View Full Version : Auckland: COROMANDEL PIE RESEARCH (CPR) RIDE - 12th AUGUST 2006

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27th July 2006, 00:03

Departing Papakura Autobahn BP at 10:00 am on Saturday 12th August 2006

WHERE ARE WE GOING the Coromandel loop (anti-clockwise, 'cos clockwise is gay)

WHEN ARE WE GOING Saturday, 12th of August 2006

WHY ARE WE GOING to obtain valuable research to be compiled into usable information for our biking brethren. We have three goals. To find; the BEST PIE, the CHEAPEST PIE and to geographically map PIE locations.

SIGN THE DOTTED LINE HERE --> http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/calendar.php?do=getinfo&day=2006-8-12&c=0


$10 - $20 for Pies
An empty stomach
$5 - $10 for drinks to wash said pies down
A suitable place to store your pie wrapers
A piece of paper to record research data (a pen would be good too...)

Basically it is just an excuse to eat pies and go for a ride, however, try to record where you buy your pies from and the price you pay for the pie. If you come across an exceptional pie, keep the wrapper and record price, shop purchased from, location/address and visable land marks near shop.

This is open to all, slow and old (even GSXR riders), basically meet at BP, leaving for Kopu, taking the back roads. Once at Kopu, go anti-clockwise and stop as you see fit while riding your own ride.

I'm not responsible for anyone, so if possible, peer up with a rider of similar capabilities / pace. That way, if you decide to go home let that person know.

We'll probably re-group in the 'of signifigance' townships and eventually end the ride back at Kopu Mobil, there is a pub across the road, as you know, so that's a good place to end a good ride and wash down the pies.

Simple really.

No body likes to eat pies in the rain. If it is raining the ride will be post-poned until the weekend after.

27th July 2006, 00:10
Holy shit!

Just make sure Gremlin rides at the back, or there'll be none by the time we get there...

27th July 2006, 00:21
Don't be so hard on Gremlin, he has worked hard for his beer belly and pie shaped arse.

27th July 2006, 00:26
pie shaped arse.

Dude... keep your eyes on the road man... either that or don't shout it all over the forums...

27th July 2006, 02:51
bastards.... that be my birthday too :wait:

hmmm I might be in for the ride... my last few birthdays have all been weekdays, which normally involved.... work/uni. Couldn't care less about the pies, as swanny says, excuse for the ride, and I haven't done coro anti-clock.

27th July 2006, 08:30
well, I'm not going to be going on the ride since I'm in Palmy but if you're in auckland and wanting best pies, I really suggest you try Bernie's pies in brownsbay. Their steak pies are phenominal.... I have been looking and looking but never found better pies.....

Note I can only speak for their steak pies since... I only eat steak pies, but they have a large selection of steak pies and they're good....

27th July 2006, 08:48
I know this is an extremely serious topic, but f*ck me did it make me laugh :rockon:

27th July 2006, 09:39
. . . and I haven't done coro anti-clock.

After the comments Swanny was making about your arse, you might want to make that "anti-cock".

27th July 2006, 09:53
Look in at the Hikutaia store. mmmmmm nice pies !:first:

27th July 2006, 10:53
The Coromandel Pie shop does a mean pie, smothered in tucker farker. YUMMM.

27th July 2006, 13:12
What are you all on about, I thought Gremlin was a girl? :nya:

27th July 2006, 13:21
What are you all on about, I thought Gremlin was a girl? :nya:

Only after 7pm on weekend nights.

That pie habit needs serious coin to maintain.

The Pastor
27th July 2006, 14:27
Best pies are in eruobake in albany, hellishly expensive but the butter chicken pie is so good. although the last one I had did seem to skimp down on the chicken from previous pies (but still enough)

27th July 2006, 15:21
oops ... wrong thread :innocent:

27th July 2006, 15:37
What are you all on about, I thought Gremlin was a girl? :nya:

She is... was??? Has changed the girly symbol... does this mean shes had the Op? Bugger!

Lou Girardin
27th July 2006, 15:51
Another f'n Sat ride.
What do you guys do on Sundays?

27th July 2006, 15:59
Another f'n Sat ride.
What do you guys do on Sundays?

Now Lou, if there was ever a man in need of a good pie I'd say it was you.

28th July 2006, 20:36
Another f'n Sat ride.
What do you guys do on Sundays?


28th July 2006, 20:58
still no gf then...?

can we go even if we don't eat pies?

Jonny Rotten
29th July 2006, 11:08
trust you to organize a ride that invovles PIES swanny!!!!!!

so the ride will go like this.........

arrive at bp : eat pie from bp and the cafe next to macas.
leave bp: see sign for pies, stop eat pie
continue ride: stop at pokeno eat pie.
leave pokeno: stop at random cafe on side of road eat pie.
leave cafe: ride to kopu stop and eat pie
leave kopu: ride to thames stop and eat pie
ride a hundred meteres : stop and eat pie
ride another hundred meteres: stop and eat a pie
leave thames: ride to coromadel township stop and eat pie

this is goin to be a long long day shall we make it a weekend ride

Jonny Rotten
29th July 2006, 11:09
someone bring a camera so we can photogragh the pies

29th July 2006, 11:12
Fuck the pies...eating is cheating, but I will do a survey on which pub has the best Waikato on tap :D

Fucken funny idea Swanny... too many pies tho and you will have to trade up to the Hyobag 650 :)

29th July 2006, 20:30
Fuck the pies...eating is cheating, but I will do a survey on which pub has the best Waikato on tap :D

Fucken funny idea Swanny... too many pies tho and you will have to trade up to the Hyobag 650 :)

Has Auckland got the best Waikato on tap yet? Flush your toilets twice Hamiltonians, Auckland needs the water....:nya:

29th July 2006, 23:25
Waikato :sick: was brewed for all you poor fuckers who can't afford a Heineken :finger:

Mt. Wgtn Bakehouse does the best pies. Saw SpdMedic leaving the vicinity the other day - can't miss him in his work vehicle :doctor:

31st July 2006, 20:58
can i attend if i dont eat the pies?, im on a diet, lost 26kgs and a pie will make my bike go slower.:P

31st July 2006, 21:36
can i attend if i dont eat the pies?, im on a diet, lost 26kgs and a pie will make my bike go slower.:P

Pies are an excellent source of a balanced diet.

31st July 2006, 21:48
hehe how i do lust for a butterchicken pie, i may have to make a expection, i mean it is for the sake of pie research, many other pie lovers could benefit from information gathered on this mission,:P

31st July 2006, 22:14
Pies are an excellent source of a balanced diet.
Sorry, no they are not, if you are gluten sensitive but have to agree with you, they are delicious and the smell of a good pie is hard to resist!
I start thinking of pies about 2km into ride and am drooling by Tarras or Cromwell. Good idea for a ride swanny, have a good day. :blah: John.

31st July 2006, 22:20
Pies are an excellent source of a balanced diet.
Do you mean.........like one in each pocket??..........:corn:

31st July 2006, 22:30
The average pie has a golf ball sized hunk of pure fat in it. Usually made form the sweepings off the butcher shop floor, with plenty of bits of sinew, lung tissue, bung holes and other juicy bits. If you are very lucky, you might get one that has around 35% of some sort of meat in it. Might be hedgehog, possum, the odd stray cat or dog, but don't they taste so bloody nice :)

31st July 2006, 22:38
MMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm pie's,,,,,, anyone talked to jenny?

31st July 2006, 22:39
Bollocks to pies... bring on the puddings!!

<IMG SRC=http://www.agalinks.com/ImagesHide/Steak_Kidney_Pudding.jpg>

31st July 2006, 22:47
looks like a meat muffin upside down

The Pastor
2nd August 2006, 10:52

2nd August 2006, 11:31
Bollocks to pies... bring on the puddings!!

<IMG SRC=http://www.agalinks.com/ImagesHide/Steak_Kidney_Pudding.jpg>

Is that a genuine steamed steak and kidney pudding picture with suet pastry which gets steamed for about 4 hours? I've gone all weak thinking about it as Mrs B only makes one every couple of years. Served with mushy peas and lots of pepper, sigh........

2nd August 2006, 12:06
Is that a genuine steamed steak and kidney pudding picture with suet pastry which gets steamed for about 4 hours? I've gone all weak thinking about it as Mrs B only makes one every couple of years. Served with mushy peas and lots of pepper, sigh........

That it is... I am in fact having one cooked for me this coming Saturday :D :nya:

2nd August 2006, 13:10
You lucky bugger.:yes: I will have to go on bended knee to Mrs B. It's a particularly fine example of Pom cuisine. I have seen old receipes involving the addition of oysters but I'd never get one made then as Mrs B loathes oysters.

2nd August 2006, 13:23
You lucky bugger.:yes: I will have to go on bended knee to Mrs B. It's a particularly fine example of Pom cuisine. I have seen old receipes involving the addition of oysters but I'd never get one made then as Mrs B loathes oysters.

I've never had one with oysters before... bit too poncey for my liking...

2nd August 2006, 13:50
I've never had one with oysters before... bit too poncey for my liking...

Oysters weren't a poncey delicacy back in the dim mists of time - it was probably all the poor could find to eat. Let's face it, eating "phlegm in a shell" isn't everyone's cuppa, especially when the reproductive process of oysters may well involve the use of giant undersea nostrils.:sick:

Jonny Rotten
2nd August 2006, 16:55
damit your making me hungry !!!!!!! I WANT PIE NOW

2nd August 2006, 18:38

where do we all meet first?

2nd August 2006, 19:48
Right kids, I don't wanna have to repeat this...but...

The single best pie on the Coromandel is the STEAK AND OYSTER from the Coromandel township pie factory...they sell pretty quick, it's a bit of a pie-boy's secret this one, but they're VERY good. Don't miss out, or you'll be sorry.

2nd August 2006, 19:54
Hey Swanny you might have to call into Blackbirds place on the way to try one of those by the looks...if he's xtra nice to his Mrs tho.....

2nd August 2006, 20:00
Yes, you are stupid and missed it.

Departing Papakura Autobahn BP at 10:00 am on Saturday 12th August 2006
But we still love you.

Jonny Rotten
2nd August 2006, 20:50
Yes, you are stupid and missed it.

But we still love you.

thats a bit gay swanny

2nd August 2006, 21:25
thats a bit gay swanny
Becides all the gay love on here, me and Qkkid would like to attend and help you eat the pies but it depends on work (as usual...) so will have to see closer to the date.

Mmmmm Mince n cheese...............

3rd August 2006, 15:15
I will be in attendance at this event. May have to leave a little early if your all slow cause I have night shift that night.
If nothing else it will keep Mark away from the ride. If he turns up it wont be for long.

Didn't you know? he is the Manager of a bike shop on Saturday :nya:

3rd August 2006, 17:40
yumm, piess

I might be able to get away for this, pies are all good. Do you think that we could eat all the pies on the loop?

3rd August 2006, 18:00
darn im stupid, sorry, hey you think we will be back by 7:00pm?

3rd August 2006, 18:57
I might be doing some advance research about this Coromandle place this Sat. Anyone want to join me?

3rd August 2006, 20:00
I'm keen but only if it's okay with Dover.

3rd August 2006, 22:08
I'm keen but only if it's okay with Dover.

i'll let you go if I can cum in your mouth again

4th August 2006, 22:22
:scooter: Do you promise not to leave me behind?

4th August 2006, 22:30
Have you got room for a couple of close friends Geoff?, How are you mate

Crazy Steve
5th August 2006, 10:06
Same applies....I will cum tooooooo!!!!!!

Crazy Steve...

5th August 2006, 10:38
Hmmm...I'm picking up my bike from the Coro today. Mebbe I should sample some of these pies along the way! I haven't had breakfast yet and reading this thread is making me hungry!

I'm having a lot to do with the Coro lately - must be something in the air? :niceone:

Crazy Steve
5th August 2006, 12:30
Sweet, see you there, bring that fat mate of yours as well.

Ive havnt seen him ride his bike in one year...

I dont know if he can anymore??

I think he has the lowest milage K3 in the country...Mybe even the world!!!!

Crazy Steve..

5th August 2006, 14:07
Yeah I'll be in weather pending.
Last times I did the Coromandel was waaaaaaaay back in the mid-late '80's on old Z1000's and GS1000's :scooter: LOL...how times have changed eh?
Best y'all be kind on me and not leave this old fella behind ya hear :wait:

5th August 2006, 16:46
Yeah I'll be in weather pending.
Last times I did the Coromandel was waaaaaaaay back in the mid-late '80's on old Z1000's and GS1000's :scooter: LOL...how times have changed eh?
Best y'all be kind on me and not leave this old fella behind ya hear :wait:
Holy shit, Norfland MASSIVE represent !!

I'm working on the logic that the weather has been so utterly shit of late that next weekend is going to be beautiful, clear blue skies for as far as the eye can see and nice warm dry roads with no nasty P-metal.

And lets pray for a limited number of pesky camper vans and dodgy trucks and coaches running wide in the twisties. And those 4X4 and BMW cunts who speed up when you try to overtake are bed-ridden due to a waiter poisoning their latte.

Positive thoughts please.

5th August 2006, 16:54
When I lived in Coro, we used to just refer to all out of towners as "loonies", due to the way the BMW drivers, campers and assholes towing boats would try to drive the roads, you know, like they own them!
Hope you guys all have fun, wish I could join you for a yummy coro pie, although the Fish n chips are better.:shutup:
Mrs KD.

5th August 2006, 19:19
Holy shit, Norfland MASSIVE represent...
Currently seeing if I can rope a few others from the Norfland Crew too.
Shall be planning to come down the night before so I suggest bourbons will be in order friday/saturday night(s) :blip: :doobey:

Just don't forget to wait up for us being the nanas we are

6th August 2006, 00:40
Currently seeing if I can rope a few others from the Norfland Crew too.
Shall be planning to come down the night before so I suggest bourbons will be in order friday/saturday night(s) :blip: :doobey:

Just don't forget to wait up for us being the nanas we are

Hey dude will be awesome if ya made it...lets hope the Coromandel puts on some awesome weather for us :doobey:

6th August 2006, 08:33
Currently seeing if I can rope a few others from the Norfland Crew too.
Shall be planning to come down the night before so I suggest bourbons will be in order friday/saturday night(s) :blip: :doobey:

Just don't forget to wait up for us being the nanas we are Well we will have to catch up on Firday night over some Whiskey

6th August 2006, 13:34
When I lived in Coro, we used to just refer to all out of towners as "loonies", due to the way the BMW drivers, campers and assholes towing boats would try to drive the roads, you know, like they own them!
Hope you guys all have fun, wish I could join you for a yummy coro pie, although the Fish n chips are better.:shutup:
Mrs KD.

We've just come down from there this afternoon and it hasn't changed! BMW drivers NEVER pull over on the Thames coast road to let you past, and neither do 4x4's with flash boats on. Weather was pretty ugly up there, glad I was in the car.

6th August 2006, 13:47
We've just come down from there this afternoon and it hasn't changed! BMW drivers NEVER pull over on the Thames coast road to let you past, and neither do 4x4's with flash boats on. Weather was pretty ugly up there, glad I was in the car.you need to twist your right wrist to get past them then

6th August 2006, 13:48
What time are we meeting at the Autobhann

6th August 2006, 14:28
you need to twist your right wrist to get past them then

What does my wrist do when I'm in the car??? No worries on the bike.

6th August 2006, 17:46
What time are we meeting at the Autobhann
We will depart Autobahn about 10AM, so meeting anytime before then. I will probably turn up a little after 9AM and have breakfast while waiting around for everyone to arrive.


Any suggestions on what route we should take? I'm thinking the usual Clevedon, Marinda, etc until Kopu. Or perhaps a Canon Ball run down SH1 and then SH2 or whatever the road to Thames is called.

6th August 2006, 18:37
What does my wrist do when I'm in the car???
I don't think we need to know, do we?? :oi-grr: Don't you remember what mummy said "Two hands on the wheel at all times sonny" unless . . . well . . . its an emergency :blip:

6th August 2006, 19:01
Maybe keep that a secret till we get to auto bahn, unless you want the five-0 waiting

I think this would be a good idea decide on the day

6th August 2006, 19:15
Maybe keep that a secret till we get to auto bahn, unless you want the five-0 waitingFuck me paranoia manifests it self go see a shrink before you start shooting people

6th August 2006, 19:43


and they'll fucken enjoy it too.

6th August 2006, 19:58
I don't think we need to know, do we?? :oi-grr: Don't you remember what mummy said "Two hands on the wheel at all times sonny" unless . . . well . . . its an emergency :blip:

That's why it's cool to travel in the car with Mrs B - I can keep both hands on the wheel and still have a silly grin:blip:

6th August 2006, 21:51
Let's hope that my weather sense is correct and this shite weather lets off by the weekend. I'm fairly positive that it will, its the usual -- heaps of shit weather, utterly shit weather, and then the most beautiful day you think you've seen all year and bikes are everywhere, the aroma of pies is fresh and strong.

Let's do the sun dance.

<img src="http://www.galleryone.com/images/terpning/terpning-preparing-for-the-sun-dance.jpg">

Lou Girardin
7th August 2006, 09:45
What does my wrist do when I'm in the car??? No worries on the bike.

Relieve the boredom?

7th August 2006, 12:55
So... Kopu is ya first stop then?, and if ya leaving at 10 you'll be at Kopu at 11?
Might meet you there... I'm suposed to go to Vegas that day for a work function (karting) so Im tos'n up... go eat pies on the greatest loop in New Zealand or kick arse in karts with people I work with day-in day-out and try to be nice to?

7th August 2006, 13:03
I think you already know the answer to that one Wayne... meet up with us on the way to Kopu

7th August 2006, 18:52
I spose i could be keen to loop it again :scooter: but only if my leathers are dry by then :)

7th August 2006, 21:02
I think you already know the answer to that one Wayne... meet up with us on the way to Kopu

Dirty meat eaters:nya: :finger: :woohoo: :banana: maybe

7th August 2006, 21:53
Dirty meat eaters:nya: :finger: :woohoo: :banana: maybe

You better be there boyo :nya: Whats Darrel up to??

7th August 2006, 22:25
brooom broooom... i have some cheese to compliment anyones mince pie if you're strapped for cash!!!

workin on the mrs now...i'll arrange the boys from work :blip:

7th August 2006, 22:31
brooom broooom... i have some cheese to compliment anyones mince pie if you're strapped for cash!!!

workin on the mrs now...i'll arrange the boys from work :blip:

Dude you would be lucky to cover a mince savoury... if ya want me to work on your mrs as well I can be there in a couple of hours...I got rope too :doobey:

Giddy up my little Portuguese friend :scooter:

7th August 2006, 22:38
You better be there boyo :nya: Whats Darrel up to??
Could be there mate, might have to do some jiggery pokery with the work do.

7th August 2006, 23:03
Could be there mate, might have to do some jiggery pokery with the work do.

Oh dude you had a name change ...Im with ya know :D

See ya Saturday :D :doobey:

7th August 2006, 23:27
I've registered my attendance swanny, but if I get sick from the pies i'm gonna hold u accountable for tempting me into gluttony...and btw, they better be delicious! :rolleyes:

7th August 2006, 23:30
I've registered my attendance swanny, but if I get sick from the pies i'm gonna hold u accountable for tempting me into gluttony...and btw, they better be delicious! :rolleyes:
No problem, we will have a qualified paramedic on the road who will be administering Coke and Beer to relieve symptoms.

Look forward to seeing you there Zed.

7th August 2006, 23:41
Dude you would be lucky to cover a mince savoury... if ya want me to work on your mrs as well I can be there in a couple of hours...I got rope too :doobey:

Giddy up my little Portuguese friend :scooter:

Hey Vik, i'll set off now.. might see u at Kopu at 11 on saturday :bye:

8th August 2006, 01:00
Remember the support truck and ambo crew for you Auckland lot :p

8th August 2006, 13:46
I think you already know the answer to that one Wayne... meet up with us on the way to Kopu

Idrumm and me dont need to be in Vegas until 2pm... maybe we can tag along for a bit then head back... see how we go.

The Pastor
8th August 2006, 17:21
You don't think today was the day of good weather we are owed? I see blue skies! And weather.co.nz does show sun for sat....... :gob:

8th August 2006, 17:23
nothing wrong with a bit of rain tho is there? :scooter:

8th August 2006, 17:25
You don't think today was the day of good weather we are owed? I see blue skies! And weather.co.nz does show sun for sat....... :gob:
The weather is certainly starting to look like it's coming to the Party. :doobey:

8th August 2006, 17:37
Idrumm and me dont need to be in Vegas until 2pm... maybe we can tag along for a bit then head back... see how we go.

Me to mate, we could zippy there dangerous nasty Te A way meet Korn:rockon: go to the meeting place, over the Kopus Then turn right a little bit before Tairua then back through Whanga etc, or go a little further break off at the Corroglen and backtrack:rockon:

What do you think:blip:

The Pastor
8th August 2006, 18:09
The weather is certainly starting to look like it's coming to the Party. :doobey:

What I ment was, I hope than it doesnt pack it in after today :angry:

The Pastor
8th August 2006, 19:42
If its cool, I'll hang out at the back - I don't know the roads and wont be pushing it at all. I usally stop and help broken down people, so WHEN you nutters crash i'll be there.


My cellphone got stolen so I won't be able to call anyone...

8th August 2006, 19:59
If its cool, I'll hang out at the back - I don't know the roads and wont be pushing it at all. I usally stop and help broken down people, so WHEN you nutters crash i'll be there.


My cellphone got stolen so I won't be able to call anyone...

Ive got one, will sit at the back with you.No rush I`ve eaten pies before and it shows.

8th August 2006, 20:07
No problem, we will have a qualified paramedic on the road who will be administering Coke and Beer to relieve symptoms...
...surely forgeting the bourbon was a mere oversight of yours Mr Swandance?

8th August 2006, 20:41
I'll be keen on this too, hope the weather comes right though. I'll pass on eating all those shit pies though, that way you fat fuckers can get more to stuff your faces with :nya:

Now Gareth, no going off the edge on this ride, it might hurt a bit.

8th August 2006, 22:48
I'll be keen on this too, hope the weather comes right though. I'll pass on eating all those shit pies though, that way you fat fuckers can get more to stuff your faces with :nya:

You better follow the beer and bourbon sampling group then :doobey:

9th August 2006, 00:04
Fuckety fuck. My rectifier hasn't arrived yet. Don't think the old viffer could make it round the loop before the battery dies :nono:

9th August 2006, 00:06
Fuckety fuck. My rectifier hasn't arrived yet. Don't think the old viffer could make it round the loop before the battery dies :nono:
Bring Jumper leads. :blip:

Most of us Aucklanders are experienced in jump starting from when Mark had his GPX and needed a jump start every time he stopped on a ride.

9th August 2006, 00:44
Bring Jumper leads. :blip:

Most of us Aucklanders are experienced in jump starting from when Mark had his GPX and needed a jump start every time he stopped on a ride.

Been known to happen to CBR's and VTR's also a bit lately :doobey:

The Pastor
9th August 2006, 10:26
Fuckety fuck. My rectifier hasn't arrived yet. Don't think the old viffer could make it round the loop before the battery dies :nono:

Bring jumps or we can just push start you. no big deal.

9th August 2006, 12:10
Bring Jumper leads. :blip:

Most of us Aucklanders are experienced in jump starting from when Mark had his GPX and needed a jump start every time he stopped on a ride.If the reg/rec is stuffed you may as well forget jumper leads, since the battery is not recharging it will eventually run completely and no amount of jump starting will help! Been there and done that. :doh: What you can do is take along a spare fully charged battery and swap it over when the existing one dies, but even then I wouldn't take my chances of how long it will last??

9th August 2006, 12:45
Do you think you'll be at Kopu?
Any know how long it takes to get to Kopu from Cambridge at about legal speeds?

9th August 2006, 15:14
About an hour dude (Korn speaking from Phils m/cycle centre)

9th August 2006, 19:41
Bring jumps or we can just push start you. no big deal.I hope you've got your Tyre sorted before Saturday then

9th August 2006, 20:25
I'll be ariving at Papakura Autobahn around 9AM and will have breakfast while I'm waiting. If anyone else is keen on rolling up early and having breakfast...

9th August 2006, 20:27
I'll be ariving at Papakura Autobahn around 9AM and will have breakfast while I'm waiting. If anyone else is keen on rolling up early and having breakfast...Fuckin always thinkin about yer stomach

Crazy Steve
9th August 2006, 20:35
Whats Eta there...Swanny??

There a lunch bar just before the pub on the left hand side of the road...

I was eating a pie there 2day...:yes:

Crazy Steve..

9th August 2006, 20:36
I'll be ariving at Papakura Autobahn around 9AM and will have breakfast while I'm waiting. If anyone else is keen on rolling up early and having breakfast...
What ya going to have for breakfast then Swanny???? A PIE.

9th August 2006, 20:45
Well, I registered to go.

Like to catch up with a few people I haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet, like Quasi, Zed, Korn and others.

Hope the weathers ok, cos the forecast has just turned to crap for Saturday :(

BUT, last Sat was supposed to be fine and it was crap, so if the weather forecasters are on the ball, even though it's meant to be crap, it should be fine. :yes:

The Pastor
9th August 2006, 22:34
I hope you've got your Tyre sorted before Saturday then

Nah bro when i stuk my trubo and rota in it i did tha mean skidz and blew it up cuz now i jus run it on tha rim!

9th August 2006, 22:46
Hope the weathers ok, cos the forecast has just turned to crap for Saturday :(

don't worry. Weather is too strange at the moment to really tell whats going to happen then. But tomorrow should be good for Auckland

9th August 2006, 23:00
Bit buggered off but we're going to sit this one out due to unpredictable weather. Wouldn't of been an issue if it was just down the road,but it ain't.
Pretty sure it'll still be there when the weather settles and will look forward to y'all giving me a good learning on "your" roads down there :yes:
Enjoy and stay safe ya hear now :doobey:

The Pastor
9th August 2006, 23:19
Bit buggered off but we're going to sit this one out due to unpredictable weather. Wouldn't of been an issue if it was just down the road,but it ain't.
Pretty sure it'll still be there when the weather settles and will look forward to y'all giving me a good learning on "your" roads down there :yes:
Enjoy and stay safe ya hear now :doobey:

Sounds like somones gone a bit soft?

10th August 2006, 01:54
Bit buggered off but we're going to sit this one out due to unpredictable weather. Wouldn't of been an issue if it was just down the road,but it ain't.
Pretty sure it'll still be there when the weather settles and will look forward to y'all giving me a good learning on "your" roads down there :yes:
Enjoy and stay safe ya hear now :doobey:

I suggest you should look at the decision again by end of Thursday or mid Friday... can be fairly certian then. Anyway... u know Coro.... wet on one side and dry on the other.

10th August 2006, 09:46
I agree with Zapf Chris. Westerlies are forecast. The east side probably won't have a cloud in the sky.

10th August 2006, 10:34
The weathers upgraded already from real crap on Saturday to showers.
As Zapf has said, can be fine one side and not the other.

Showers I can handle, but roads will likely be a little greasy, which makes the ride more interesting. Should be a goer unless we all wake up on Saturday to a soggy wet grey army blanket.

10th August 2006, 13:18
Weather forecast are predicting showers later in the day, so I am thinking and hoping we will have a fine day of riding. We'll have to wait and see what the rain radar is showing on Friday evening and Saturday morning to know for sure.

10th August 2006, 14:50
why have you gone back to that gay username swampy?

10th August 2006, 15:09
why have you gone back to that gay username swampy?
I originally changed it from 'SwanTiger' to 'Swanny' because a lot of you bastards were too lazy to remember my first name, so instead I was coined 'Swanny'. This is my way of saying, "Fuck you, learn to pronouce my name or fuck off because I don't want to know you".

I was encouraged by the anti-Te Reo sentiments on the 'Public vs. Private School' thread.

If people are going to be too lazy or ignorant to spend 20 seconds learning my name, then they aren't worth knowing. Rant over :nya:

10th August 2006, 15:12
what is your first name?

10th August 2006, 15:15
what is your first name?
Anaru. "Ah Nah Roo". Maori for Andrew, my mother was obsessed with Biblical names.

10th August 2006, 15:19
I knew that bro, I was just giving you shit.

But I'm still gonna call you swampy.

10th August 2006, 15:24
metvuw.com basically says saturday is going to be ok, with showers moving off at midnight, then returning late on saturday, so at the mo, seems like a window.

I won't be able to stop too much, as I need to be home out east before 1730.

oh, swanny... we shorten almost every name on here... so if you don't like it... either change it back, or get annoyed heaps :yes:

10th August 2006, 15:44
I knew that bro, I was just giving you shit.

But I'm still gonna call you swampy.

oh, swanny... we shorten almost every name on here... so if you don't like it... either change it back, or get annoyed heaps
I'll get bored of my little protest sooner or later.

Yes the weather is looking promising, I'll make a call early on Saturday morning but I'm pretty confident at the very least we are going to have dry roads.

10th August 2006, 15:50
swantugger.......swanturd swandry swachulon swethbian

fuck i dunno swanvac

10th August 2006, 15:51
IVE GOT IT Swansquatch :yes:

10th August 2006, 15:55
Anaru. "Ah Nah Roo". Maori for Andrew, my mother was obsessed with Biblical names.One of the chosen twelve disciples, also an apostle and blood brother to Simon Peter, Andrew walked with Christ and was a great and blessed man indeed...your mother likely knew this when she so named you. The Greek definition for your name is "manly" but I doubt your mum had knowledge of that? :bleh:

Lou Girardin
10th August 2006, 16:02
One of the chosen twelve disciples, also an apostle and blood brother to Simon Peter, Andrew walked with Christ and was a great and blessed man indeed...your mother likely knew this when she so named you. The Greek definition for your name is "manly" but I doubt your mum had knowledge of that? :bleh:

Met him have you?
One of the Royal family is an Andrew, that shoots your theory down.

10th August 2006, 16:03
Met him have you?
One of the Royal family is an Andrew, that shoots your theory down.What theory?

Lou Girardin
10th August 2006, 16:12
What theory?

That Andrews are manly.
(No offence to any Andrews reading this, your all fine upstanding real blokes. It's the other Andrews I'm referring to)

10th August 2006, 16:16
Ive got a good Idea lets talk about riding around Coromandle whist shoving steak and oyster pies down our cakeholes

The Pastor
10th August 2006, 16:26

I want a pie with some decent cheese in it. I one had a pie that instead of mince + gravy + cheese, it was mince + cheese sauce. It was a very speical day...

10th August 2006, 16:30
That Andrews are manly.Okay that's quite enough, if I was to comment any further on that subject I would cross over my 'guy talk' boundaries. :pinch:

10th August 2006, 16:32
Ive got a good Idea lets everyone exept Renegade Master talk about riding around Coromandle whist shoving steak and oyster pies down our cakeholes

10th August 2006, 16:48
I was encouraged by the anti-Te Reo sentiments on the 'Public vs. Private School' thread.

Anti it being forced down future generations throats.

Mates name is Tuijo, and I have no problem learning peoples names, rembering them is another matter though.

10th August 2006, 20:39
Bring jumps or we can just push start you. no big deal.
FFS, I've been jump starting bikes for over 15 years ($hit..I've just reminded myself I'm getting older). Nah..the battery isn't charging....died a couple of weeks ago coming through the gorge (Saturday night) back from Whangamata.

I don't care what the magazines say about the AA, the free recovery truck was out within 30 minutes...Impressive. Even more impressive were the 3 cars that stopped and asked if they could help.

Anyway...rectifier is here. Gonna fit a PC cooling fan (I've got about 20 lying in the garage) to it so it doesn't fry the new one. Don't think I'll get it done for Saturday tho <sigh>. Seems it's a common thing for early viffers. So much for Honda reliability.....it's the only bike that's broke down on me in the past 9 years.

Mibby I should steal the (ex) bosses PC800. It'll be the only time it's been out for about 10 months (I don't think he's had it out since I last rode it).

Have fun eating all the pies.

OH...steak and cheese...a uniquely kiwi experience methinks....YUK

10th August 2006, 20:52
Ive got a good Idea lets talk about riding around Coromandle whist shoving steak and oyster pies down our cakeholes

Fuck yeah lets do that...except the oysters cos they are like hunks of snot :sick:

We'll be missing a VTR this week too(yes the black one)...fatherly duties call :shutup:

Sorry to hear ya cant make it TLRider...there'll be more opportunities coming up soon man :D

10th August 2006, 21:07
Fuck yeah lets do that...except the oysters cos they are like hunks of snot :sick:

We'll be missing a VTR this week too(yes the black one)...fatherly duties call :shutup:

Sorry to hear ya cant make it TLRider...there'll be more opportunities coming up soon man :D

What???? where the heck is Fish's commitment:blip:

Hey where shall I meat you mate and what time, pm please:innocent:

10th August 2006, 21:09
Hey where shall I meat you mate and what time, pm please:innocent:

pm? i thought we were meeting in the morning?

10th August 2006, 21:19
Ive got a good Idea lets talk about riding around Coromandle whist shoving steak and oyster pies down our cakeholes

Fuck yeah, don't forget the steak and oysters...

10th August 2006, 21:22
pm? i thought we were meeting in the morning?

Let me be the first to LOL @ this :D

10th August 2006, 21:33
pm? i thought we were meeting in the morning?

Oh how droll, bastard kiwifruit:sunny: :innocent:

10th August 2006, 22:29
Anyone attending this planning on being the day's action photographer? If anyones planing on doing that please get a picture of me actually riding my bike, would be good to put in my profile instead of my boring parked bike pics.

10th August 2006, 22:37
i can take some pics of you one day dave .....just can't do it on this run as ill be working as far as i know

10th August 2006, 22:45
Bit buggered off but we're going to sit this one out due to unpredictable weather.

yep bugger TL was looking forward to catchin up with ya again but as they say plenty of more times comin up catch ya then

The Pastor
10th August 2006, 23:27
Ive got a good Idea lets everyone exept Renegade Master talk about riding around Coromandle whist shoving steak and oyster pies down our cakeholes

Eh? whats wrong with me? If you crash, im not stopping to help you:nya:

11th August 2006, 11:56
So, are we on if it's just showers and not actually raining as such??

The Pastor
11th August 2006, 12:04
I'd say yeah, rain doesnt scare me.

but there is two cold fronts coming :S

11th August 2006, 13:16
LOL not looking the best but at the end of the day it is Anaru's call

11th August 2006, 13:51
LOL not looking the best but at the end of the day it is Anaru's call

Who the hell is Anaru?

Wasn't she the fairy in one of those disney flicks?

11th August 2006, 13:53
Well im still going if its raining :shutup: (unless its really pissing down)

The Pastor
11th August 2006, 14:11
Anyone attending this planning on being the day's action photographer? If anyones planing on doing that please get a picture of me actually riding my bike, would be good to put in my profile instead of my boring parked bike pics.

I'll charge my beast of a camera up and make sure you come up and grab me. If you can get some pics of me riding that would be cool too.

11th August 2006, 14:16
If we go by the weather forecast the roads out east should primarily be dry as it states the showers are isolated north of Taranaki but to the west, however spreading and becomming heavier later in the day.

Looking at the satellite images though, depending on how fast those clouds move, we might just have a fine day.

Who minds the odd shower, if at all? or who would prefer to Postpone until the following Saturday, 19th August?

11th August 2006, 14:20
Looking fine for tomorrow. Sunday will be raining.

Weather Map for tomorrow (http://www.metvuw.com/forecast/2006081018/rain-nz-2006081018-30.gif)

11th August 2006, 14:31
You Guys are bloody Classic - 11 pages of postings and ya haven't even gone yet!!:nya:

11th August 2006, 14:33
I'm not fussed with a few showers and am all keen to go regardless except if it's really hosing down.

Coro can be pretty good when it's just showers so I'm game.

Be fun trying to scoff maggot packs while dodging showers and staying upright in the showers with a pot full of offal. :)

11th August 2006, 14:34
You Guys are bloody Classic - 11 pages of postings and ya haven't even gone yet!!:nya:
:laugh: :laugh: :rofl: :rofl:

The Pastor
11th August 2006, 14:40
I most certianly do not want to have the ride posponed. I took time off work to go :D

If you wimps are scared of getting wet.

<img src='http://www.assertkickass.co.uk/britt%20tough%20guy%20003.jpg'>

11th August 2006, 15:09
You Guys are bloody Classic - 11 pages of postings and ya haven't even gone yet!!:nya:
Are you coming mate?
Few of us leaving from Tauranga (Tauriko servo) at 9am

11th August 2006, 15:36
Unless it's really hosing down, I'll be at Papakura Autobahn ready for departure at 10.00 am.

Has anyone given the maggot pack shops on our route the heads up?
I don't think there will be enough maggot packs to go around with us lot descending on the local pie shops like blowflies on a carcass. :)

:yawn: Not a yawn, just checking how many pies I could get down a cake hole this big.

11th August 2006, 17:12
Unless it's really hosing down, I'll be at Papakura Autobahn ready for departure at 10.00 am.

Has anyone given the maggot pack shops on our route the heads up?
I don't think there will be enough maggot packs to go around with us lot descending on the local pie shops like blowflies on a carcass. :)

:yawn: Not a yawn, just checking how many pies I could get down a cake hole this big.if they run out of pies thats cool cause Im hangin out for a Coroglen Burger yahhh

11th August 2006, 17:14
Good to see your all signd up for the ride there StormingTony

11th August 2006, 17:16
Eh? whats wrong with me? Hows about a good hot cup of shut the fuck up

11th August 2006, 19:21
if they run out of pies thats cool cause Im hangin out for a Coroglen Burger yahhh

Damn right they rock...plus they have the best Waikato in the Coromandel :D

Ummm its going to be fine tomorrow so lets keep the weather chit chat to a minimum :p

11th August 2006, 19:29
Damn right they rock...plus they have the best Waikato in the Coromandel :D


as i always say korn have ya seen the colour of the waikato river lately:motu:

11th August 2006, 19:43
as i always say korn have ya seen the colour of the waikato river lately:motu:

Yes I have :D btw have you ever me piss in your beer when you aren't looking? :doobey:

11th August 2006, 19:59
Its Gonna Piss Down 2moro :shutup:

Only cause some bastard gave me this bloody flu so I can't make it in the morning :crybaby: Hopefully this isn't the last time this happens :bye:

Have fun guys

11th August 2006, 20:09
Its Gonna Piss Down 2moro :shutup:

Only cause some bastard gave me this bloody flu so I can't make it in the morning :crybaby: Hopefully this isn't the last time this happens :bye:

Have fun guys
Yeah, definitely needs to be an annual thing.

We'll probably increase economic growth on the Coro Penisula by 10%

11th August 2006, 20:16
Yeah, definitely needs to be an annual thing.

We'll probably increase economic growth on the Coro Penisula by 10%

And from what I've heard, half of that will be from your share of the pies :p

Lol, Giddy up :doobey:

11th August 2006, 21:23
Have just checked outside and theres bulk stars in the sky...so its a happening thing..have faith ye all.

11th August 2006, 21:27
Have just checked outside and theres bulk stars in the sky...so its a happening thing..have faith ye all.
Yep, looking better by the hour.

Has anyone been through the "back way" from Papakura to Kopu lately? What condition is the road in, I imagine this recent heavy rain would of caused a few slips along the coast, or not?

The Pastor
11th August 2006, 21:43
theres still a cold front coming, i'd suggest it will be pretty much the same as today

11th August 2006, 22:08
Yes, :yes: Steven I am hanging out for a ride,:wait: last one was down Tekuiti way. The thought of scoffing a few maggot packs and washing them down with a ale is surely tempting....:blip: then I saw a few old farts had registered :scooter: then I saw that there will be 3 x 1400's on this ride....:gob: "We Have convoy big buddy":rockon:

11th August 2006, 22:08
From Paps to Kopu on the back roads is ok at the mo. The odd patch that never dries out this time of the year but that's the norm for most roads now anyway.

11th August 2006, 22:09
Yes, :yes: Steven I am hanging out for a ride,:wait: last one was down Tekuiti way. The thought of scoffing a few maggot packs and washing them down with a ale is surely tempting....:blip: then I saw a few old farts had registered :scooter: then I saw that there will be 3 x 1400's on this ride....:gob: "We Have convoy big buddy":rockon:

Hey Tony, is Smoking Joe coming? Give him a bell. I emailed him but not sure if he is going.

3x 1400's. Cool :) Bloody good bikes those. :yes:

11th August 2006, 22:16
theres still a cold front coming, i'd suggest it will be pretty much the same as today

Id suggest you light the fire tomorrow and wrap up with your little scarf and mittens and watch TV while we adventurous ones go play....alrighty then bye bye now :zzzz:

11th August 2006, 22:18
Id suggest you light the fire tomorrow and wrap up with your little scarf and mittens and watch TV while we adventurous ones go play....alrighty then bye bye now :zzzz:

fire's lit, beer is cold and hookers are booked

all I need is weed.

11th August 2006, 22:32
fire's lit, beer is cold and hookers are booked

all I need is weed.

Lol youll have to get off your sorry ass and follow the yellow brick road to see the wizard of Coro :doobey:

The Pastor
11th August 2006, 22:46
Id suggest you light the fire tomorrow and wrap up with your little scarf and mittens and watch TV while we adventurous ones go play....alrighty then bye bye now :zzzz:

Im going to be there, just giving you the weather from an expert.

11th August 2006, 22:48
Ive got me warm gear out ready for tomorrow. See ya there. Oh yeah and which old farts turn is it to bring the roid cream this time? Steve..?

11th August 2006, 23:02
Ive got me warm gear out ready for tomorrow. See ya there. Oh yeah and which old farts turn is it to bring the roid cream this time? Steve..?

Fuck yeah Bruce, you have permission for take-off :D I believe it is Tony's turn for the 'roid-eze' as he used most of the last lot :P

Crazy Steve
11th August 2006, 23:55
What time will you fckn Geeks be there...]

Crazy Steve..

12th August 2006, 00:17

My weather channel says it there shouldn't be any major rain tomorrow, maybe local showers but thats it. Turning into rain later in the evening.

there'll be a bit of wind so it might be a bit cool.

12th August 2006, 00:33
What time will you fckn Geeks be there...]

Crazy Steve..
Depending on how slow the slowest rider is; around 11AM at the latest (I hope).

Crazy Steve
12th August 2006, 01:12
Might see ya in the morning dude...

Crazy Steve...

12th August 2006, 06:31
Leaving Taupo soon

12th August 2006, 07:20
Lets go for a ride "BRING IT ON"

12th August 2006, 07:21
Alrighty, it looks beautiful out east and like shitty rain out West, but by looking at the weather charts I think we might pull this one off. I don't think the east coast is going to see any of those showers, but you never know. If anything, they're only going to be brief and light so they'll be a fine excuse to stop and eat a pie.

See you there.

The Pastor
12th August 2006, 07:39
Its a beaut of day! time to ride it away....

12th August 2006, 07:42
yeah ..... not looking good out sth here, very very dark but no rain yet

12th August 2006, 07:44
yeah ..... not looking good out sth here, very very dark but no rain yet
Just get on your bike and ride the bloody thing.

True, the roads will always be there for another day, but what if we die of a freak accident tomorrow? GOD FORBID, however we must cherish the time gifted to us and we must spend that time wisely - by riding bikes and eating pies.

Amen brothers and sisters.

12th August 2006, 07:59
Just get on your bike and ride the bloody thing.

True, the roads will always be there for another day, but what if we die of a freak accident tomorrow? GOD FORBID, however we must cherish the time gifted to us and we must spend that time wisely - by riding bikes and eating pies.

Amen brothers and sisters.

If we are going to die in a freak accident tomorrow ,we should ride today. Shouldnt you be leaving soon Arnaru?

12th August 2006, 07:59
any cruzzers going on this ride or is it a rocket fest. Waylander are you up for it.

12th August 2006, 08:02
any cruzzers going on this ride or is it a rocket fest. Waylander are you up for it.
Um, I don't think Dover is coming any more so I'm not sure there will be any slow riders there. Come along anyway, it's all about the pies.

If we are going to die in a freak accident tomorrow ,we should ride today. Shouldnt you be leaving soon Arnaru?
Yes Mum, leaving soon, just checking oil, tyre pressure and packing tools for the event any of those shoddy GSX-R's break down. Girlfriend wants a root before I go too... I may be some time.

Matt Bleck
12th August 2006, 08:10
Girlfriend wants a root before I go too... I may be some time.

weather looks good from down here... have a good y'all!!!

12th August 2006, 08:11
:sunny: What time to meet, Tauranga, Where?

12th August 2006, 08:16
:sunny: What time to meet, Tauranga, Where?
tauriko servo at 9am

12th August 2006, 08:23
Leaving now, see you all at Autobahn/Kopu, ride safe now.

12th August 2006, 08:32
Weather looks shit here but I'm coming anyways.

12th August 2006, 08:37
Just get on your bike and ride the bloody thing.

True, the roads will always be there for another day, but what if we die of a freak accident tomorrow? GOD FORBID, however we must cherish the time gifted to us and we must spend that time wisely - by riding bikes and eating pies.

Amen brothers and sisters.
This message was brought to you by the ''Reverand SwanTiger''.....:innocent:

Buddy L
12th August 2006, 08:38
Girlfriend wants a root before I go too... I may be some time.

From what jonny was telling me, your a bit of a 2stroke :tugger: so it won't take that long., im just getting ready so i see you all their:scooter:

Jonny Rotten
12th August 2006, 08:40
saturday cartoons or riding hhhhmmm hard choice

12th August 2006, 08:41
Cool another K1 :yes:

Jonny Rotten
12th August 2006, 09:02
From what jonny was telling me, your a bit of a 2stroke :tugger: so it won't take that long., im just getting ready so i see you all their:scooter:

yeah he only strokes it twice for me...theres no love from that man

Black Bandit
12th August 2006, 09:14
Pissing down with the wet stuff out west. I'll pass on this event- hope you all have a dry run.

12th August 2006, 09:24
Cool another K1 :yes:

Ahem... :D

Weather is all good here....see you rabble at Kopu :scooter:


12th August 2006, 09:31
Sorry guys i'm going to be a soft cock and pike out

Black Bandit
12th August 2006, 11:33
Aahh crap! Now the sun decides to shine. Blue skys all round. :brick:

12th August 2006, 17:34
it rained on the way to Papakura and then its been clear since.. that being said some of the roads were damp. Cheers Swanny for organising the ride even tho i took a right turn to whangamata and over that hill with Murray; He's running in his picked up this mornin k5 thou so we went for a saunter off the beaten track.. that hills his fav.

good day, top roads and these D'orklanders didn't spill.. oh managed to drink beer instead of eating pies too :rockon:

12th August 2006, 18:14
Thanks Swanny for organising the ride. Real good turn out and the only rain I struck was five minutes before I got home. Other than that, it was mostly sunny, warm and 70% of the roads were dry.

Excellent day and excellent ride and excellent company.

Only 3 maggot packs scoffed at last count as the Coroglen Burgers had their way with us again. :)

Good seeing some new faces and bumping into some old ones again, like Kiwifruit, Tony and Saul.

The young lassy on the Busa was doing quite well considering her size and the size of the bike. I thought she was a pillion with someone until she pulled up alongside when we stopped briefly before Miranda. Takes some skill and a careful throttle hand to get those machines through the twisties when it's damp. What's her online name?

Nice finally catching up with Speedie and Kornholio. Some good riding there on the 750's. They go quite well don't they? :)

Great day, no spills or nasties. Suprisingly good weather.

Steve, you missed a beauty mate. Somone mentioned you were scared of pies?? :p

12th August 2006, 18:23
The young lassy on the Busa was doing quite well considering her size and the size of the bike. I thought she was a pillion with someone until she pulled up alongside when we stopped briefly before Miranda. Takes some skill and a careful throttle hand to get those machines through the twisties when it's damp. What's her online name?

Did she have long dark hair and very skinny and have a dude on his bike with her?

Then I would be saying that was Christine of the CaN and Noel.

12th August 2006, 18:26
i dont think you'll be finding too many 'young, small lassy' types other than christine piloting a busa...

The Pastor
12th August 2006, 18:33
the ride was awesome, it was more awesome than my rear brake leaver at any rate!

12th August 2006, 18:46
Yup another goodie, fuck the pies it was just a good all round coro loop with all the usual suspects plus a few more. Thanks Swanny for getting us all out and about. What hapened to you zrxer? It was your turn with the roid cream wasn't it!

12th August 2006, 18:51
That was a great ride and the pizza was really good :first:
Enjoyed riding with you all, good pace and no problems pity the last stretch before Coromandle town had some damp patches though but overall I think the weather was pretty good.

Nice wheelie Saul

12th August 2006, 18:55
Pats Pantry pie (cracked pepper) at the Whanga servo was brilliant:yes: :blip:

I had a great day some good people out there.:scooter: :yes: Thanks:rockon:

12th August 2006, 18:59
and thanks to everyone else too:rockon: ,had a total blast ,nice to meet good people hope to do it again CHEERS, P.s hope I didnt hold some of you guys up too much . See you all on the next one.

12th August 2006, 18:59
Just got home from Spud's...feeling a bit shagged too, has been an interesting day... Nice going Beyond and Speedie and SPB and....

Thanks Tony for showing me how wide that 1400 can be and Saul for showing me how to pass the great monster :D

Lol Steve(zrxer) dunno what your excuse was ya missed an awesome day you retard :P

Giddy up

p.s Boomer you little fag you didnt tell me you were going to Whanga at Kopu...Grrrrrr, wait til I see you next :P

12th August 2006, 19:02
Um, I don't think Dover is coming any more so I'm not sure there will be any slow riders there. Come along anyway, it's all about the pies.

Yes Mum, leaving soon, just checking oil, tyre pressure and packing tools for the event any of those shoddy GSX-R's break down. Girlfriend wants a root before I go too... I may be some time.

Leaving now, see you all at Autobahn/Kopu, ride safe now.

so you did all that and a root in 21 minutes...

jeez thats ages matey ...20 minutes to check oil, check tyre pressure and tools.....and a 1 minute root swantiger the one minute man

Jonny Rotten
12th August 2006, 19:09


so you did all that and a root in 21 minutes...

jeez thats ages matey ...20 minutes to check oil, check tyre pressure and tools.....and a 1 minute root swantiger the one minute man

your missus tells me that thats still 59 seconds longer than you mark

12th August 2006, 19:09
i dont think you'll be finding too many 'young, small lassy' types other than christine piloting a busa...

you got it right there mate you don't ride a busa you pilot it...

like a goldwing you don't ride it you relax in it....mumble mumble bloodey cars with 2 wheels missing mumble mumble

12th August 2006, 19:09


so you did all that and a root in 21 minutes...

jeez thats ages matey ...20 minutes to check oil, check tyre pressure and tools.....and a 1 minute root swantiger the one minute man
Fuck off Mark.

If you must know it was about 10 or 15 minutes of rooting.

12th August 2006, 19:10
your missus tells me that thats still 59 seconds longer than you mark]

would still be longer than you jonny...nobody who works for telecom ever gets laid thats why they root thier customers...and i don't mean in a sexual way bloodey smellycom grrr

12th August 2006, 19:11
Fuck off Mark.

If you must know it was about 10 or 15 minutes of rooting.

you only last 10 or 15 mins....worlds fastest maori aye just not on the bike

12th August 2006, 19:12
p.s Boomer you little fag you didnt tell me you were going to Whanga at Kopu...Grrrrrr, wait til I see you next :P

Soooowwwy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zqoeLRy8SQ)

10 chars

Jonny Rotten
12th August 2006, 19:14

would still be longer than you jonny...nobody who works for telecom ever gets laid thats why they root thier customers...and i don't mean in a sexual way bloodey smellycom grrr

good thing i dont work for telecom then aint it mark.....if thats the case maybe you should get a job there you would fit right in

12th August 2006, 19:21
you only last 10 or 15 mins....worlds fastest maori aye just not on the bike
Let's see how long it takes me to get around to 4 Kissling Place ...

The Pastor
12th August 2006, 20:02
best thing about the ride, no coppas!

Cheers to you boys in blue for not being there!

12th August 2006, 20:06
And the winning pie is???...............

12th August 2006, 20:13
sorry i couldnt make it i had work:zzzz:

Any pics guys or were you too busy muching on coromandels pies

12th August 2006, 20:16
And the winning pie is???...............

The Coroglen burger I think... apparently the pies sampled were shit :sick:


The Pastor
12th August 2006, 20:23
I ate 1/3rd of the pies.

It was a bacon and egg pie, and it was OK came with a free sassage roll. which was also ok.

12th August 2006, 20:26
so you did all that and a root in 21 minutes...

jeez thats ages matey ...20 minutes to check oil, check tyre pressure and tools.....and a 1 minute root swantiger the one minute man

dude, i dont know bout you being a bike mechanic and all, but it takes me about 1minute to check my oil, less if there is a view window, tyres are a minute each....

Sorta shows how naive you are mark, ever heard of a quickie... sometimes its about the mashin' and not the passion.

Oh well, i bet you enjoyed soggy biscuit mark, always being the last to cum and all.

12th August 2006, 20:33
i ate all the gixxers :yes:

12th August 2006, 20:38
i ate all the gixxers :yes:

Really...what planet was that on monkey boy :P

12th August 2006, 20:39
:gob: yeah boomey ya girl thats because spb was the only gixxser there:nya: :nya:and he rides like a girl because he scared of the coppers:motu: :corn: :moon:

12th August 2006, 20:40
best thing about the ride, no coppas!

Cheers to you boys in blue for not being there!

There were a couple of front facing speed camera vans though.
They guy infront of me must have passed the one going over 180kph, do you guys reckon the plods inside would be able to note his plate as he went past? :lol:

12th August 2006, 20:40
i ate all the gixxers :yes:

So that's what you call it when we're all infront? :blip:

12th August 2006, 20:44
So that's what you call it when we're all infront? :blip:

Whats this 'we' business white man :mellow: :mellow:

we waited and waited for you lot at Waihi and gave up in the end... pack of slow kunts :blip:

The Pastor
12th August 2006, 20:48
There were a couple of front facing speed camera vans though.
They guy infront of me must have passed the one going over 180kph, do you guys reckon the plods inside would be able to note his plate as he went past? :lol:

eek I didnt see any :scooter: :gob:

12th August 2006, 20:50
eek I didnt see any :scooter: :gob:

don't worry none, at your terminal speed you'll only get done for not observing teh speed limit and causing traffic jams

12th August 2006, 20:50
eek I didnt see any :scooter: :gob:

Don't worry they saw you.

12th August 2006, 20:53
What's the username of the guy on the ZX9R who was taking the pics? I think his name was Trevor IIRC. Did you happen to get an action shot me?

12th August 2006, 20:56
yeah was Trev; i got an action shot of Kornholio's mrs if that'll do ya???

12th August 2006, 20:56
There were a couple of front facing speed camera vans though.
They guy infront of me must have passed the one going over 180kph, do you guys reckon the plods inside would be able to note his plate as he went past? :lol:

:gob: :gob:
Where mate?

I saw the green van thingy poking his nozzle at us on the Hauraki Straights after Pipiroa but I did,nt see any after that.

He must have a note book full of licence plate numbers then. :(

Might all be getting a visit from the boys in blue in the next couple of weeks.

Hell, I'll just tell them my Gran, borrowed my bike for the day.

12th August 2006, 20:58
The 2nd van was just before the one lane bridge with the traffic lights. The 1st was near the start of SH2.

12th August 2006, 21:01

We were heading towards them then and not away from them?

I can see a day where choppers will fill the skies over the Coromandel on Saturday and they won't be tourists either.