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Thread: BRONZ, how about having a rethink on the 1 September ride?

  1. #16
    Join Date
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    Cheers Murray.

    Its a pretty funny letter ( could not cut and paste it)

    Gist is Byron has asked to come and protest

    Govt has said yes you can come and protest on Monday 1st September between 10 and 12 AM

    but no motorcycles in the grounds

    You are allowed to stand by the Seddon Statue.

    Keep off the steps

    Your not allowed self catering.

    and so on.......

    and if you leave a mess you will be sent the bill.


    DeMyer's Laws - an argument that consists primarily of rambling quotes isn't worth bothering with.

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ixion View Post
    I need to note for the record that BRONZ Auckland have no position on this, and have no knowledge of this event other than what has been posted on this site.

    We will discuss it, as far as we know about it, next Wednesday.

    Personally I am not clear about the rationale (what is it that is actually being asked, of who ?); and the timing is not ideal.
    Quote Originally Posted by Murray View Post
    I think this is where the BRONZ involvement has come in

    Edward Brodie states BRONZ are organising a protest and the attached letter to Byron Cummings from BRONZ gives authorisation to protest on the grounds. If its all to be believed??
    So once again, Bronz!...about as organised as a plate of spaghetti being thrown across the fucking room!

    figures consultation, very little warning, no actual message to deliver and the arrogance to think that riders will just turn up and support this BS event...yup, sure sounds like Bronz "organised" this crap.

    ...still, at least we have confirmed that nothings really changed much in that absolute joke of an organisation....the "voice" of NZ Riders!


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  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Voltaire View Post
    Is it a BRONZ organised protest?
    No mention of it on the Welly Site
    This is coming from BRONZ Federation see media release

  4. #19
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    Media release

    BRONZ Media Release
    12 August 2014
    For immediate release

    ACC cash cow continues to milk motorists
    On August 5th, ACC Minister Judith Collins announced a reduction in the average motor vehicle levy of 41% (effective 1 July 2015). This is after years of ACC claiming underfunding, yet having returned large profits.
    The Minister did not disclose which classes of vehicle the reduction applies to, however levy consultation process chair, Paula Rebstock stated in May 2014, "The safer the car, the lower the levy. But all cars will have a lower license levy under our proposed changes for 2015".
    Ironically, the levy reduction applies regardless of the safety features of the vehicle. If vehicle safety is a key determinant to the reduction of levies, why are petrol powered vintage cars also being given a 46% reduction in ACC levy?
    ACC stated to motorcyclists in 2009 that if as a group we were to reduce the number of accidents, we would see a reduction in levies.
    Not only have motorcyclists demonstrated that even with increasing numbers, the number of accidents is trending down, motorcycles in recent years have improved greatly with tyre technology, Antilock braking and Traction control systems. In addition, motorcyclists have opted to ride with protective and high visibility gear, undertaking rider training and license based CBTA assessments to improve safety. None of these safety improvements are considered at all by ACC.
    The following if adopted by ACC would provide a fair and equitable solution:
    • Levy the rider / driver – not the vehicle
    • Levy reductions based on safety features / improvements should apply to all classes of vehicle applicable including motorcycles
    • Providing discounts for riders who have completed skills improvement courses
    • Providing discounts for riders who can prove purchase of standards approved safety gear
    • Consider discounts for no claims
    • Scrap the 5 year old ineffective Motorcycle Safety Advisory Council (MSAC) and return the annual $30 fee as a discount directly to riders to invest in their own safety.
    The Minister and ACC are ignoring a minority group, even though the vehicle levy coffers are approaching 100% of the funding required to cover all claims and related future expenses. Giving a general reduction to private vehicles on a safety basis yet excluding motorcycles on the same grounds is clearly discrimination.
    As a result of the discrimination, BRONZ Federation Inc has organised a protest on 1st September 2014 at 10am at Parliament grounds.
    David Teague
    Media Liaison
    On Behalf of Byron Cummins
    BRONZ Federation Spokesperson
    Mail to:

  5. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hitcher View Post
    Yes, but what's the desired outcome from that protest action? .
    If it works and jams up the courts that would almost certainly get the attention of the pollies and the media not to mention the courts themselves. It could possibly take weeks if not months to clear the jam and longer if bikers continued this form of protest. The powers to be would have to take some sort of action, hopefully the action bikers are hoping for.
    To have a protest outside the Beehive for a few hours might result in some underling being made to come out and talk to you in front of the cameras but that will be about it.
    Don't get me wrong, I hate the way bikers are being treated in NZ. I think the protest idea is a waste of time and effort.

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Indie View Post
    "BRONZ Federation Inc has organised a protest on 1st September 2014 at 10am at Parliament grounds"

    And there's the problem with that "Media Release"...whats been organised?...or even discussed with the ACTUAL riders of NZ??

    ...yeah!, NOTHING!...and thats exactly the problem with Bronz!!

    Good luck at YOUR rally...hope you get the required support to make a under three weeks!

    ...ya bloody muppets!

    When Life thows me a curve
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  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasonu View Post
    If it works and jams up the courts that would almost certainly get the attention of the pollies and the media not to mention the courts themselves. It could possibly take weeks if not months to clear the jam and longer if bikers continued this form of protest. The powers to be would have to take some sort of action, hopefully the action bikers are hoping for.
    To have a protest outside the Beehive for a few hours might result in some underling being made to come out and talk to you in front of the cameras but that will be about it.
    Don't get me wrong, I hate the way bikers are being treated in NZ. I think the protest idea is a waste of time and effort.
    But until they DO get clogged - they will have time to process some, I don't wanna be at the front of the queue. Nor will most..hence the queue won't happen.
    The previous protest on Parliament grounds - The Bikeoi..did produce some resulting back-pedaling that saw them drop back from a proposed $700-$800 fee to the now $500 or so. Likely - that is the level they always anticipated - expecting protest.
    I am in favour of a rant on the steps again and will be attending if this proceeds. I do agree with others that the date is maybe not the best choice in some respects. However - those that rant here about John Key and his bunch being ousted - you have the chance to front and put it to your red mob to state their intentions over ACC levies for the targeted that they are desperate to re-enter the halls of power with bribes. In that regard - maybe the timing can work. Let's see if Cuntylips lot will come to our protest. They did last time. If I remember right - two Labour MPs fronted - one on a Rocket 3?

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Indie View Post
    This is coming from BRONZ Federation see media release
    So after you all find parking off the Govt grounds, gather by the Seddon memorial with no sandwiches, standing on the steps or hassling

    anyone coming for going what then from the allocated 10 -12 spot they granted you?

    or is that letter a wind up?
    DeMyer's Laws - an argument that consists primarily of rambling quotes isn't worth bothering with.

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by willytheekid View Post
    So once again, Bronz!...about as organised as a plate of spaghetti being thrown across the fucking room!

    figures consultation, very little warning, no actual message to deliver and the arrogance to think that riders will just turn up and support this BS event...yup, sure sounds like Bronz "organised" this crap.

    ...still, at least we have confirmed that nothings really changed much in that absolute joke of an organisation....the "voice" of NZ Riders!


    BRONZ Auckland has been notified, your Federation reps have been emailed and asked for input on this. If they have not passed this on to their membership .....

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Indie View Post
    BRONZ Auckland has been notified, your Federation reps have been emailed and asked for input on this. If they have not passed this on to their membership .....
    My WHAT have been WHAT!??


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  11. #26
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    Its a bit like this....
    DeMyer's Laws - an argument that consists primarily of rambling quotes isn't worth bothering with.

  12. #27
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    The Bikoi was well attended and organised pretty damned well too - yet where did it get us? A small scrap off the dinner plate.

    Anything that is not thought out thoroughly will be effectively a waste of time and only reinforces our impotence as a sizeable group of road users.

    Basically any legal options open to us also are a dead end in terms of an outcome that will be satisfactory to us.

    What we need is something that will be totally unexpected and have the x factor of ingenuity and surprise. (Any ideas???) It also needs huge numbers because we all know that in politics it's the numbers that count. Can we, as a certain wedge of the road using community, ever be unified sufficiently to effect the hammerblow of change?

    I lahk to moove eet moove eet...

    Katman to steveb64
    Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
    I'd hate to ever have to admit that my arse had been owned by a Princess.

  13. #28
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    I'd go but there's been too many 'who stole my bike' threads from the Wellington region lately...

    Kinda agree with Hitcher, pointless really. Perhaps an economic blockade instead. There must be a few influential businesses with bikers at the helm that could stall govt supplies....

    As for disrupting courts by not paying rego, its not a criminal offence, purely a civil debt collection matter. Yay get your bike seized by court bailiff, epic fail there...

    Lets just go on a booze trip instead, I have unused Mermaid dollars sitting about. Now if we all hit the club and drive up demand we'll not only raise the ladies standards of living but we'll force the politicians to pay the high prices and hit them in the pocket LOL...
    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

  14. #29
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    I too attended the "big one" and appreciate all the effort that went into a well run event. The thing is no government will back down for a protest (or be seen to)- to do so invites rule by anarchy. Also petitions are easily ignored so that route is a no go. These days social and video/tv media is the effective medium, exposing names behind the decisions, targeting weak constituencies, aligning disaffected groups, gaining influential allies (cycling, trucks, cabs etc), exposing financial dealings, youtube, facebook, twitter and operating on an international scale. It's a lot of organisation but it is effective.

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Voltaire View Post
    Its a bit like this....
    Master of the understatement! It's EXACTLY like that!
    This kind of BS is why I'm no longer a member of BRONZ.

    And, putting your hopes in the red mob to get into power and sort ACC and their levies out is about as half-arsed as relying on BRONZ, both organisations it seems would be incapable of hosting a drunken orgy in a whorehouse with on-site brewing facilities!

    I'm not in favour of the displaying no plates option either, as there's the fines which have the potential to be more than $150 (see attached) not to mention I would be surprised if there wasn't an impound option on the vehicle (I'm sure I've seen this somewhere, but can't find it right now - perhaps one of our resident could throw some light on this?), especially in the case of repeat offenders and there may be possible implications for some insurance companies (operating a vehicle illegally could affect some policies I would think, certainly would impede claim progress at best).
    That said, I like the principle of the no plate protest.

    I really think that if there is going to be a successful organised protest with a turn out equal to or better than, the BIKOI then it needs to be done at a time, and with enough warning to potential attendees that will maximise attendance, maximise exposure and ensure that the politicians and others who matter are available to be a party to it (willing or not).

    I think some of the comments in the other thread about this 'protest' regarding a paid professional lobby group and utilising the power of social media and the press etc., make a lot of sense too, certainly would be more effective than some small, disorganised gathering outside parliament for an hour or so while everyone's attention is on the election.

    The key to any and all of this is being organised though, so really BRONZ needs to go back to the drawing board on this one if they're going to get any serious support.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Plate style.pdf  

    Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that, who cares? ...He's a mile away and you've got his shoes

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