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Thread: Bike factor removed from ACC formula

  1. #1
    Join Date
    25th July 2006 - 00:22
    10 speed 1995

    Bike factor removed from ACC formula

    It began in 1995 - some early formulae are here and the same staff are still on the project and cooked up the formulae currently on the Ministers desk.

    The mathematical formula was developed that assigned risk to each vehicle type per vehicle kilometre - then it assigned a value by which vehicle removal, reduction or resourcing for targeted policing activities accompanied by advertising to legitimise funded Police haranguing would reduce that risk... to produce the target death numbers by the deadline, then the next one on and on and on.

    It failed - HANG ON JUST WORKING OUT HOW TO PUT IN THE SCANS HERE... show road safety program our biggest killer (nor speed etc) but that they're trying to believe in it, will be easier once goals of stopping the current travel habits (lower vehicle kms)and making people stay locked in respective Suburbs (UK style) works. Huh - the transport policy is to eliminate transport essentially. At least single units.
    More on this great formula that entirely dictates road safety and future transport tapestry. ACC is bound by funding agreements to enact or support all components (including legislating some off the road) as directed. Assumptions in model include leveraging vehicle types/numbers or aggregated kms by class. Implication - all restrict mc time or fewer have them. Sport of Kings 2050?

    The talk of education etc is only camouflage for the continuing agenda to slay mc'ing imo. Why - because ACC say it has 2 areas of road safety responsibility - vehicle safety and motorcycles. Add this being core bizzo to the fact they are under the formulas yolk....

    This may all mean the newly reconfigured formula, for the 2020 road safety plan, is an acknowledgement that police enforcement failed the MC subclass - leaving in their mind only one option - get the hell out of dodge IE THE FORMULA by strategy end date ie 2040 (just as a cop told buelbabe on the bikeoi). It totally fits.

    Predicting that other disincentives will now be used to move butts into cages - over a decade so it can occur more stealthily. Look out for zero alcohol limit for bikes and other such needling... govt may even form a front group called MAB (Mothers Against B's).

    And here is how the masters (bankers) justify in their own words "imposing" the correct view to promote road safety initiatives including legislation eg bikers are to blame. It is not about dialogue but rather persuasion these Machiavellians note. One message from all sources.

    VADAB List - Vigilance Against Discrimination Against Bikers
    1. Zero alcohol limit tried in Oz by saying too many BIKE crash deaths.
    (feel freee to add to list)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    26th February 2005 - 11:00
    Two triples
    Thanks for posting this.It convinces me that,althought there are reputedly "too many bikers in the NZTA for a anti-bike conspiracy to exist",there is likely to be a group of safety nazis who are duping us all.Including those NZTA bikers.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    5th December 2009 - 12:32
    It was on the good
    ship Venus, by Chri
    Quote Originally Posted by Pixie View Post
    Including those NZTA bikers.
    Don't tar them all with the same brush. That is what "They" are trying to do to us. I know a few NZTA bikers and don't believe it for one second.

    In light of the 2020 theme of improving road safety for motorbikes I think there may be opportunities to try and work with them to provide us with better roads. And if they are taking $30 per bike via the ACC levy to do this then they are going to need to be held accountable for doing so.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    25th July 2006 - 00:22
    10 speed 1995
    Yeah that is a plus what was negotiated and I don't tar 'em all the same - it is only an elite that gets the inside story - as in only about 4 odd bods at NZTA even know about the formula - despite it's precedence.

    A valuable thing would be to OIa the approved formula after the 2020 plan is announced - it will tell us exactly how many vehicle kms bikes are expected to clock up over the strategy - diminishing I bet.

    To ensure this sensitive info remains available to jo public it would be very helpful if KBers could submit to the law commissions current consultation on the official information act and support continuing strength - our Act is more access preserving than the Ozzies equivalent. Without this "in" we're pawns doomed to live in the dark and will end up just like the shed housed cows. Link to link to consultation - I'm yet to look at it so...

    Progress made by people using the act in discovering politicians secrets, and in then erecting defenses, must be why the act was under a fairly hush hush review - short consultation period, but just extended following criticism.
    What frightens me - not much else but politicians, make me queasy.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    25th July 2006 - 00:22
    10 speed 1995

    Uh huh!

    OK I read the OIA consultation. Boring but necessary - I eat OIA's.
    Looks like they want among other things to remove access to some places - like ACC. And get rid of the Local Govt Act info rights (stronger as requires consultation and BORA compliance) by merging it or part of it with OI Act. And to get agencies to proactively web publish more stuff so there will be less requests. Tech an issue as now much stuff is just content eg websites rather than numbered papers. A wee prob exists too of disappearing OI - in form of fast deleted e-mls.
    "Shall we bomb Fiji - yes but delete this immediately please (:"
    And with no sanctions if impt info is deliberately hidden - that needs fixing - especially in Wallaces' Office.

    It is suggested that agencies in competition with others (by extension thosewhich might be too) ought be protected from OIA. This is no good - we need ACC injury claims data to show up the failed road safety program!

    Simon Bill English has an interesting bill in consultation too. Submissions ny1?

    The Insurance (Prudential Supervision) Bill October 2009
    It regulates insurers and allows overseas companies to operate here without their Directors passing good character checks (though local fellas have to).

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