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Thread: It ain't over yet...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    9th August 2009 - 21:45
    2010 CB 1000 R, 2008 Suzuki Bandit 1250
    Where the poets hang out
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    It ain't over yet...

    Its been a year and a day

    We aint quit just coz there is no huge roar at the moment.
    BRONZ has had a few questions posed to the house, these at the moment are in the form of written questions submitted direct to the Minister of ACC formally by Rick Barker.

    On the day we visited Rick he made a blog entry on Red Alert and his own website its found here.

    Its election year soon.....

    All of us, MAG, Ulysses, HOG, WIMA, BRONZ, need to get the family, friends, neighbours to consider what sort of govt they want this round, one that discriminates on class and lifestyle, or one that has promised to return equity to our public support systems.

    BRONZ has been quietly active this last year, whatever some may think, we have not laid down and rolled over, just because we got invited to assist to set up the governance of the MSL (still the only gain we got from the raise IMO) that does not mean we have quit or joined up with Nick.

    I am in the middle of trying to have a process altered slightly but significantly, an additional form to be added to any ACC Motorcycle claim to specify if on/off road, bikes CC class, and reg/not regietered.
    A very simple litte piece of data capture that can once and for all set the scene as to where, what CC rating, and what account should cover the 'motorcycle injury' involved.

    Shiny side up this 'crazy season' folks, keep ya eyes open out there.
    Funny, right now the Rock are talking about respect bertween cyclists and cagers...what about us?

    Just ride.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    19th April 2009 - 00:08
    Good on ya stony keep at it on our behalf
    Don't judge me based upon your ignorance.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    20th October 2005 - 17:09
    Its a Boat
    MAG launched this a few months ago...

    Feedback has been great and we have the step on the table.
    There maybe 90-100,000 bike registered in NZ and that equates to a shit load of votes. I am sure any political party would recognise that?
    ...Yes, next year is an Election year and consider this Bret...
    Each and eveyone of those registered bike owners knows others that have been affected and slapped by the stealth policies put in place over the last 12 months.
    Givin' that (rule of thumb here) you can count on at 10% of any number of people at any one time to support, 9-10 thousand perhaps a few thousand more, are likely to get behind any pending action.
    Banking on those numbers, all the groups of which you speak would need to get behind it to make it a success.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    9th August 2009 - 21:45
    2010 CB 1000 R, 2008 Suzuki Bandit 1250
    Where the poets hang out
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maha View Post
    MAG launched this a few months ago...
    Yep and BRONZ is 100% in agreement with your organisations campaign matey, but whether people join MAG as members is up to them as individuals.
    Quite a few of my Wellington branch are members of MAG NZ as well as of BRONZ, good to see both groups growing

    See ... we can all work together
    Just ride.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    5th March 2006 - 09:01
    Canadian Red Back
    hey stoney Im all for working together, as are other members of MAG. We all share the same sandpit no point in destroying it, well not just yet anyway.

    There is more power to us (motorcyclists) in a united effort ..............see want the new year brings, isn't it a election year too.

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