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If your getting into Bodybuilding or currently shredded, join this little society of the elite. From sharing advice to your current progress.
Category: General DrivelLast Activity: 19th December 2010 13:16
2 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Introduce yourself -
TT2000 Riders
For anyone who enjoys the annual TT2000
Category: General DrivelLast Activity: 10th July 2016 20:35
36 member(s)Latest Discussion:
General rally drivel -
SpankMe's poontang group (NWS)
For the lovers of sweet young Asian girlies.
All pictures must be of high quality.
Crap will be removed.Category: Rated RLast Activity: 9th February 2025 08:59
281 member(s)Latest Discussion:
SpankMe's poontang group (NWS) -
Bitches R US
BRU is disbanded
Category: Rated RLast Activity: 21st August 2013 07:51
2 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Concern - and where has the honesty gone -
Man Candy for KB Purvy girls
Bow chicka wow wow - Girls/Gals/Bitches/Babes/Women and Ladies only
Category: Rated RLast Activity: 5th December 2017 12:28
47 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Why we love Naked bikes -
Number one and trudes are lesbo's
Please discuss. Preferably with pictures.
Category: Rated RLast Activity: 5th December 2017 12:41
73 member(s)Latest Discussion:
piccies -
"Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves, that if the Manbitch Empire and its motorcycles last for a thousand years, men will still say, this was their finest hour"
Category: Rated RLast Activity: 30th May 2016 08:33
1 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Group Ride Template -
Team halfpie GP
This is for the members of the halfpie trackday GP team.
Category: Rated RLast Activity: 5th January 2010 17:24
4 member(s)Latest Discussion:
8th of october. -
Fanks for that
A pile of girlies ... doing shit
Category: Rated RLast Activity: 31st January 2013 20:51
3 member(s)Latest Discussion:
not sure if I am offended -
SMC - University of Auckland Scooter and Motorcycle Club
The Official KB Group for the SMC.
We offer organised rides, "fix-it" days, rider training, AUSA and ACC subsidies, store discounts plus endless help and advice. We also represent you in our constant efforts to increase and improve parking, safety and security in and around the university and auckland city region.
no you don't have to be a student at UofA, or a student at all for that matter.
membership here does not constitute registered membership with the SMC. for that, one must PM squiggles and have a gold coin ready.
For most of our events etc go find us in our subforum - the social groups all died after a software upgrade made them unusable back in march '09
this is currently a "moderated" group - our own area to talk shit and organise events without the rest of kb dragging things off topic or police getting too clued up ;)
if we have ever seen you at one of our rides/events and/or you post in the SMC part of the forum regularly you're in. Expect a PM otherwise.Category: Regional Biker groupsLast Activity: 9th June 2019 11:19
94 member(s)Latest Discussion:
SMC - University of Auckland Scooter and Motorcycle Club
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SpankMe's poontang group (NWS)
For the lovers of sweet young Asian girlies.
All pictures must be of high quality.
Crap will be removed.Category: Rated RLast Activity: 9th February 2025 08:59
This is a private group. -
The foreigners
Talk about New Zealand(ers). Don't join if you're in the "If you don't like it @#$ck off back to where you come from" brigade. Praise/Vent without upsetting Kiwis.
Category: Social GroupsLast Activity: 9th February 2025 08:59
This is a private group. -
CJ750 Group
No Description
Category: Make/model groupsLast Activity: 9th February 2025 08:43
9 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Faults and Problems -
Auckland Tag-O-Rama
#1 - Find the tag and reproduce the photo (as best as possible). The first person to post a found tag gets to place the next tag. If you get a tag, but somebody else posts their picture first, you lose.
#2 - Take the tag to a new location, get the photo and post it here. Give a few hints so the next person can figure out where the tag is located.
#3 - Tag must be a) findable and b) may be placed on a dirt road if a street bike can make it. Maintained gravel is OK, but let us know there is gravel.
#4 - FILE PHOTOS ARE NOT ALLOWED! If you are caught you lose the tag and the first person to post the old tag and a new one together is the new holder.
#5 - Your bike has to be in the TAG picture
#6 - When you get the tag, You have 36 hrs to get a new tag otherwise you lose it and it goes to the person who found the previous tag second.
NOTE: If using KB albums, Make the album public - NOT private.Category: Regional Biker groupsLast Activity: 9th February 2025 08:41
135 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Game on! -
For Metalheads of all ages, Maiden to Meshuggah, Sabbath to Slayer and all in between.
Category: Social GroupsLast Activity: 9th February 2025 08:41
This is a private group. -
GSXR Owners
From the oil coolers through to the K series. Post your pics, stories or questions here.
Category: Make/model groupsLast Activity: 9th February 2025 08:36
100 member(s)Latest Discussion:
don't try this at home -
Northland Riderz
Whangas to the Cape and all the fuzzy bits in the middle....
Hooking up riderz of the North!!!
NORTHLAND HARD !!!Category: Regional Biker groupsLast Activity: 9th February 2025 08:36
23 member(s)Latest Discussion:
motard riders??? -
Manawatu Riders
All and sundry from the (greater) manawatu area
Category: Regional Biker groupsLast Activity: 14th January 2024 17:45
This is a private group. -
Malt Whisky Appreciation Society
For those who prefer their smoke in liquid form
Category: General DrivelLast Activity: 29th March 2023 20:12
33 member(s)Latest Discussion:
New kid on the block but worth a tipple -
BFTP Riders.
Who/what is 'Blast From The Past ?
We are a bunch of individuals who have a common interest, namely riding and sharing tales about our pre 90's motorcycles.
Originating in Auckland there are BFTP members NZ wide!
We ride once a month. Our rides take 1-3 hours including stops and are generally held rain or shine.
If you have a period bike or have had or are getting another (runner or project) please join us and tell us all about you and your bike/s. The group is morphing and establishing interesting self help and help share threads on a range of bike related matters (with particular emphasis on maintenance and restoration). All we ask is that you come on rides or post what your up to and enjoy other's tales too.
If this sounds like your cup of liquorice tea then join up and say hi, we don't bite and we all know a thing or two about making old bikes go again.Category: Social GroupsLast Activity: 2nd January 2023 20:23
64 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Xmas 2022