevant points in the 250 section and newbies sections?

    If possible one of the mods or actually all of us should suggest the existence of this program in all the "hi there I'm new to KB" threads.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by MSTRS View Post
    We are talking about the little things that contribute to safe, enjoyable biking. Like lane position awareness, corner entry lines, hazard awareness, correct gear selection or use of front/back brakes etc.
    Exactly... ie; tips and guidance... (Mentors are not teachers) for riding in the wind, and wet wether riding... what to look for that could be a hazard... riding through the grit... or missing the grit altogether... little pointers that could help any where... survival skills

    tips how to get out of a situation or how to avoid it in the first place...

    The newbie may be doing everything correctly so simply giving a bit of moral support can also go a long way.

  5. #35
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    Well as someone who received mentoring from someone from KB I can vouch for how much it helped my survival skills on the bike and my general riding manner. Admittedly I didn't actually use the "KB mentor system", but my mentor was a KB mentor at the time and I asked him to mentor me because I had seen him ride and liked him as a person so knew I'd be in safe hands.
    However if I'd been a complete noob and new to KB and didn't know anyone, then a system like the new and improved KB mentor system would have been very useful.
    So a new rider decides they need some help with their riding etc and sees the KB mentoring programme and decides, "Yeah, that's what I need", they look up who the mentors in their area are and can be rest assured that they must have many years of riding experience under their belt and knew their stuff etc otherwise they wouldn't be an "approved" Kb mentor, and must also be a pretty good person to put their hand up to help others in the first place. So I think it takes away some of the apprehension of "Does this person actually know what they're talking about and not going to lead me down the garden path and get me killed".
    Great going all involved, everyone could do with brushing up on their skills from time to time, just remember that even the top sports people still get training, lessons and mentoring from others.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by justsomeguy View Post
    Haven't checked - but is there a sticky section containing the relevant points in the 250 section and newbies sections?

    If possible one of the mods or actually all of us should suggest the existence of this program in all the "hi there I'm new to KB" threads.
    Once the thing is fully sorted, it will no doubt be put up as a sticky in there
    Do you realise how many holes there could be if people would just take the time to take the dirt out of them?

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joni View Post
    Yup, I agree… that plus the incessant need to argue/debate no matter what the subject is,
    I was a bit startled at the reaction to the proposed scheme. It seemed like a good idea and that a considerable amount of work had gone into it, so I thought I'd read the thread. Hello? It's an argument.

    Those who feel inclined to help, do so. Those who don't feel inclined don't need to get involved.

    WTF is there to argue about?
    There is a grey blur, and a green blur. I try to stay on the grey one. - Joey Dunlop

  8. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by pritch008 View Post
    Those who feel inclined to help, do so. Those who don't feel inclined don't need to get involved.
    Yup - you have hit the nail on the head 100%.

    Quote Originally Posted by pritch008 View Post
    WTF is there to argue about?
    I dont know.... but it has happened.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by justsomeguy View Post
    P.S: What about Skidmark, Morcs, Carver, Crazy Steve and JSG as mentors - come on we'd be teh dream team yah?...nah?
    If you wish to nominate anyone feel free but do so through the process that is detailed in

  10. #40
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    Maybe I'm a little thick today, but I just don't see that there is an issue to get upset about.
    If you don't wish to participate as a mentor, or a mentoree, don't. It really is that simple.
    Nobody will be forced to go through the programme if they don't wish to.

    Honestly, some of you lot would moan if your arse was on fire and someoine pissed on you to put it out!
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  11. #41
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    Oh Jesus Christ. Yes you are thick today.

    People are having issues with comprehension obviously. Arrogant fucks.

    Lame are those who just sit back and take it, ask no questions and just accept things as they are. I will not.

    I queried the programme because I was looking for understanding. Helpful trousers were provided, but in amongst bollocks from people who cant handle being questioned.

    The end.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Devil View Post
    Oh Jesus Christ. Yes you are thick today.

    People are having issues with comprehension obviously. Arrogant fucks.

    Lame are those who just sit back and take it, ask no questions and just accept things as they are. I will not.

    I queried the programme because I was looking for understanding. Helpful trousers were provided, but in amongst bollocks from people who cant handle being questioned.

    The end.
    Thank you for at least clearing up my mental state for me. Now, forgive a confused elderly lady for her obtuseness, and elucidate on what exactly is the problem with the new mentor system.
    Is it just because you haven't been nominated, sweetie?

    I, for one, am grateful to those who have done the work on this, and think that it looks very good. I don't see any shortcomings (but then I am rather thick) and I shall give it a fair chance before I criticise it...
    Diarrhoea is hereditary - it runs in your jeans

    If my nose was running money, I'd blow it all on you...

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by yungatart View Post
    Thank you for at least clearing up my mental state for me. Now, forgive a confused elderly lady for her obtuseness, and elucidate on what exactly is the problem with the new mentor system.
    Is it just because you haven't been nominated, sweetie?
    Did you even read the whole thread? If you haven't picked up on what I wanted answers to then I suggest you go read it again.

    Because I haven't been nominated? I couldn't care less if I was or not. Either way I wouldn't do it purely because I cannot commit to any regular time to help people out. I'm only too happy to assist people with thier riding but i'm not going to waste other peoples time by signing up and never being available!

    Nowhere in this thread have I put down the effort that has obviously been made in doing what has been done, only asked questions of the programme itself.

    You know where you can shove your "sweetie" remarks.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by yungatart View Post
    ...Now, forgive a confused elderly lady for her obtuseness, and elucidate on what exactly is the problem with the new mentor system.....?
    ill forgive you confused elderly person

    i think what Devil is getting at is. why the big hoopla creating a Mentoring system with all these "official" requirments, Head Mentors, and their subordinates, with enough wording and arse covering to be Winston Peters party policy. when infact KB is not a club, it is an internet site?

    good on the guys for creating the new mentoring thingee, i think it will work, but like Devil is getting at (i think) it could have been simpler.

    i for one dont really give a toss oneway or the other, if somebody wants to come for a ride, and wants some help/tips/advice, etc, i will gladly give it, unofficially of course.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by nodrog View Post

    good on the guys for creating the new mentoring thingee, i think it will work, but like Devil is getting at (i think) it could have been simpler.
    That was the problem. It was simple. And nobody seemed able to do simple. Various bods putting their hand up saying "I'll mentor you" when the reality was they couldn't back their ego with wise counsel. Now 'we've' made it much more structured, and guess what...some bods can't do that either.
    No fucking wonder another KBer slammed the door on his way out.
    Some here need to take a good hard look at themselves. Always questioning and knocking what others (try to) do for the good of all bikers. Plenty of noise and little substance.
    If what's been put together so painstakingly over the last few months has a need for something more (or less), tell us what (you think) it is or leave it alone. Vague negative general comments don't help anyone.
    (the above is not aimed at you Nodrog)
    Do you realise how many holes there could be if people would just take the time to take the dirt out of them?

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