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Thread: How to unblock toilet unconventionally?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    28th December 2008 - 21:12

    How to unblock toilet unconventionally?


    Blocked toilet dilemma and have tried the conventional methods (hot water & dish soap).

    Now it’s overflowed on the bathroom floor. Worst thing is I used the missus white towels to mat the floor (is all I could find I was in a panic).

    They’re not white anymore.

    What are the unconventional methods??? Not keen to use a plumber on the first instance. Not keen on her finding out 3rd time round (we use seperate bathrooms but I can only cover for so long, not keen to experience another “dumping”)

    So a quick turnaround please!!
    Appreciate serious advice!

    Safe to say I’m up shit creek fellas.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    10th December 2009 - 22:42
    less than I used to have
    3,168 all starts with a shovel to find your waste pipe...then it gets worse...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    28th December 2008 - 21:12
    Quote Originally Posted by ellipsis View Post all starts with a shovel to find your waste pipe...then it gets worse...
    I really hope that’s not the case...that will be an uncomfortable conversation with the landlord....again

  4. #4
    Join Date
    18th February 2005 - 10:16
    CT110 Super Cub - postie bike
    Are you responsible for it blocking? I mean, if you've dropped a turd the size of a tree trunk in there then yes, you are, and perhaps a flexible instrument may alleviate things. However, if you can't reasonably blame your own 'output' for the blockage then there may be an actual problem down there and a plumber is the best solution.

    When I worked in a certain large un-named hospitality outlet (lets call it the Hermitage Hotel in Mount Cook just to give it a random name) I did indeed drop a turd the size of a small tree trunk down the dunny one afternoon and after I'd done the required paperwork, well the tide came up and up and up to the tippy top of the bowl and stopped. I ran away. Our work plumber turned up and I noticed him from my office window digging a trench to get to the pipework and watched him manually clear the blockage. Oh how I laughed on the inside as I watched that. I then had to tut tut sympathetically beside him on the bus home while he moaned about the dirty bastard with the oversized arsehole who ruined his afternoon. Never owned up and it still makes me laugh. Oh, sorry Brett!
    Grow older but never grow up

  5. #5
    Join Date
    28th December 2008 - 21:12
    Quote Originally Posted by Oakie View Post
    Are you responsible for it blocking? I mean, if you've dropped a turd the size of a tree trunk in there then yes, you are

    When I worked in a certain large un-named hospitality outlet (lets call it the Hermitage Hotel in Mount Cook just to give it a random name) I did indeed drop a turd the size of a small tree trunk down the dunny one afternoon and after I'd done the required paperwork, well the tide came up and up and up to the tippy top of the bowl and stopped. I ran away. Our work plumber turned up and I noticed him from my office window digging a trench to get to the pipework and watched him manually clear the blockage. Oh how I laughed on the inside as I watched that. I then had to tut tut sympathetically beside him on the bus home while he moaned about the dirty bastard with the oversized arsehole who ruined his afternoon. Never owned up and it still makes me laugh. Oh, sorry Brett!
    No comment...

    Poor Brett! You should have told him. Watching the poor man in last nights roast dinner! Can you look at him the same?

    By process of elimination I am now going to try vinegar then if failing that a coat hanger. Keen to see some DIY alternatives come through.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    8th January 2005 - 15:05
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    Unless you know why the toilet is blocked, sad experience suggests a spade is the right tool. Knowledge of where to dig is handy, the plumber would use a probe.

    It is unlikely that it will fix itself, the problem will likely get worse not better.

    Currently there's an ad about the three Ps that seems relevant.
    There is a grey blur, and a green blur. I try to stay on the grey one. - Joey Dunlop

  7. #7
    Join Date
    7th October 2011 - 20:01
    bike sold :-(
    try some phosphoric-acid see link
    It is quite safe to use & it will also clean off the stubborn skid marks off the bowl at the same time. It is so good it will clean off that brown water staining that builds up on the back of the bowl.
    The only issue would be if it is a mechanical issue that is blocking the pipes (ie broken dropped pipe or tree roots) tell your plumber that you have treated the drain with it before they go playing with the blockage.
    You can buy it from your local hardware store as CLR CALCIUM LIME RUST REMOVER same stuff you just pay more for the fancy packaging.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Someone been dropping wet-wipes down there? They are good for blocking the drains,despite what the makers say. Any trees growing on the boundary that could have sent roots into the pipes? (more common in older properties where the sewers are earthenware with push fit joins, Modern plastic pipe joins are glued)
    But it's not that difficult to clear a blockage - get a set of sewer rods from Hire-Pool, dig up the pipes, find the inspection port (usually at a bend) . If a fountain of shitty water comes out, the blockage is downstream (between here and the street). Screw the rods together, drop them in and push.
    I used to do this on a fairly regular basis until I dug up the whole pipe out to the boundary and replaced the old pipes (1950 house) with plastic. Pipe was full of the neighbors tree roots. No problems since.
    it's not a bad thing till you throw a KLR into the mix.
    those cheap ass bitches can do anything with ductape.
    (PostalDave on ADVrider)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    28th December 2008 - 21:12
    Appreciate the advice all,

    Water level in the bowl has reduced till about just higher than the typical floating level which makes me believe it’s slowly drawing through the pipe.

    So hopefully no invasive methods are necessary.

    As a contingent I have spotted the rodding eye coming out from the outside wall penetration so worst case can start prodding tomorrow. (Pipe system is std PVC).


  10. #10
    Join Date
    28th December 2008 - 21:12
    Job done - must of been a large accumulation of toilet paper, all sucked through with a growl once it all broke free. Guessing the hot water and chemicals helped break it down after a few hours sitting in there.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    1st May 2016 - 13:54
    Vintage 2T
    I once was a young and impetuous fellow.

    I removed the toilet bowl from the floor, put in a 100mm plumbers plug and hooked up line to my compressor.
    Put what I considered was an appropriately modest amount of pressure into the system.

    Now I wasn't being careless, I had one foot on top of the plug, for extra insurance.

    Reached over to the compressor to release the hose from the regulator, bit of a stretch.

    Lifted my foot slightly from the top of the plug and was immediately drowned in what felt like 100 litres of foul, aged, shitty water,
    It got me on the way up...then bounced off the ceiling and covered me again on the way down.

    Turns out it was tree roots in the council main 20 metres away


    Cheers, Daryl.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    9th May 2008 - 21:23
    Toilet humour is fun ain't it?

    We bought a new house in Wellington some years back. The builder was known as a bit of a prankster, but he got served a beaut by the lads who did the concrete driveway.

    House was down a right of way, so long driveway. Second or third week in the new house, water in toilet and bath slow to drain. Builder was in next street over on another build, so came over. Lifted the manhole cover halfway down drive, found a neat concrete plug in the halfpipe at base of manhole.

    I guess our builder had a weak stomach though, for once he yanked the plug, a lovely collection of brown smelly gunge came thru...shortly thereafter followed by his lunch

    Hope the OP has no further dramas with his dunny

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