Okay...this new mentor program thing going on kiwibiker..
Just thought I would question a few things about it.
My first Opinion is the the kiwibiker website should not be endoursing people as mentors. as the website has no way of knowing the quality or ability of the mentors that are choosen.. as it is blantantly obvious through the people that are choosen as mentors.. a good half of the mentors can't ride for shit and talk shit too!!! [not shit as in dribble...but don't know what the fuck they are talking about] so how did they become mentors??? and who the hell chooses them??
This isn't a minor...this is a major...the website is theoretically endorsing these people to teach newbies...and the consequesces are???
I have seen in fighting/arguments between these supposed mentors in threads..suggesting different things/soloutions.
1) I demand to know what makes these mentors qualified?? [my old man has played criket far far longer than steven flemming..but he is by far far far worse at it]
2) I want to know on whos athority makes them make this standard to be a mentor? [in othe words is this just another KB popularity contest?]
http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/sh...ad.php?t=85180 <--- this thread was posted today...why can't people publicly reply to it?? reply by email...pifft what load of shit!! no offence Virago or Sugilite [sugi would in my opinion [if it counts for anything] make a excellent mentor] apply by PM?? WTF??
4) Who's to blame when one of these ego/useless mentors [not all of mentors] students goes and fucks up big time coause of stupid/know all advice??
I don't think there should be a place at all for mentors on KB. and if the majority opinion is that there should be. the shit...why/how are half these twits choosen?? obviously not of skill/knowledge?? more likely on bullshit and bragging!!