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Thread: MOTO-NZ finally come up with something for all our money

  1. #61
    Join Date
    21st April 2008 - 22:50
    FJR 1300
    Hi Viz Vests probably get them made for about $ 1.00 each, but still won't educate the nut holding either the handel bars or steering wheel.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    5th December 2009 - 12:32
    It was on the good
    ship Venus, by Chri
    Not sure if anyone has read the RFT, but there are a couple of interesting factoids hidden away in there. There are some hi-viz wearing rates quoted from research carried out in 1996 with a note that –

    Note: While this research was carried out in the mid-1990s when there wasn’t a large selection of hi-vis motorcycle clothing available, it is doubtful the results would be too different should a similar report be conducted today.
    Hmmmm. I see people riding in hi-viz most days now. I would have thought a sensible starting point would at least be to carry out a survey to determine where we are right now, rather than base the whole thing on data 15 years old.

    The other bit that caught my eye was -

    In particular the visibility and conspicuity of motorcycles was the causal factor in 37% of injury crashes. [Since 2002]
    Being familiar with the way crashes are coded and interrogated I highly doubt the accuracy of this statement. I won’t bother going in to detail, but how can visibility and conspicuity be considered causal factors, unless you are riding at night with no lights and dark clothing?

    Anyway, just realised in another thread that if we did all wear hi-viz and did all wear the same white helmets we could stop worrying about forward facing speed cameras. Every cloud etc etc. Perhaps MotoNZ are acting for us all.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    4th October 2008 - 16:35
    they dont know what they are doing...they have just made headlights compulsory...will that be rescinded if hi viz becomes mandatory?

  4. #64
    Join Date
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    Thumbs up

    A reply from Mr Phil Wright of MOTTO NZ. No worries about having a rant. K.
    Thinks that some of my points were valid and worth investigation, my points? OK I said em in the email. The points.
    Investigate motorcycle friendly barriers.
    Move road furniture form dangerous positions.
    MOTTO NZ to Physically inspect bad roads and have the ministry of jerks as "Quoted" re do the bloody things with a view to having all motorists able to negotiate them without fear of death or worse,with particular reference to motorcyclists of course.
    No Hi Viz probably not an answer in itself and most likely not going to become compulsory.
    Do read the blog coming out this month form MOTTO NZ.
    OK, I'll read, when it comes out.
    Hummm, how far do I take this?
    Every day above ground is a good day!:

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by caseye View Post
    Hummm, how far do I take this?
    I'll introduce you to him when ya come down for the FBMC run if you like...I know where his office is at
    Just ride.

  6. #66
    Join Date
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    If this does happen. And I am calmly out riding and the cops try and pull me over for high viz, im gonna boot it.
    I am going to keep booting it until some form of TV (10-7, the news etc) turns up. Then I am going to pull over.
    When they say "We were only going to pull you over for your compulsory Hi-Viz" I will simply reply......

    "If I needed that then how the fuck did you see me and keep chasing me?"

    Be the second most fun I have had in hand-cuffs I reckon.
    Reactor Online. Sensors Online. Weapons Online. All Systems Nominal.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    29th March 2008 - 12:16
    I started reading this thread but gave up looking for the bit where MSAC said they are going to make Hi Viz compulsory, can someone repost it because I can't find it anywhere?

  8. #68
    Join Date
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    I guess the number is less important than the percentage, but if 100,000 can't stop the lunacy...
    Do you realise how many holes there could be if people would just take the time to take the dirt out of them?

  9. #69
    Join Date
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    The more beligerent a big lobby group is, the better the results. Ongoing diplomacy and compromise is just slowly cooking the goose.

    Fossil - the research will most likely lay a foundation for legislators to push compulsory hi-vis. That's the issue.

  10. #70
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grantman_ View Post
    The more beligerent a big lobby group is, the better the results. Ongoing diplomacy and compromise is just slowly cooking the goose.
    They don't come more belligerent than a pissed off Frenchman...but their govt was not to be denied.
    Granted, the govt 'backed down' on the full hi vis thing (so far) and made it compulsory to wear a 150cm2 piece of reflector somewhere between the waist and neck. Remember, they already have to have a reflector on their helmets.
    So - a piece of reflector 150mm x 100mm is required...all the piping on your cordura or some leathers isn't enough, and when the results of the new law are in (and they won't be stunning) the govt will simply say "Well, that wasn't enough. Let's go with the full hi-vis AND reflectors." And the bikers will protest, the govt will 'back down' and simply make the required patch bigger. Ad nauseum.
    That is exactly what is happening here, in it's many forms. Just like the so-called backdown on the rate of increase to ACC.
    Last edited by MSTRS; 12th January 2012 at 12:57.
    Do you realise how many holes there could be if people would just take the time to take the dirt out of them?

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by MSTRS View Post
    They don't come more belligerent than a pissed off Frenchman...but their govt was not to be denied.
    Granted, the govt 'backed down' on the full hi vis thing (so far) and made it compulsory to wear a 150cm2 piece of reflector somewhere between the waist and neck. Remember, they already have to have a reflector on their helmets.
    So - a piece of reflector 150mm x 10mm is required...all the piping on your cordura or some leathers isn't enough, and when the results of the new law are in (and they won't be stunning) the govt will simply say "Well, that wasn't enough. Let's go with the full hi-vis AND reflectors." And the bikers will protest, the govt will 'back down' and simply make the required patch bigger. Ad nauseum.
    That is exactly what is happening here, in it's many forms. Just like the so-called backdown on the rate of increase to ACC.
    Sadly I have to agree with that statement. I think I said elsewhere that the Govt. have a 'WE WANT' and what they reasonably expect to get through. The $500 was the 'reasonable' $700 was the (we'll let them 'barrack' us and they'll believe they've won something). I would prefer a day riding light to headlights, but the govt's have never listened to the research that shows there is an issue for distance /speed judgement with a 'beamed' light when compared to a diffused light. Or a diffused light is actualy more 'visible'. So I can see in the future, Hi Vis, Flouro yellow/green helmets, headlights, maybe pulsing LED's and I can forsee something similar to Europe with a 'stepped' licence system, 100bhp Power restrictions and homologation for type for any aftermarket fittings. Scary thing about that is, that even a tyre must be 'approved' for your particular model and make of bike. The one possibly helpful thing would be a standard for both AUs and NZ to be adapted by both govt's. Then you'd have the power of both countries riders. As I have pointed out before with the 1980's leg protectors in UK, it took English groups AND the Federation of European Motorcyclists to squash it fully.
    If the road to hell is paved with good intentions; and a man is judged by his deeds and his actions, why say it's the thought that counts? -GrayWolf

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by MSTRS View Post
    They don't come more belligerent than a pissed off Frenchman...but their govt was not to be denied.
    I'd bet belligerent too late, and only after pandering to the government beforehand with assorted concessions.

    The NRA is a good example of the necessary attitude, (although allowing for the fact we have no constitution to back us). Lobby groups that are supposed to support bikers, that do not have this 'attitude', are more of a liability to bikers than anything.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grantman_ View Post
    Lobby groups that are supposed to support bikers, that do not have this 'attitude', are more of a liability to bikers than anything.
    What a load of steaming unmitigated horseshit.
    And I to my motorcycle parked like the soul of the junkyard. Restored, a bicycle fleshed with power, and tore off. Up Highway 106 continually drunk on the wind in my mouth. Wringing the handlebar for speed, wild to be wreckage forever.

    - James Dickey, Cherrylog Road.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by riffer View Post
    What a load of steaming unmitigated horseshit.
    Having dealt with firearms lobbying in this country I believe it 100%. You'll realise at some point, unless you're already neck deep in the pandering that's going on in which case you are perpetuating it.

  15. #75
    Join Date
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    eek More propaganda and claptrap...

    Can't see this linked already....

    This impeccably researched and balanced Harold arse-tickle quotes Paul Searancke (as MSAC deputy chairman) and repeats the usual inflated risk numbers.

    I feel ever so well represented.

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