View Full Version : Caged animals...

Fatt Max
17th December 2008, 16:52
Thought I was doing quite well, no encounters for a while.......until just now...

Cruising merrily and happily down Lunn Ave thinking happy christmas thoughts like:

Ooh, pies
Lots of piss
Ooh, more pies
...and even more pies

when I notice the bright red shiny Holden in front of me swerving a bit, then a bit more then.......Faacckkkk....on go the anchors...then speeds away, then swerves then finally stops at the traffic light queue waiting to get on to the Ellerslie Highway. In readiness for some fun, I unzip my pocket and get my cellphone into camera mode....

So, what do I see this time...

I pull up alongside the passenger door and there, in the passenger seat, is a very blond, very Paris Hilton looking young lady holding up one of those toy dog Chiuaua type deals.. (you know, small, yappy, great on a bar B etc etc).

The dog is wrapped in a Burberry blanket and no wonder the car was swerving, she is holding the mutt up to the face of the driver who looks like Hugh Grant with a burst colostomy bag on his head. He is giving it the old "Who's a pretty boy bubsy Wubsy" abd she is giving it heaps of "Ooohh, see snuggle buns, da da wuvs you too..tee hee".

The dog is wondering what the fuck is going on and who the fuck are these coneheads....you know, he has the type of expression on his face me or you would have after going to the khazi, dumping last nights Vindaloo then putting your finger through the toilet paper, that sort of thing....

So, I now have the camera at the ready to get the perfect shot when Paris looks over, sees me (fat biker with camera pointed at her and jeans rucked up so it looks like I'm cracking a trouser spanner) and goes fucking mental...

"arrrgghhhh" she cries,

"What the f**K!" exclaims the driver

But this is the best bit....

"Woof" woofs the dog and with the shock of it all immediatley sinks his little needle teeth into Mr Drivers hooter.

"Fuuuuccccckkkk" says the driver because now he has the following meelee happening around him,

1. A fat stalking biker taking pictures of his blond girlfriend
2. Said girlfriend going crazy ape bonkers in the front seat and,
3. An enraged mexican dog stuck to his face

I decide to leave this sureal scene that I am 100% responsible for a bit lively. I pop the bike into 1st and speed off.........dropping the phone and watch it get flattended by the dude in the Nivara behind me (thats 2 phones now in 2 weeks.....clucking bell..!)

The animal lovers take off in the oppoiste direction. No doubt Paris was busy scrabbling for a pen to write down my rego while at the same time looking for a needle and thread to sew up the tooth gash in Hugh's snozzle.

I think the dog will be ok though....

So, the moral of this story is.........

............f*****d if I know, any ideas?


17th December 2008, 16:56
You will never make a secret agent.

17th December 2008, 16:56
:blink: Once again, the Biker Gods have gifted you with their ludicrous sense of the surreal! :lol:

I think that would have been a great moment if someone else was taking a picture or video of it! :wacko:

17th December 2008, 17:04
I wouldn't mind being the dog for that short instance, from what you described, Sir Max :shifty:

CAn you just maybe, wear a goddamn helmet cam? Hell, can I come for a ride sometime?

The Pastor
17th December 2008, 17:05
Another total bs story by mr fattmax

well done son

17th December 2008, 17:05

good on ya, but i doubt they learnt their lesson

infact they'll blame you for their own stupidity, despite the fact it was her treatment of the dog then her reaction that really set all that off, and the event probably prevented a serious accident somewhere further down the road

17th December 2008, 17:06
I think the moral of this story is that I took one of these an hour ago and the answer is that it is infact my hand.....

Fatt Max
17th December 2008, 18:13
Another total bs story by mr fattmax

well done son

I excrement you not fine sir, for this is what you see in Mt Wellington of a Wednesday....

.....ok ok, I admit there is a bit of bullshit to this story....the bit about the blond looking like Paris Hilton is, in fact, a bare faced (or dog faced) lie I'm afraid. She was more like the blond one from ABBA but with a smaller beard.

Guilty as charged sir...roll me in flour and bake me for 45 minutes, glaze me in raspberry jam and brown me off in the hot oven.....

I think I love you.....:eek:

17th December 2008, 18:25
Most phones have a thing in them that lets you stick a lanyard on them.

Fatt Max
17th December 2008, 18:29
Most phones have a thing in them that lets you stick a lanyard on them.

I know, and most people are'nt sweaty palmed clumsy fat bastards as well...

But thanks for the advice bruvver.....:niceone:

17th December 2008, 18:29
Another year of biking escapades like the last few weeks good sir and you'll be able to write a book! Keep it up.

17th December 2008, 19:36
I decide to leave this sureal scene that I am 100% responsible for a bit lively. I pop the bike into 1st and speed off.........dropping the phone and watch it get flattended by the dude in the Nivara behind me (thats 2 phones now in 2 weeks.....clucking bell..!)

And that my friends is the reason why there are no pictures to corroborate my story... :whistle:

17th December 2008, 19:44
I've pulled up to the traffic lights a bit behind the drivers door of a ute... sat there amazed as this man picked his nose like there was a winning lotto ticket wedged up there. God, it was great.

he got it in the end - the satisfaction on his face was priceless.

Great to see him flick it out the window as he drives off, that'll be dinner for two hobos.

After all it's about giving this christmas... :mellow:

Fatt Max
17th December 2008, 19:54
I've pulled up to the traffic lights a bit behind the drivers door of a ute... sat there amazed as this man picked his nose like there was a winning lotto ticket wedged up there. God, it was great.

he got it in the end - the satisfaction on his face was priceless.

Great to see him flick it out the window as he drives off, that'll be dinner for two hobos.

After all it's about giving this christmas... :mellow:

Uurrggghhh...brilliant spotting mate. LOL about the dinner though.

If you keep your mince pies open then you will see this shit...its out there :yes:

17th December 2008, 21:34
Some of your stories seem to have a Tom Sharpe bent to them.

17th December 2008, 22:09
I've pulled up to the traffic lights a bit behind the drivers door of a ute... sat there amazed as this man picked his nose like there was a winning lotto ticket wedged up there. God, it was great.

he got it in the end - the satisfaction on his face was priceless.

Great to see him flick it out the window as he drives off, that'll be dinner for two hobos.

After all it's about giving this christmas... :mellow:

You're just damned lucky it didn't flick your way!!!! Eeeeewwwwwwwww.

Dave Lobster
18th December 2008, 05:58
Did she have big tits?

18th December 2008, 06:35
You will never make a secret agent.

...or a paparazzi photographer for that matter!

18th December 2008, 06:54
I decide to leave this sureal scene that I am 100% responsible for a bit lively. I pop the bike into 1st and speed off.........dropping the phone and watch it get flattended by the dude in the Nivara behind me (thats 2 phones now in 2 weeks.....clucking bell..!)

Damnit and I was about to ask for pictures of said hot blonde.

18th December 2008, 11:05
Did she have big tits?

Wasn't it "did HE have big tits" ??

18th December 2008, 11:27
Ive said it before and Ill say it again.

You need to start wearing a helmet cam or somthing that records constantly

You could make money out of some of the shit you've seen(no pun intended)