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Thread: ESE's works engine tuner

  1. #40306
    Join Date
    12th March 2010 - 16:56
    TT500 F9 Kawasaki EFI
    Hamilton New Zealand
    For casting cylinders fresh, LM13.
    2024 if you want to machine a piston from solid.

  2. #40307
    Join Date
    20th January 2010 - 14:41
    The Wild Wild West


    plus 10....

    they do tubes in f-grades that suit , but not in the size someone wanted....

    Quote Originally Posted by wobbly View Post
    Both Fletchers and Ulrich do heavy wall alloy tube in 6000 series.
    This plates just fine according to Grant at the platers down South
    Quote Originally Posted by Flettner View Post
    For casting cylinders fresh, LM13.
    2024 if you want to machine a piston from solid.
    Quote Originally Posted by husaberg View Post
    Hi I was talking to a gentleman today at Ruapuna
    He asked about what aluminium to use for sleeves to be plated.
    Also about CF rotary valves and clearances.
    He has posted on here.

    I remember either Wob, Neil , Rob, or maybe Yow using specific a grade I think 2040? or similar that was fee matching an took the replating well?
    I had a man look but TBH I am beat after only a few hours sleep and 600km travel today.

    Good to see the Kr250 out looking all green and mean and a fair few TZ or close analogues.
    My son is finally running comparable times on the Honda well......4t compared to the old Supermoto.
    clean holeshot in all races and clean and tidy lines with the bike staying on the track.
    I was hoping to catch up with DP. but missed him.
    Quote Originally Posted by katinas View Post
    Heat treated A6061 T6 containing magnesium and silicon as its major alloying elements and easy to find.
    Quote Originally Posted by wobbly View Post
    Yes 6061 T6 in 8mm is what I will be using for the added plate on top of the KR180.
    Is not available in 8mm plate so was sliced off a 127mm bar , CNC machined and bored /drilled to suit.
    It has 0.2mm extra height to be take off after welding around the bore and the water jacket

    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken

  3. #40308
    Join Date
    18th March 2012 - 08:35
    Homebuilt chassi, Kawasaki 212cc
    Lugging my hair yesterday, dynoing the Kartengine.
    Well, it all falls in place in the end :O

  4. #40309
    Join Date
    5th April 2013 - 13:09
    Kawasaki is coming out with a new full sized 2 stroke dirtbike. Last year of production was 2007 for their KX line.

  5. #40310
    Join Date
    20th January 2010 - 14:41
    The Wild Wild West

    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken

  6. #40311
    Join Date
    12th March 2010 - 16:56
    TT500 F9 Kawasaki EFI
    Hamilton New Zealand
    Cylinder back from NZ Cylinders.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20250129_144749.jpg 
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Size:	830.5 KB 
ID:	355633   Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	355634  

  7. #40312
    Join Date
    18th March 2004 - 17:38
    1971 suzuki T350R,1980 suzuki GSX1100
    the best island
    Quote Originally Posted by Flettner View Post
    Cylinder back from NZ Cylinders.
    I have to know "what's in the small jar"
    Compare Pornography now to 50 years ago.
    Then extrapolate 50 years into the future.
    . . . That shit's Nasty.

  8. #40313
    Join Date
    21st June 2012 - 14:20
    1974 Yamaha RD250
    Camden, S.C. USA
    Photo #1 instruction sheet says Motul Kart synthetic castor for pre lube..

  9. #40314
    Join Date
    18th March 2004 - 17:38
    1971 suzuki T350R,1980 suzuki GSX1100
    the best island
    Quote Originally Posted by 190mech View Post
    Photo #1 instruction sheet says Motul Kart synthetic castor for pre lube..
    Makes sense. Thank you
    Compare Pornography now to 50 years ago.
    Then extrapolate 50 years into the future.
    . . . That shit's Nasty.

  10. #40315
    Join Date
    20th January 2010 - 14:41
    The Wild Wild West
    Quote Originally Posted by diesel pig View Post
    I have to know "what's in the small jar"


    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken

  11. #40316
    Join Date
    8th February 2007 - 20:42
    This is something that Millenium struggled with for years and are still getting shit poked at them even now.
    They keep getting random " streaking " up the bore at the first heat cycle - nothing to do with port edges.
    If you use a ton of castor based oil on the bore/piston , and DO NOT rev or blip the throttle for at least 5 minutes of just slow first start idle, this does not happen.
    The heavy compression induced ring bore tension is reduced doing this initial break in procedure and bore streaking created by micro ring face particles being torn off - goes away.
    It looks bad when you see it , but not long into normal use it will quickly wear off.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Bore.jpg 
Views:	55 
Size:	218.2 KB 
ID:	355644  
    Ive got a thing thats unique and new.To prove it I'll have the last laugh on you.Cause instead of one head I got two.And you know two heads are better than one.

  12. #40317
    Join Date
    11th May 2024 - 06:49
    Full Custom 90cc 2 Stroke Road Racer
    United States, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by wobbly View Post
    This is something that Millenium struggled with for years and are still getting shit poked at them even now.
    I have seen so much shit poked at them over this that I had decided to go to PowerSeal for their Nikaseal plating instead of Millenium.

    Thankfully the engine manufacturer my team has been working with in China has accepted the need to convert from chrome plating to "Nickel Silicon Carbide" process.

    So far it appears they have found a facility to shop out the plating too until I can convince them to ditch their in-house chrome process completely and setup for Ni-Sic plating like they ought to be doing...

    I sent them a few Chinese language patents, I dont get whats so difficult about it

    The facility they are shoping out too claims they purchase the Sic powder straight from Germany, which at least sounds promissing.

    Once the first batch of "nika-whatever" coating cylinders get here I'll have some pistons made up for 1.0mm chrome face rings and see what happens.

  13. #40318
    Join Date
    12th March 2010 - 16:56
    TT500 F9 Kawasaki EFI
    Hamilton New Zealand

  14. #40319
    Join Date
    8th February 2007 - 20:42
    The coating chemical process , can be easily adjusted technically to achieve a wide range of surface hardness values after final honing.

    PowerSeal errs very much on the hard side , and thus receives big reps as though their process is " superior " because they don't suffer anywhere near as badly from initial streaking
    up the bore during the first break-in heat cycle.

    But in realty, of course , there is never a free lunch , and the harder honed surface immediately wears the coated ring face , and thus the longer term seal efficiency much, much faster.
    Swings and roundabouts, where they sacrifice good long term ring seal , for short term perceived superior coating performance.

    It is in no way superior at all - if the simple, correct break in process is adhered to, and then the so called shit plating performs perfectly in long term reality.
    Ive got a thing thats unique and new.To prove it I'll have the last laugh on you.Cause instead of one head I got two.And you know two heads are better than one.

  15. #40320
    Join Date
    11th May 2024 - 06:49
    Full Custom 90cc 2 Stroke Road Racer
    United States, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by wobbly View Post
    The coating chemical process , can be easily adjusted technically to achieve a wide range of surface hardness values after final honing.

    PowerSeal errs very much on the hard side , and thus receives big reps as though their process is " superior " because they don't suffer anywhere near as badly from initial streaking
    up the bore during the first break-in heat cycle.

    But in realty, of course , there is never a free lunch , and the harder honed surface immediately wears the coated ring face , and thus the longer term seal efficiency much, much faster.
    Swings and roundabouts, where they sacrifice good long term ring seal , for short term perceived superior coating performance.

    It is in no way superior at all - if the simple, correct break in process is adhered to, and then the so called shit plating performs perfectly in long term reality.
    Thank you for sharing the empirical experience Wayne.

    The process itself is simple enough to understand in principle...

    But as I got deeper into what happens when you hone the cylinder, and how the coating has certain parameters that are tuned to work in conjunction with the method of honing, the ability to effectively determine the best solution quickly exceeded my pay grade.

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