View Full Version : More things to know

1st March 2004, 13:32
Useless chatter concerning alchol and other matters.


British Constitution;
Passive-aggressive disorder;
Loquacious Transubstantiate.


Thanks, but I don't want to have sex;
Nope, no more beer for me;
Sorry, but you're not really my type;
Good evening officer, isn't it lovely out tonight;
Oh, I just couldn't. No one wants to hear me sing.


During an hour's swimming at a municipal pool you will ingest 1/12
liter of urine.

In an average day your hands will have come into indirect contact with
15 penises (touching door handles etc.)

An average person's yearly fast food intake will contain 12 pubic

In a year you will have swallowed 14 insects - while you slept!

Annually you will shake hands with 11 women who have recently
masturbated and failed to wash their hands.

Annually you will shake hands with 6 men who have recently masturbated
and failed to wash their hands.

In a lifetime 22 workmen will have examined the contents of your dirty
linen basket.

At an average wedding reception you have a 1/100 chance of getting a
cold sore from one of the guests.

Daily you will breath in 1 liter of other peoples' anal gases.

1st March 2004, 13:48
Zigactly! hic.

1st March 2004, 13:58
Annually you will shake hands with 11 women who have recently
masturbated and failed to wash their hands.

Annually you will shake hands with 6 men who have recently masturbated
and failed to wash their hands.

I didn't know women in general where such wankers (jokening only, please do not take any offence :innocent: ).

1st March 2004, 14:56
Dang right,I didn't need to know that.

1st March 2004, 15:27
Who comes up with this stuff anyway? :buggerd:

1st March 2004, 15:42
I wouldn't worry to much about that list as 73% of statistics are made up on the spot anyway.

1st March 2004, 16:15
i think if i even ingested 1/12 of a litre of water i'd be out of the pool spluttering and coughing. the urine content would be WELL below that so I'm definitely going to go out on a limb and say that ones bollocks. as for the rest...I think i'll go with slingshot on those

1st March 2004, 16:44
I worked at Pt Erin pools many moons ago,The aceptable level of urine was 6 ppm,So you would be swallowing a fair bit to get to 1/2 liter.
And isn't gas measured in Newton meters,not liters.

1st March 2004, 20:05
I worked at Pt Erin pools many moons ago,The aceptable level of urine was 6 ppm,So you would be swallowing a fair bit to get to 1/2 liter.
And isn't gas measured in Newton meters,not liters.

And to continue the pedantic tone, 6 ppm seems to me to be a meaningless measurement for urine which is mostly water anyway.
Being a regular user of the Onehunga Aquasport outdoor pool, I'm more worried by the suspended solids...

2nd March 2004, 07:56
And isn't gas measured in Newton meters,not liters.

Newton metres are pressure units. Litres are volume units. The more pressure, the more gas you can get to fit. PV = nRT

2nd March 2004, 11:28
Newton metres are pressure units. Litres are volume units. The more pressure, the more gas you can get to fit. PV = nRT

to get REALLY pedantic, newton metres are strictly a torque measurement. newtons per metre squared are pressure.

what were we talking about again? :wacko:

2nd March 2004, 11:55
In an average day your hands will have come into indirect contact with
15 penises (touching door handles etc.)

Am I a cleanliness freak like John kocinski or something because I cannot believe when I am out using the facilities the number of men that either use the urinal or the booth and then just leave without washing their hands? Me I always soap up and rinse thoroughly and take care not to fondle the door handles too much on the way out. Latest experience was Saturday night, my son wanted us to take him to Valentines fror birthday dinner, sure enough (is he a real man or what) one guy leaves the men's room while I'm there, doesn't wash his hands and he's straight back to the food tables. Its a buffet restaurant for Christ sake. Even worse is pubs - real men just don't wash their hands - the rate would be about 95% from my estimation. So the comment above I can see is very real.

2nd March 2004, 12:02
I also know that one of the worst ones from the above statistics is very real. But for the sake of you guys, I am not going to mention it. :sick:

2nd March 2004, 12:03
Am I a cleanliness freak like John kocinski or something because I cannot believe when I am out using the facilities the number of men that either use the urinal or the booth and then just leave without washing their hands? Me I always soap up and rinse thoroughly and take care not to fondle the door handles too much on the way out. Latest experience was Saturday night, my son wanted us to take him to Valentines fror birthday dinner, sure enough (is he a real man or what) one guy leaves the men's room while I'm there, doesn't wash his hands and he's straight back to the food tables. Its a buffet restaurant for Christ sake. Even worse is pubs - real men just don't wash their hands - the rate would be about 95% from my estimation. So the comment above I can see is very real.

I don't know where you guys learned "the urinal thing" but where I grew up we got reasonably proficient at the art of pissing and avoiding clothing and other body parts. Provided it gets washed reasonably regularly and thoroughly, your penis should not be a priapism of pustulating pox and touching it will be no more a vector for disease than any other covered body part. Your hands are your greatest food risk, and to be really careful, you should wash them thoroughly AFTER leaving the men's room (unless you can open the door without touching it with your hands). To ensure your hands are well cleaned, sing two verses of "Happy birthday to you" whilst you do it...

2nd March 2004, 14:01
My observation of male hygiene is similar to the above. Hitcher, your point about the over-rated risk is probably true at least in theory. Trouble is, how could we ever be sure? That's why getting into the habit of washing hands after going to the toilet is worthwhile. It does annoy me to think that touching the door handle probably negates the handwashing, so if at all possible I avoid this. I like the practice in some places (e.g. airports) of showing the cleaning schedule (presumably includes wiping the door handle with disinfectant).
But hey it's possible to get too neurotic about this. When I was younger my stomach must have been more delicate because I had much more frequent bouts of tummy trouble. Now that I'm old and tough it rarely happens. Only time I can remember throwing up (apart from the occasional overindulgence in alcohol) was when I ate a single solitary rock oyster at Port Albert. That little critter sure made me suffer for a moment's pleasure. I'm not obsessive about food hygiene so I put it down to tolerance or resistance built up over the years. That's one reason why my generation rarely suffered from allergies the way young people do today. My mother used to say "You've got to eat a peck of dirt before you die".
Now what exactly were we talking about?
I've obviously got too much spare time at work...

Lou Girardin
2nd March 2004, 15:43
I thoroughly wash my hands before I get it out. Could be any kind of lurgy on them.

2nd March 2004, 16:18
I thoroughly wash my hands before I get it out. Could be any kind of lurgy on them.

Good lad Lou. No point taking liberties with Private Parts!

Big Dog
3rd March 2004, 17:24
As to opening the door thats what god gave us feet AND toes for. If it opens out you use the foot if it opens in you use the toes.

I can't remember the stat but you are more likely to die from something you ate at home than in a legal premisis. You also halve the probability of suffering food poisoning if you consume unmixed liquor prior to starting your meal.
Moral of the story 1 if you have to eat out get a cab and drink spirits and wine with your meal.
Moral of the story 2 don't do a food safety course if you want to feel safe to eat in your own home.

3rd March 2004, 19:34
I always wash my hands. That's what my mama taught me. You get goobies otherwise.

4th March 2004, 05:08
I can't say that I am qualified to comment on male hygiene habits in male toilets.

However, I can report that there are some females at work who leave the ladies without washing their hands.

I personally always wash my hands after using the toilet, and have wondered about the door handles but at work I have no choice but to use the handle (lever needs to be pushed down to open it, and door opens inwards). I have considered, from time to time (particularly when leaving after the one who doesn't wash) using a paper towel on the handle, but don't want my nickname to become John Kosinski. (But hang on, the people at work would never have HEARD of JK!!)

I like this site, we talk about such diverse things!!!

MikeL and Hitcher - you made me laugh - thanks!!

4th March 2004, 06:25
Personally, you have more to worry about with what is on my hands before I enter a toilet. I work as Master Farrier (horse shoeing), and am often picking horse shit (among other things) out of their hoofs as I am working. I really need the hand basin on the outside of the toilet!
I have also worked as a Reg. Nurse (lots of f*cken hand washing).
Have read many papers on health as part of my RN training. There have been a few that suggest that some of our increasing health problems (eg: Asthma) are due to excess "Hygene". This is because:

Our bodies improve their defence system against bactria & viruses by having dealt with them before (hense MikeL's comment " When I was younger my stomach must have been more delicate because I had much more frequent bouts of tummy trouble. Now that I'm old and tough it rarely happens.").
We also need some bactria (this group of bactria are called "communal bactria") in and on our bodies to help them to function properly. This is why urinery tract infections (UTI's) and thrush are problems for patients who have been give lots of antibiotics, because the communal bactria have been depleted (or totally wiped out). This allows other bactria, yeast, etc. to invide those areas of the body that is normally defended by this "greebies".

Just giving you something to think about:sick: :puke: :innocent:

14th March 2004, 21:40
What, with all this germ thing I think I had better wash my hands before I wank. And I am not going to mention about washing the mouth out with soap and water.


Lou Girardin
15th March 2004, 02:49
What, with all this germ thing I think I had better wash my hands before I wank. And I am not going to mention about washing the mouth out with soap and water.


There's that old saying; It's my soap and my dick, I'll wash it as fast as I like.

15th March 2004, 07:06
And I am not going to mention about washing the mouth out with soap and water.

Ya, my parents tried the soap thing, but my older brother got so used to the taste that he used to brush his teeth with it:niceone: . After that they gave up on washing our months out with soap:2thumbsup Probably why f*ck is just another adjective to me:whocares:

15th March 2004, 20:40
What, with all this germ thing I think I had better wash my hands before I wank. And I am not going to mention about washing the mouth out with soap and water.
Why, you gonna give yourself a blowjob?

15th March 2004, 21:32
now im freaking out cant do shit now germs everywhere ahhhhhhhhhhh! :laugh:
nah its all good im rarely sick anymore since im older and all :)