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Thread: MAG-NZ opposes the Motorcycle Safety Levy

  1. #46
    Join Date
    25th April 2009 - 17:38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
    No, the cold hard truth and the increase in levies are inseparable.

    Sort out the cold hard truth and both BRONZ and MAG-NZ would suddenly be scratching their arses trying to find issues that need rectifying.
    it's both, inseparable, and different issues. Inseperable in that the crash rate caused the levy hike, different issue in that it shouldn't have, as set out in the woodhouse principals. You may not believe they are required or useful, but that is where I find the difference in issues arises from.
    "A shark on whiskey is mighty risky, but a shark on beer is a beer engineer" - Tad Ghostal

  2. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by bogan View Post
    it's both, inseparable, and different issues. Inseperable in that the crash rate caused the levy hike, different issue in that it shouldn't have, as set out in the woodhouse principals. You may not believe they are required or useful, but that is where I find the difference in issues arises from.
    I'm going to shoot that useless motherfucker Woodhouse.

    All he's achieved is a country full of whinging bludgers.

  3. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
    I'm going to shoot that motherfucker Woodhouse.

    All he's achieved is a country full of whinging bludgers.
    eh, did he set up the dole and dpb as well?

    dammit, you got me into this debate after all, enough, we've been over it before, I'll leave the last word to you...
    "A shark on whiskey is mighty risky, but a shark on beer is a beer engineer" - Tad Ghostal

  4. #49
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    My personal question to everyone is:

    In the interests of transparency, I challenge certain parties to reveal behind-the-scenes correspondence regarding how to get their hands on MSL funding.

    It might make this thread a lot clearer.
    And I to my motorcycle parked like the soul of the junkyard. Restored, a bicycle fleshed with power, and tore off. Up Highway 106 continually drunk on the wind in my mouth. Wringing the handlebar for speed, wild to be wreckage forever.

    - James Dickey, Cherrylog Road.

  5. #50
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by riffer View Post
    It might make this thread a lot clearer.
    The purpose of this thread is very clear, the title of it should have offered a BIG CLUE. The purpose of this thread to is to announce very clearly that MAG-NZ oppose the collection of the MSL. Nothing more, nothing less. However, as you seem hell bent on sugesting something that is not intended, and as I am not sure why you want to go down this track, and you continue to insist here is my spin.

    Quote Originally Posted by riffer View Post
    In the interests of transparency, I challenge certain parties to reveal behind-the-scenes correspondence regarding how to get their hands on MSL funding.
    My understanding of where things are is pretty simple. No decisions have been made as to the make up of the committee/group/quango that will administer the MSL that is collected has been made. Therefore no decisions have been made as to how to spend it. Frankly I have to trust the ones that are there, and are chosen to do the best they can for the motorcyclist of NZ. As MAG-NZ are not part of the MSL EG, I can only assume your challenge is to the groups that are, so lets get an answer to your question.

    MAG-NZ oppose the MSL - FACT.

    We will however be asking the hard questions of the participants to the MSL just how they justify the way it is spent. Probably be prudent for them to really be seen to be consulting with the motorcyclists of NZ though.

    * Edit* as MAG-NZ are not involved with the MSL EG I can only assuem you mean the groups that are actually part of the MSL, and frankly I agree with you. Lets hear how things are going in the discussions. Where they are, and what is being proposed. Seems fair really.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gubb View Post

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  6. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mom View Post
    * Edit* as MAG-NZ are not involved with the MSL EG I can only assuem you mean the groups that are actually part of the MSL, and frankly I agree with you. Lets hear how things are going in the discussions. Where they are, and what is being proposed. Seems fair really.
    I can assure you and everyone else that as things develop from infancy press releases etc will follow to keep everyone informed.

  7. #52
    Join Date
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    I think it is brilliant that, if nothing else, MAG-NZ has 'encouraged', possibly even 'evoked' BRONZ to show thier hand to a wider audiance.......its taken a while and I can only magine how BRONZ members must be feeling.

  8. #53
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    No absolutely not.
    Not Katman, not StonY, No one. will ever convince me that the shonky research, the political maneuvering, the lies and bullshit ever had one thing to do with improving biker safety..
    ALL about the softening up of ACC in readiness for sale.
    Heard Les and BRONZ shout long and hard, StonY and the unions screamed.....
    NOW we are willing to accept the levy increases as written in stone?
    If any of us accept the existence of the Motorcycle Safety Levy Establishment Group, we are, by default, accepting the Motorcycle Safety Levy (also known as, another $30 on top of your rego) that we opposed at Bikoi and ever since.
    I swear to god, you accept this, and those that are willing to sit hand in hand with Nick and Judge, and you are fcked, forever.
    Seems some have decided that they would rather not bite that hand that feeds them.

  9. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maha View Post
    I think it is brilliant that, if nothing else, MAG-NZ has 'encouraged', possibly even 'evoked' BRONZ to show thier hand to a wider audiance.......its taken a while and I can only magine how BRONZ members must be feeling.
    what does this mean?I am a member of Bronz Wellington.I joined in the aftermath of the bikeoi because at that moment they were the group that most closely represented my view.We need to be represented.So there is some hidden agenda for Bronz now?

  10. #55
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    Suggest you work it out for yourself brother.

  11. #56
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    personally I remember les saying (in bronz capacity) that they would be back next (this) year, the bronz website still suggest they are unhappy and will continue to fight the increases. Now we hear bronz spokespeople saying the increases are set in stone, the MSL will be spent wisely, FFS I've even seen a bronz release spouting similar misleading statistics to those of nick smith, though at least they were technically accurate.

    When did this change occur, were bikers consulted? were bronz members even consulted about it? Sorry if this sounds like an attack, but I'm pissed off there won't be a bikoi 2

    note, these are my views and do not represent those of MAG.
    "A shark on whiskey is mighty risky, but a shark on beer is a beer engineer" - Tad Ghostal

  12. #57
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    As a BRONZ member I'm pissed off......
    There can be NO Bikoi 2 as what will we be opposing?
    We can't oppose the levy hike, cos BRONZ and others are already talking to Nick about how to spend the $30 MSL portion of the levy hike.

  13. #58
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    29th March 2008 - 12:16
    Quote Originally Posted by MSTRS View Post
    It's not rocket science, eh?

    Nothing against the various organisations on the MSL committee. Problem is, it's people at the coalface. And those people may (or may not) have personal agendas in what/why they are on that committee. It's a matter of trust, you see. And so far, despite some of the posts in here, I've only heard stuff that puts me off trusting...
    To insinuate that the individuals who are representatives of the organisations on the MSLEG are untrustworthy is a big step.
    I do have a question for MAG-NZ, is this attack by some of your key members a response to a disappointing initial membership drive?
    Is this move to discredit any other organisations by misinformation and innuendo an attempt to rebrand MAG-NZ to fit the next highest demographic to increase your membership?

  14. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by fossil View Post
    To insinuate that the individuals who are representatives of the organisations on the MSLEG are untrustworthy is a big step.
    I do have a question for MAG-NZ, is this attack by some of your key members a response to a disappointing initial membership drive?
    Is this move to discredit any other organisations by misinformation and innuendo an attempt to rebrand MAG-NZ to fit the next highest demographic to increase your membership?
    sorry are you reading this thread? no discrediting misinformation here, the first post explains our position on the issue quite clearly, we have asked that other organizations show their hand as well. And considering we haven't even had our official launch or started the membership drive, we are bloody stoked with the numbers so far, thanks to all who support us!
    "A shark on whiskey is mighty risky, but a shark on beer is a beer engineer" - Tad Ghostal

  15. #60
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    29th March 2008 - 12:16
    Quote Originally Posted by bogan View Post
    sorry are you reading this thread? no discrediting misinformation here, the first post explains our position on the issue quite clearly, we have asked that other organizations show their hand as well. And considering we haven't even had our official launch or started the membership drive, we are bloody stoked with the numbers so far, thanks to all who support us!
    I guess I must have read your previous post (below) wrong?

    "and those who resent being forced to pay for it in the first place, can join mag eh cmon, you know ya want to yes, you, we need you!"

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