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Thread: Police getting tougher on speed tolerance

  1. #16
    Join Date
    2nd November 2008 - 11:39
    Blade '12
    Quote Originally Posted by Banditbandit View Post
    What other forms of breaking the law have a tolerance??
    Leaking confidential reports?

  2. #17
    Join Date
    25th June 2012 - 11:56
    Daelim VL250 Daystar
    I don't mind a bit of speed enforcement and accept we must play to the 'rules of the game' or pay the appropriate fee for an extra level of freedom. Really that's all tickets are (apart from the demerits if issued by real cop), an upgrade, supersize your level of fun to the fastlane, and lots of time just like the buses your cruising for 'free' as they cant catch everyone....

    But I'd like to blow the pathetic propaganda around the lower limit right out of the water.
    Now they say they ticketed more than five times the amount of people last time they did this compared to the same window the previous year. From the numbers given we can estimate they caught an extra 160,000-170,000 people speeding between 4-10km/h over the limit.
    Now during that period 22 less people died and as usual they are claiming all the credit for that but we sure as hell know when the holiday road toll goes up (which it does randomly from time to time) they sure as hell don't take the blame for it.
    Now lets use the lesser number to be on the safe side and go back to that previous 'deadly' summer where the 22 more people died and assume the 160,000 low speed offenders ticketed the next year were speeders back then too.
    Those that died represent 0.01% of those 160,000 speeders.

    Now if you were to walk in the door at LTSA and say there's a road sign if we change the colour of... or if we were to make brembo brake calipers required by law it would save not 10%, not 1% but only 0.01% of road deaths they would laugh you out the door!!!

    This low limit is also wrong as it says its at officer discretion. Eg if your having a good day or got some this morning and are happy and willing to give the cop a verbal blowjob at the roadside you will be let off.
    But should you exercise your right to free speech that our soldiers died for then your getting a ticket based on that or any of the officers other prejudices.

    A low speed ticket is really a ticket for failing to pay attention and see the cop car or camera etc.
    Now if they turned it around and had hidden potential roadside hazards with a code number to text to enter a competition that might get people involved and 'looking' for hazards ahead.
    Eg at the bottom of a fast hill, blind corner have a card board cutout of sheep truck about to pull out driveway. Now speeder wont see the code but someone driving at proper speed would have time to read the code and see its part of the promo and not an advertising sign etc....
    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

  3. #18
    Join Date
    11th September 2013 - 01:22
    Nek minute Police hand out fines for those doing under speed limit and "holding up traffic" - quite likely given many speedo's are slightly out and under the limit on many cars.

    Don't worry though, there will be some tolerance - tolerance for the mufty cops who tail gate up your ass to incite you speed.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    25th June 2012 - 11:56
    Daelim VL250 Daystar
    Quote Originally Posted by Scuba_Steve View Post
    But not really cause the popo is a fixed operating cost which would be paid regardless of what he does only this way the Govt makes $$$ lots of easy $$$
    Course too they are steadily increasing automated scammers so I wouldn't expect those human ones to be too abundant in a few years
    A fixed operating cost yeas but as part of that business unit. Run the salary, the cost and devaluation of a new holden sv6 and all the gear every three years at so. Then there's the non revenue earning events like teaching the school kids how to cross the roads, sitting for ages at places where there is no offending but someone has complained about others driving, hours at crash scenes where offenders get minimal fines, hours at drink drive checkpoints where the unemployed rack up fines they don't pay etc....
    I don't do anything less than $150 per hour for my photo business just to cover costs and staying alive. I cant see the highway patrol averaging that with the fuel burn on those wagons plus all the downtime.
    They often have checkpoints outside my house, the amount of time it takes them to issue tickets is huge and usually to losers who look like they wont pay anyway...
    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

  5. #20
    Join Date
    29th July 2014 - 10:18
    New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by willytheekid View Post
    NZ mechanical standards LAW, clearly states that speedo's must be accurate within a 10% margin...and allowances MUST be made for this fact & LAW!
    Well the clock on my bike reads ~20 high so there's no way I'm going to have it officially tested.

    Quote Originally Posted by willytheekid View Post
    if you disbute the ticket for a BULLSHIT! amount over the speed can ONLY go to a police approved "Speedo Testin facility"(...of which there are only THREE in the country!)...and the cost to prove your speedo was over $300!!
    In some countries it's not OK to read a little low therefore the car manufactures make sure they don't. if you go to the trouble of contesting this you are unlikely to find your clock was reading low, so thats $300 + the cost of the ticket. If found to be out by more than 10% I assume there's going to be some additional inconvenience associated with that finding as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by willytheekid View Post
    REFUSE TO ACCEPT THE TICKET!! have the RIGHT to defend yourself in court, make them post the ticket and clearly state, "I will be disbuting this ticket officer, as this has NOTHING to do with roadsafety, and you have limited my means to defend myself...see you in court!"
    You could but I think our court system is biased against bikers who allegedly speed- IMHO.

    Quote Originally Posted by willytheekid View Post
    enough is enough!, we are NOT an endless source of revenue for this Greedy Govt...
    I'm pretty sure we are, it's kind of part & parcel of being governed.

    Quote Originally Posted by willytheekid View Post
    NZ Police...whom do you serve??, the PEOPLE of NZ?...or just those in power or Rich enough to afford "NZ justice"!
    Is that a rhetorical question? I mean seriously - had a bike license long?

    Quote Originally Posted by willytheekid View Post
    Have a great Xmas NZ...don't forget to bring your ID & Wallets!
    Never leave home without it.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    25th June 2012 - 11:56
    Daelim VL250 Daystar
    Who ya gonna call when the speed triple goes walkabout...????
    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

  7. #22
    Join Date
    2nd December 2009 - 13:51
    A brmm, brmm one
    Upper-Upper Hutt
    ... An NZer got it bad cause I drive
    & not walk around so the police think
    they have the authority to ticket the majority
    but fuck that cause I aint the one
    for a punk mutherfucker with a badge & a gun
    to be scamming on & thrown a ticket
    Science Is But An Organized System Of Ignorance
    "Pornography: The thing with billions of views that nobody watches" - WhiteManBehindADesk

  8. #23
    Join Date
    4th April 2011 - 18:44
    A fast one
    Quote Originally Posted by cassina View Post
    Just try and make sure you are following behind someone else as much as possible so they get the ticket and not you. What I found though with the 5km tolerance people would drive at 45km/hr in town so now lots of people will be doing 40. This brings to an end of any hope of 110km/hr on the open road.
    The only problem with that is 9 times out of 10 I'd bet that the copper would still go after the bike.... Sure he may ping the CAR doing 110 in a 100 area, but if the bike is keeping up with the car's pace, he'll chase down the bike as the bike is more likely to be in an accident (or so their statistics say...)

  9. #24
    Join Date
    25th June 2007 - 21:21
    Remember you'll get fined only if you get caught

    If you can make it on Kiwibiker you can make it anywhere.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    25th June 2012 - 11:56
    Daelim VL250 Daystar
    Quote Originally Posted by Scuba_Steve View Post
    ... An NZer got it bad cause I drive
    & not walk around so the police think
    they have the authority to ticket the majority
    but fuck that cause I aint the one
    for a punk mutherfucker with a badge & a gun
    to be scamming on & thrown a ticket

    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    Who ya gonna call when the speed triple goes walkabout...????
    The above two posts make no sense to everyone... as they have just been moved from henrys naughty deleted thread in other section.... seems weird just to bring two posts over....
    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    The above two posts make no sense to everyone... as they have just been moved from henrys naughty deleted thread in other section.... seems weird just to bring two posts over....
    No thread deleted. 2 threads on the same topic merged.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jane Omorogbe from UK MSN on the KTM990SM
    It's barking mad and if it doesn't turn you into a complete loon within half an hour of cocking a leg over the lofty 875mm seat height, I'll eat my Arai.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    13th July 2008 - 20:48
    Hanmer Springs
    Quote Originally Posted by willytheekid View Post
    This is a BLATANT scam by the Govt & police to generate more "unqustionable" revenue from the avergae road user...NOTHING MORE!!!(Move the goal posts much??)
    The only extra tickets generated are $30.

    It costs $26 to issue, process and prosecute a ticket, on average.

    So the $4 the gubbermint makes is sure going to rake the dosh in.

    Nah, if it was about dosh we'd be out writing tickets for not indicating, and following too close. Easy pickings.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    17th February 2005 - 11:36
    Didn't bother me last time, won't bother me this time. Indicated 45 in town, 90 on the open road. That way I'm safe from any inaccuracy anywhere

    Safer communities together

  14. #29
    Join Date
    2nd December 2009 - 13:51
    A brmm, brmm one
    Upper-Upper Hutt
    Quote Originally Posted by rastuscat View Post
    The only extra tickets generated are $30.

    It costs $26 to issue, process and prosecute a ticket, on average.

    So the $4 the gubbermint makes is sure going to rake the dosh in.

    If it was about safety we'd be out writing tickets for not indicating, and following too close. Easy pickings.
    But don't the police budget cover the "issuing cost" whereas the 30$ goes to the Govt "slush fund"... Yes "the police budget comes from the Govt" etc etc but in accounting world things are all weird & fucked up & so the 30$ is 30$ profit for the Govt

    Also fixed that for you
    Science Is But An Organized System Of Ignorance
    "Pornography: The thing with billions of views that nobody watches" - WhiteManBehindADesk

  15. #30
    Join Date
    13th July 2008 - 20:48
    Hanmer Springs
    Quote Originally Posted by Scuba_Steve View Post
    But don't the police budget cover the "issuing cost" whereas the 30$ goes to the Govt "slush fund"... Yes "the police budget comes from the Govt" etc etc but in accounting world things are all weird & fucked up & so the 30$ is 30$ profit for the Govt

    Also fixed that for you
    Chur Skoober.

    Yes, the revenue flows like that.

    It means that the ones issuing the tickets don't get the dosh, and don't actually give a toss about it. That's why we get cheesed about the constant badgering on revenue collecting.

    I'm sure someone in Treasury is happy to see the fines roll in, but it means zip to us.

    Interesting, but I actually give a shit. Any tickets I write are because I believe they help to change behaviours that contribute to crashes, or make worse the crashes that happen.

    Just sayin.

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