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Thread: Jacinda

  1. #211
    Join Date
    10th December 2009 - 22:42
    less than I used to have
    ...enough people sticking to middle ground, the yin and yang, is all that is required to keep the pariah at bay...

    (...swords, and very pointy sticks work too, as has been proven so many times...long bows would work too, and lots of Liptons tea,,,)

  2. #212
    Join Date
    30th January 2004 - 11:00
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    Quote Originally Posted by sidecar bob View Post
    And as yet nobody mentioned the huge brown elephant in the room, the budget, where Labour dished out one billion dollars to a minority race, amounting to aprox 1.6 million dollars per individual identifying as that race.
    Well done labour you racist bunch of c@nts, ant well done everybody else for your political correctness by not mentioning it.
    I hear ya. I voted Labour for the first time in my life and now regret it every day. The most racist government we have had. Have a read of the Governments paper (reluctantly forced to be released)' He Paupua' -rights of indigenous people of A/NZ. I had a brief look through it and can't find anywhere where it explains the miracle of how a country that does not, has not, and never can have an indigenous population somehow now does?
    This government is positioning us through social engineering for apartheid. They are going with the approach that if they repeat a lie enough it becomes truth.
    Indigenous meaning;
    Cambridge dictionary- Naturally existing in a place or country rather than arriving from another place
    Oxford dictionary- belonging to a particular place rather than coming to it from somewhere else
    Collins Dictionary- Indigenous people or things belong to the country in which they are found, rather than coming there or being brought there from another country.

    Everyone in NZ comes from immigrants that came here from another place and we all deserve equality.
    Happiness is a means of travel, not a destination

  3. #213
    Join Date
    5th January 2007 - 14:58
    Buttfuck nowhere
    Quote Originally Posted by MD View Post
    I hear ya. I voted Labour for the first time in my life and now regret it ever day. The most racist government we have had. Have a read of the Governments paper (reluctantly forced to be released)' He Paupua' -rights of indigenous people of A/NZ. I had a brief look through it and can't find anywhere where it explains the miracle of how a country that does not, has not, and never can have an indigenous population somehow now does?
    This government is positioning us through social engineering for apartheid. They are going with the approach that if they repeat a lie enough it becomes truth.
    Indigenous meaning;
    Cambridge dictionary- Naturally existing in a place or country rather than arriving from another place
    Oxford dictionary- belonging to a particular place rather than coming to it from somewhere else
    Collins Dictionary- Indigenous people or things belong to the country in which they are found, rather than coming there or being brought there from another country.

    Everyone in NZ comes from immigrants that came here from another place and we all deserve equality.
    I was looking forward to hearing how it was all National's fault, but not a word.
    Now this after being promised "no surprise new taxes""
    Very dissapointing.

  4. #214
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    Quote Originally Posted by MD View Post
    I hear ya. I voted Labour for the first time in my life and now regret it every day. The most racist government we have had. Have a read of the Governments paper (reluctantly forced to be released)' He Paupua' -rights of indigenous people of A/NZ. I had a brief look through it and can't find anywhere where it explains the miracle of how a country that does not, has not, and never can have an indigenous population somehow now does?
    This government is positioning us through social engineering for apartheid. They are going with the approach that if they repeat a lie enough it becomes truth.
    Indigenous meaning;
    Cambridge dictionary- Naturally existing in a place or country rather than arriving from another place
    Oxford dictionary- belonging to a particular place rather than coming to it from somewhere else
    Collins Dictionary- Indigenous people or things belong to the country in which they are found, rather than coming there or being brought there from another country.

    Everyone in NZ comes from immigrants that came here from another place and we all deserve equality.
    "The Moriori are the native Polynesian people of the Chatham Islands (Rēkohu in Moriori; Wharekauri in Māori), New Zealand. Moriori originated from Māori settlers from the New Zealand mainland around AD 1500.[2] This was near the time of the shift from the archaic to classic Māori culture on the main islands of New Zealand.[3][4] Oral tradition records multiple waves of migration to the Chatham Islands, starting in the 16th century.[5][6] Over several centuries these settlers' culture diverged from mainland Māori, developing a distinctive language (which started as a dialect but gradually became only partially intelligible with Māori), mythology, artistic expression and way of life.[7] Currently there are around 700 people who identify as Moriori, most of whom no longer live on the Chatham Islands.[8] During the late 19th century some prominent anthropologists mistakenly proposed that Moriori were pre-Māori settlers of mainland New Zealand, and possibly Melanesian in origin.[9][10]". - Wikipedia on Moriori.

    What is the timeframe, and who is the authority, that decides the 'ownership' of any given landmass? Is it ironic that We are all indigenous peoples by ancestory given that all of our ancestors once shared a landmass known as Pangea.
    I didn't think!!! I experimented!!!

  5. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by sidecar bob View Post
    I was looking forward to hearing how it was all National's fault, but not a word.
    Now this after being promised "no surprise new taxes""
    Very dissapointing.
    Just for you bob. Labour said no to UNDRIP back in the day, National said yes a few years later. Why people would blame Labour for being forced to do something that National signed the country up for is beyond me.

    Good enough? Or do you need more rabidity?

    "The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) was adopted by the General Assembly on Thursday, 13 September 2007, by a majority of 144 states in favour, 4 votes against (Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States) and 11 abstentions (Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burundi, Colombia, Georgia, Kenya, Nigeria, Russian Federation, Samoa and Ukraine).Click here to view the voting record.

    Years later the four countries that voted against have reversed their position and now support the UN Declaration. Today the Declaration is the most comprehensive international instrument on the rights of indigenous peoples. It establishes a universal framework of minimum standards for the survival, dignity and well-being of the indigenous peoples of the world and it elaborates on existing human rights standards and fundamental freedoms as they apply to the specific situation of indigenous peoples." - from the UN site.
    I didn't think!!! I experimented!!!

  6. #216
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    I get it, with a small minority of ute owners - the largest load in their ute is their ego, but why penalize the farmers and tradies that actually use their utes to carry shit around? "Hard to enforce", my arse. Don't penalize the many because a few get away with not paying the new tax. Jacinda admits there are no EV utes anywhere to be had right now, so exempt them FFS. I'm no farmer or tradie, but even I can see this one is a bloody major oversight. Stooopid fucking pollies.

  7. #217
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    Yup, it’s the city posers that have shafted the tradies and farmers...yet again, by buying too many of the things.

    Apparently if you have more than one child in Auckland you have to buy an SUV or a double cab ute. Funny, I seem to remember a time when sedans and station wagons were perfectly adequate.
    Moe: Well, I'm better than dirt. Well, most kinds of dirt. I mean not that fancy store bought dirt. That stuffs loaded with nutrients. I...I can't compete with that stuff.
    - The Simpsons

  8. #218
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    Quote Originally Posted by sidecar bob View Post
    I was looking forward to hearing how it was all National's fault, but not a word.
    Now this after being promised "no surprise new taxes""
    Very dissapointing.
    So exactly when did they say no new rebates............
    ps if crusher is calling something dishonest are I able to point out that she was that dishonest her leader john Key refused to give her an honorable title.
    lastly if the current party is performing so poor why are they the clear leader in the polls? Twice as high n fact.......Adern is nearly 40% higher as prefered PM
    While Collins is half the rating she was 12 months ago....
    National should get a new theme song.

    ps where were you when national were doing this in 2016
    Kiwis to consider buying an EV for their next car.
    Electric Vehicles Programme
    From 5 May 2016, the Electric Vehicles Programme:
    Aims to double the number of electric vehicles in New Zealand every year to reach about 64,000 by 2021
    Extends the Road User Charges exemption on light electric vehicles until they make up two percent of the light vehicle fleet
    Offers new Road User Charges exemption for heavy electric vehicles until they make up two percent of the heavy vehicle fleet
    Will work across Government and the private sector to look into bulk-buying electric vehicles
    Co-ordinates the activities of Government agencies to support the development and roll-out of public charging infrastructure, information and guidance.
    Has allocated $1 million annually for a nation-wide electric vehicle information and promotion campaign over five years
    Includes a contestable fund of up to $6 million per year to encourage and support innovative low emission vehicle projects
    May in future allow electric vehicles in bus lanes and high-occupancy vehicle lanes on the State Highway network and local roads
    Will review tax depreciation rates and the method for calculating fringe benefit tax for electric vehicles to ensure electric vehicles are not being unfairly disadvantaged
    Will establish an electric vehicles leadership group across business, local and central government
    For more information on the government’s programme, click here.

    Low Emissions Vehicle Contestable Fund
    In August 2016, the Government’s announced a low emissions vehicle contestable fund. This is available to projects that can showcase the potential of EVs to the rest of New Zealand.
    Part of the government’s electric vehicles programme, the fund is aimed at promoting EVs and making the most of New Zealand’s renewable electricity advantage. If you have a great project that just needs some funding,
    Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
    I reminder distinctly .

    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken

  9. #219
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    Quote Originally Posted by mashman View Post

    What is the timeframe, and who is the authority, that decides the 'ownership' of any given landmass? Is it ironic that We are all indigenous peoples by ancestory given that all of our ancestors once shared a landmass known as Pangea.
    Thanks for the history lesson but it doesn't change my point. The term indigenous has nothing to do with ownership, it's about origin. It's not about ownership of the landmass now known as NZ. It's about the simple scientific fact that no peoples evolved hundreds of thousands of years ago on the landmass that drifted off to become NZ. It was a human barren landmass and many peoples recently discovered it. Therefore we are all descendants of brave explorers and should be proud of that fact and celebrate it and accept that we are all immigrants and no one can claim the superiority mantle of indigenous.

    I agree with your point that ultimately we are all indigenous to Africa or Pangaea or Gondwana.

    What I'm saying is fact and truth should come before personal opinions and views. Something Labour can't comprehend.
    Happiness is a means of travel, not a destination

  10. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by MD View Post
    Thanks for the history lesson but it doesn't change my point. The term indigenous has nothing to do with ownership, it's about origin. It's not about ownership of the landmass now known as NZ. It's about the simple scientific fact that no peoples evolved hundreds of thousands of years ago on the landmass that drifted off to become NZ. It was a human barren landmass and many peoples recently discovered it. Therefore we are all descendants of brave explorers and should be proud of that fact and celebrate it and accept that we are all immigrants and no one can claim the superiority mantle of indigenous.

    I agree with you point that ultimately we are all indigenous to Africa or Pangaea or Gondwana.

    What I'm saying is fact and truth should come before personal opinions and views. Something Labour can't comprehend.
    I wasn't trying to give/offer a history lesson as such, was more going for pointing out AN popular history lesson in a sea of history lessons. As we both agree/know, it's hard to argue that we don't share an ancestory (not sure why the "o" is removed lol) of a common people and therefore argue that there is more than one indigenous group, yet someone has defined such for some purpose. I very much see 'Ownership', primarily from a culturally sovereign perspective (requiring land and access to the resources of wider society blah blah blah), as being the reason for the division. If no one owns it, then no one can claim it, yet something is very much being given/claimed.

    From what I've seen, politicians tend to deal in expedience, with fact and truth being a bonus if it fits the narrative.
    I didn't think!!! I experimented!!!

  11. #221
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    Quote Originally Posted by mashman View Post

    From what I've seen, politicians tend to deal in expedience, with fact and truth being a bonus if it fits the narrative.
    Do you not consider yourself to be a politician because hardly anyone voted for you?
    Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
    I reminder distinctly .

    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken

  12. #222
    Join Date
    1st November 2005 - 08:18
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    Quote Originally Posted by nerrrd View Post
    Yup, it’s the city posers that have shafted the tradies and farmers...yet again, by buying too many of the things.

    Apparently if you have more than one child in Auckland you have to buy an SUV or a double cab ute. Funny, I seem to remember a time when sedans and station wagons were perfectly adequate.
    From daily observations on D'auckland motorways, tradies in utes and vans are heavy users of these vehicles. Sadly the morons HAVE to sit in the right hand lane at 6am, doing ~70kph.

    Have to agree with the farming community being screwed over by the socialist menace party, once again.
    A farmer would need three electric vehicles to replace one ute. Even then it wouldn't get around the farm and perform the same jobs.

    Fuck liarbour.
    TOP QUOTE: “The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.”

  13. #223
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    Ford could sell a lot of these things if they brought them in with right hand drive. Specs look good and the price in the US starts under $20k. No doubt Ford NZ could adjust that up to $80K + without too much trouble
    it's not a bad thing till you throw a KLR into the mix.
    those cheap ass bitches can do anything with ductape.
    (PostalDave on ADVrider)

  14. #224
    Join Date
    20th January 2010 - 14:41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swoop View Post
    From daily observations on D'auckland motorways, tradies in utes and vans are heavy users of these vehicles. Sadly the morons HAVE to sit in the right hand lane at 6am, doing ~70kph.

    Have to agree with the farming community being screwed over by the socialist menace party, once again.
    A farmer would need three electric vehicles to replace one ute. Even then it wouldn't get around the farm and perform the same jobs.

    Fuck liarbour.
    Interesting as most farm ute trips are a few minutes on the farms at low speeds.......
    So your comments lack a bit compared to real-life situations.
    We run a fleet of 200 50% utes we buy about 50 new vehicles a year
    Toyota and other companies have indicated we will have three times the range by 2025 and charging times under 20 minutes
    Even assuming this is optimistic we will continue to buy 50% hybrids until then as were are committed to reducing our carbon footprint by 30%.
    Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
    I reminder distinctly .

    Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken

  15. #225
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    There's this too, but it's bigger than what we usually have in this country. If Ford can sell these others will follow in short order.
    There is a grey blur, and a green blur. I try to stay on the grey one. - Joey Dunlop

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