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  1. On my OE

    Well, blogging eh? Have to say I'm totally new to it, have never done it before or even read many, but I'm so bored I don't know what to do right at the moment. So here goes a random post.

    At the moment I'm three months through a four month working holiday in the UK, based in Leeds. Totally the wrong time of the year to come - most of the tourist attractions are closed during the off season, so there's been a number of things we haven't been able to do, but the assignment term ...
    Personal entry
  2. Dad's Progress

    Just an update for Friends and Family:

    Dad is still seriously ill at the North Shore Hospice. Mum is doing really well keeping a bed-side presence and attending to his needs.

    We still don't know how much time he has, it could be a week it could be several months. The Doctors cannot put a timeline on his condition. However he is getting weaker by the day and does tend to sleep more each day partly due to the sedatives he is receiving (he gets anxoius when theres needles ...
    Personal entry
  3. Qkkid does his first Pillion

    Its been a while in the making......

    Every single time we have had to or decided to 2-up, I have always been the rider in control. However a milestone happened on Friday night, where I grit my teeth and let Qkkid take the reigns.

    To be honest I really enjoyed being a pillion! He did a great job, only a couple of small jabs in the ribs to remind him I'm on the back. To tell the truth it was the first time for me on the back seat of a sports bike looking ...
    Survival Skills
  4. Roadworks on Gt Nth Rd

    Some of those roadworks people need to be re-trained. Leaving their great big signs in the bus/bike lane so buses have to swerve out of the lane to get around them. Ok for me on the bike unless I get caught behind a bus.

    The Pasifika people have left the big water-filled barriers just sitting in the bus lane, narrowing it by a long way. Wonder how long before they bother collecting them again?

    grumble grumble
    Personal entry
  5. wet & slippery

    Bought some cheap waterproof pants from the warehouse yesterday. Got on the bike and almost slid right off again. Need velcro on my bum.

    1) I got home before the rain started
    2) when the rain did start it was really heavy so hopefully it washed the road clean

    Maybe when the seat gets wet I might stick to it better.
  6. Where to begin....?

    Back in the heady days of late 2000, the newly acquired SWMBO and I were driving past Pt Chevaleir and decided to check out some open homes on a whim. We looked at a few houses, then we hit on "the one". We had started planning our wedding but after checking with a mortgage broker, we found that we could indeed service a mortgage if we put the wedding back a year, so after some fierce negotiations and lots of too-ing and fro-ing, we made the deal and had a house.

    Life was good. We ...
    Personal entry
  7. 5...4...3...2...1...Thunderblogs are GO!

    Ahh, wouldn't it have been great to have a blog before the house renovations started?

    Here we are, 4 and a bit months down the track with many fascinating tales of resource consents, building consents, outrageous fees and impending court cases that could have filled the entries here. I may do some retrospective blogging on the whole process to warn others what they are up against.

    Still, theres only 2 weeks left of the build and the house is looking damn good. 2 new ...
    Personal entry
  8. First-timer!

    Bit of a Virgin when it comes to blogging. There always has to be a first time........

    This blog will be used by myself and also Qkkid. I think the term 'The Qkkies' has stuck with us and Qkkid has since bought a personalised plate for our car "QKKIES" with underneth. Just doing our part to advertise the site.
    Personal entry