Taupo Day Night Thriller

  1. Matt Bleck
    Matt Bleck
    Anyone from here thinking of doing this event this year?

    A few of us from my work have entered a team.

    Info here>>> http://www.daynightthriller.co.nz/

    See u's there!!!
  2. Matt Bleck
    Matt Bleck
    Only a week and a bit left to go folks.

    We'll be in the expandasign tent, come and say hi!
  3. kiwifruit
    I'll bring you some baking
  4. Matt Bleck
    Matt Bleck
    bring ya bike too!
  5. kiwifruit
    If i've got my shoes and cleats by then i will!
  6. Matt Bleck
    Matt Bleck
    aye?! too late, your in the team!!!!!
  7. kiwifruit
    Shoes and cleats all sorted! I'll be there
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