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    Higher octane fuels in lower south island

    Thread Starter: Berries

    So I am dredging this old thread really but figured nobody would read it in that part of the forum - Race-fuel-in-the-S-I Just got me a bike where the manual recommends 98 octane. The three stations near me only go to 95 so it is a 30km round trip to Dunedin to fill up at one of the self serve...

    Last Post By: R650R Today, 10:16 Go to last post

    Where are all the bounty hunters?

    Thread Starter: jellywrestler

    With $80k up for grabs and a lot of screwed up lotto tickets from the last fortnight how many are heading to the king country to try and flush out tom Phillips and his 3 kids and claim $80k? haven't seen the poster yet, does it say dead or alive? The region could get a little feral for a...

    Last Post By: F5 Dave Yesterday, 21:13 Go to last post
  • Ixion

    by Published on 14th October 2009 16:00
    1. Categories:
    2. Community News

    Next BRONZ (Auckland) meeting is 21st Oct.

    7:30 pm . Rockridge Road, Penrose. Place is called the Danish House. Parking out front.

    Major agenda item will , of course, be ACC levies, and possible responses to them. It'd be nice to see a few more than the half dozen stalwarts there. But I'm not holding my breath.

    If there is a good attendance, the Chairman will be enforcing rather more of a formal meeting process than usual, just to stop things getting out of hands.

    A few ground rules for said meeting may as well be played through now:

    1. We all know it's evil and unfair. No point preaching to the choir. So, no speeches along those lines. (Just because of time constraints)
    2. We all know that bike accidents are caused by cagers. Or not. So unless you have evidence none of us know about, again, no preaching to the choir.
    3. Personally, I'm receptive to direct action. But some degree of realism is required. So no explosives etc
    4. What IS required is reasons WHY we shouldn't pay what ACC *claim* we cost. Factual. Specific. So if you know something, or you are good at crunching statistics, that might be useful.
    5. If it does come to something formal, only financial paid up BRONZ members get to vote (though I wouldn't expect such formality).
    6. We aren't going to convince the Government to abolish ACC, or totally change the way it operates. Politics is the art of the possible. So the chairman will cut short any discussions along such lines. Which includes philosophical debate on whether ACC should be privatised or not.

    The chairman (I'm told) is a grumpy old cunt. Try not to rile him too much.

    BRONZ (Wellington) does not exist . So if anyone can volunteer to coordinate matters in the capital, that might be good.
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