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Thread: Tossers costing us ACC levies

  1. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonbuoy View Post
    Normal jeans will explode if you come off a 100KPH on tarseal.
    Holy crap! now at least I know it was my jeans exploding, not an almighty fart i let rip when it happened to me. They did rip open down one seam but amazingly I had no injuries to my leg. (Happened on the motorway and yes I was doing 100kph when I lost it on the bike).

    Quote Originally Posted by Drew View Post
    I once told Placid Femme to eat shit and die after making this same dumb arse statement, you and her can start a club.
    Wank wank wank. Geez you're a wanker. You have your opinion obviously, and I'm entitled to mine. Buy hey, thanks for not telling me directly to eat shit and die. Very thoughtful of you.
    I lahk to moove eet moove eet...

    Katman to steveb64
    Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
    I'd hate to ever have to admit that my arse had been owned by a Princess.

  2. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drew View Post
    I've been a commercial builder for ten years, my business partner for thirty, and neither he nor I can come up with a single time safety boots saved us a foot injury.

    Safety glasses are now being taken too far, and on some sites must be worn at all times. Not required in anyone actually doing the jobs opinion, when they can hang around your neck till required.

    As for using ones head, I fully agree. And if someone has weighed the risks for themselves, and made a decision, who the fuck are we to question it?
    Yeh and Nah

    Things that boots have save me with:
    - falling knives
    - accidentally kicking large, sharp, immovable objects
    - Crane driver accidentally lowering skip on my foot (in mud) while I guided him in.
    - Things hitting my foot that would quite easily break a toe

    Safety glasses (not so much - but still):
    - Various different dust particles being 'jetted' at my eyes.
    - Stones and crap getting thrown my way.
    - Pressure releases (esp fuel based) going towards eyes.

    So while they aren't perfect, they have their uses.

    But I am all for the removal of regulations and liability of the user. Who knows in 50 years we could have all the morons dead, blind or slightly crippled?
    Win win really in my eyes. Gets them off site.
    Reactor Online. Sensors Online. Weapons Online. All Systems Nominal.

  3. #48
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    Well I am truely sorry for wanting to go around the block on a stinking hot day to clear out the cobwebs seeing as the bike hasnt been ridden, Let alone started for 3 month with only my helmet on..

    Silly, Yes.

    But do I really want to gear up for a trip the lasts all of 1 minute?? No.. Not really

    Now, If i was to do a longer trip and spend all day on the bike, Then yes.. i would gear up.

    So if you came up to me and complained about my lack of gear, I would take you back to my place, Show you my gear and tell you to STFU as it was, afterall, only a Minutes ride.. If that!!
    Or, I might even turn around and smack ya one.. Especially if you really start to go off at me!
    The only stupid question is a question not asked!

  4. #49
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    so your brain cells are reacting quicker than I can type

    so now will you realize u are being screwed

    i know u feel like shit ,
    now your fundamentals have gone pear shaped

    can u now see the platform some have been expounding from???

    "Look, Madame, where we live, look how we live ... look at the life we have...The Republic has forgotten us."

  5. #50
    Join Date
    9th June 2005 - 13:22
    Now they (ACC and theGov't) have got us fighting among ourselves!

    Talk about divide and conquer!

    Would it not be more profitable to modify our behaviour and unite our thoughts and efforts toward minimising the negative effects these bastards can impose upon us!

    It's going to be difficult enough if we are united without all the BS that we seem to throw at each other!

    Somewhere between the extreme attitudes, there is an "acceptable" mid point that we should identify and aim for, perhaps we should think about that instead of who is to blame!

  6. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrMotard View Post
    What is it with all those brain dead riders who kit up in T shirt, shorts and jandals when they ride - that's got to be a big contibutor to the medical and ACC vosts when they finally bite the tarseal (and they will)? I have taken to hunting them down and thanking them for being a @#%$wit and costing me heaps.

    If the cops want to revenue hunt simply make it a $1,000 fine - the cops will meet budget within a week I reckon
    Yet another new member immediately spouting the ATGATT line.

    So who the fuck do you work for?

  7. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrMotard View Post
    What is it with all those brain dead riders who kit up in T shirt, shorts and jandals when they ride - that's got to be a big contibutor to the medical and ACC vosts when they finally bite the tarseal (and they will)? I have taken to hunting them down and thanking them for being a @#%$wit and costing me heaps.

    If the cops want to revenue hunt simply make it a $1,000 fine - the cops will meet budget within a week I reckon
    They don't cost any extra if they don't fall off...? the ones are that are costing us are the ones that keep having accidents whether they have gear on or not...

    Quote Originally Posted by oldrider View Post
    Now they (ACC and theGov't) have got us fighting among ourselves!

    Talk about divide and conquer!

    Would it not be more profitable to modify our behaviour and unite our thoughts and efforts toward minimising the negative effects these bastards can impose upon us!

    It's going to be difficult enough if we are united without all the BS that we seem to throw at each other!

    Somewhere between the extreme attitudes, there is an "acceptable" mid point that we should identify and aim for, perhaps we should think about that instead of who is to blame!
    thats what they do divide and then concquer... they (gooberments) have been doing that for years it is a standard tactic... and the gulible sheeple keep falling for it...

  8. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by PrincessBandit View Post
    Wank wank wank. Geez you're a wanker. You have your opinion obviously, and I'm entitled to mine. Buy hey, thanks for not telling me directly to eat shit and die. Very thoughtful of you.
    But what is your opinion based on? To label those of us who will go to the shop without the full kit, as the sort who do other stupid shit to endanger ourselves is beyond my feeble comprehension.

    I see shit loads more people who are wearing the gear doing dumb stuff, so percentage wise those of us without the gear are safer.

  9. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonbuoy View Post
    Where are you going to draw the line? Normal jeans will explode if you come off a 100KPH on tarseal.
    mine didn't at 105 mph

    took the back pocket off with no road rash ...

    These were made in NZ for NZ conditions ( black I might add)

    "Look, Madame, where we live, look how we live ... look at the life we have...The Republic has forgotten us."

  10. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrMotard View Post
    I have taken to hunting them down and thanking them for being a @#%$wit and costing me heaps.
    Report back when you have stopped an OMC member, like the Hells Angels, for instance, to let us know how that conversation went.

    Its all about weighing up the risks. I am usually geared up pretty good, back and chest protector included (can you say the same?), but when I take a 5 minute relaxed pootle on a hot day down to my local beach for a dip, I don't particularly bother to don my leathers, as I don't really exceed speeds that I can (and in fact do) reach on my pushbike on the same route (and then only dressed in lycra cycle gear).

  11. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrMotard View Post
    What is it with all those brain dead riders who kit up in T shirt, shorts and jandals when they ride - that's got to be a big contibutor to the medical and ACC vosts when they finally bite the tarseal (and they will)? I have taken to hunting them down and thanking them for being a @#%$wit and costing me heaps.
    That's a very dangerous slope. What if we decide that the appropriate gear is something that surrounds us in a full metal cage and has an extra 2 wheels for stability?

    I am an ATGATT person, but that is because I'm pain intolerant. I just don't like pain.
    And I also encourage others to also wear "appropriate" gear. But it is not my place to tell others how to live their lives. Everyone has the right (at least in this country) to make decisions involving their own safety, and to choose the level of risk that they consider acceptable.

    Think of it this way. You wouldn't like it if a claustrophobic person told you that you couldn't use a lift any more because they were too dangerous. You wouldn't like if it a car driver told you that you couldn't ride your motorcycle any more because it is too dangerous.
    Do you see where I am coming from?

  12. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mom View Post
    Hope you never meet a maverick sheep on your travels...

    I live, and mostly ride rurally. I am very aware of stock and keep my eyes open. Sheep invlove crawling past at walking speed, so you can avoid them if they change their mind about what they are doing. All well and good if you actually see them in the first place.

    I have 2 friends that have been injured as a result of wandering stock, one a professionally trained rider.

    Sheep are unpredictable, as are goats. Horses out at night are easily spooked into uncharacteristic behaviour. Cows have the potentail to kill you

    If you dont know they are there, it is fairly hard to prepare yourself when they appear in front of you in the dark, or even in daylight for that matter. Speed is not necessarliy a factor either. Hitting a solid animal at 50 km/ph is going to mean a large off, no matter your skills. Farmers have a legal responsibility to keep their stock safely fenced in, so they dont wander onto the road. We really should not HAVE to look out for wandering stock, but we do...
    Couldn't agree more with this. I'm the same, born and bread in rural NZ. Hit a cow at night around 80kph and for the fuckin hurt. Anyway, ya cant legislate against that sort of thing for sure. Walked straight out from a little dark spot under some trees....i stood no chance and he was solid.

  13. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drew View Post
    Jim can't handle a motorcycle you say? Ya fuckin retard, i've seen him ride and it's pretty bloody impressive! Most people round here wouldn't see which way he went, and he does it all on his own side of the road without speeding.
    Once again Drew, you make the mistake of equating good riding with getting from A to B in the shortest possible time.

    I live for the day that we start to recognise the idea that good riding equates to not having accidents.

  14. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grubber View Post
    Couldn't agree more with this. I'm the same, born and bread in rural NZ. Hit a cow at night around 80kph and for the fuckin hurt. Anyway, ya cant legislate against that sort of thing for sure. Walked straight out from a little dark spot under some trees....i stood no chance and he was solid.
    So it was a bull then...

    However totally agree with what you are saying... wandering stock are annoying and unpredicatabull (sorry I could resist... well I could I just didn't want to lol)

  15. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by NighthawkNZ View Post
    So it was a bull then...

    However totally agree with what you are saying... wandering stock are annoying and unpredicatabull (sorry I could resist... well I could I just didn't want to lol)
    Should have known someone would....
    Definately a cow....damn thing just walked off into the night without even a limp. Bastard!

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