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Thread: Police getting tougher on speed tolerance

  1. #31
    Join Date
    13th November 2011 - 15:32
    '09 Bandit 1250s
    If a cop tries to ticket me, I'm going to be an asshole about it.

    No officer, I wasn't speeding. I know for a fact I was well below the speed limit, I was watching my speedo. You must have aimed your radar at my wheel, which accounts for 50% of the front of my vehicle, which will display incorrect speeds.

    Prove otherwise fuckwit.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    1st October 2013 - 15:29
    Pfft, stopping is option now anyway haven't you heard.

    Quote Originally Posted by mada View Post
    Nek minute Police hand out fines for those doing under speed limit and "holding up traffic" - quite likely given many speedo's are slightly out and under the limit on many cars.

    Don't worry though, there will be some tolerance - tolerance for the mufty cops who tail gate up your ass to incite you speed.
    haha, yeah bit contradictory stance/policy? wise

    I guess it comes down to they have to be seen doing 'something' to improve road safety no matter how good it gets and no matter how thick people are.

  3. #33
    Join Date
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    thata way
    Quote Originally Posted by rastuscat View Post
    Chur Skoober.

    Yes, the revenue flows like that.

    It means that the ones issuing the tickets don't get the dosh, and don't actually give a toss about it. That's why we get cheesed about the constant badgering on revenue collecting.

    I'm sure someone in Treasury is happy to see the fines roll in, but it means zip to us.

    Interesting, but I actually give a shit. Any tickets I write are because I believe they help to change behaviours that contribute to crashes, or make worse the crashes that happen.

    Just sayin.
    It appears you guys are the meat in the sandwich again, for no good reason other than politics and shifting money from the Police
    budget back to the consolidated fund by trying to have you enforce a farce and reducing your time for other road policing
    that is not as "giving".
    Im sure it will be no different this year to last year, and we will see just sensable policing no matter what the pollies want.
    Political Correctness, the chief weapon of whiney arse bastards

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by rastuscat View Post

    Nah, if it was about dosh we'd be out writing tickets for not indicating, and following too close. Easy pickings.
    My view, to (mis)quote Lord Denning, is that the mischief generated by both of those two things (and red light running) FAR exceeds the mischief of "speeding", and that is what you should be ticketing drivers for. Because both of those things are insanely dangerous. speeding is not, inherently.

    Personally I dont even believe in the concept of speeding, except in the Einsteinian, relativistic sense.
    I thought elections were decided by angry posts on social media. - F5 Dave

  5. #35
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by rastuscat View Post
    The only extra tickets generated are $30.

    It costs $26 to issue, process and prosecute a ticket, on average.

    So the $4 the gubbermint makes is sure going to rake the dosh in.

    Nah, if it was about dosh we'd be out writing tickets for not indicating, and following too close. Easy pickings.

    "Police operated a 4kmh tolerance last summer - from December 1 to January 31 - but still issued more than 200,000 tickets for people speeding between 1kmh and 10kmh over the limit.
    That was more than five times the same period the previous year when there was no reduced tolerance, a police report into the Safer Summer campaign showed.
    The tickets totalled more than $6 million in fines, an increase of about $5m from the previous years"

    Seems like a pritty good earner

    ps...its your excuse's that are getting colourful mate

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  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gremlin View Post
    No thread deleted. 2 threads on the same topic merged.
    My bad, just noticed the technical peculiarity of how it staggers the mix based on post time... interesting.
    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by willytheekid View Post
    The tickets totalled more than $6 million in fines, an increase of about $5m from the previous years"

    Seems like a pritty good earner
    A good earner for the government. What the police don't really educate the public about (excluding the poor cat typing to KB), is that issuing a ticket costs the police. The money generated from the fine goes to the government. If the police write out tickets costing $1m, then $1m has to be found from the police budget.

    The whole reason behind lowering the tolerance is that it achieves aims within the Safe System approach they're adopting. While we all bitch and moan, the police aren't looking at specific individuals speeding. They look at the whole roading network, and these policies reduce the average speed across the network, which is exactly what the police are after. Under the Safe System, there are 4 aspects (vehicles, roads, speed and road users). It is accepted that accidents will occur, but by working within the 4 aspects, the result of each accident can be reduced. A safer vehicle will reduce the severity of an impact, exactly the same as a reduced impact speed (this includes say, an innocent oncoming vehicle doing 90kph instead of 100kph).

    So, reduce the average speed across the roading network, and reduce the average severity of a given accident, potentially saving lives. The stats support the approach... so they're continuing with it.

    20min vid from NZTA outlining the system
    Quote Originally Posted by Jane Omorogbe from UK MSN on the KTM990SM
    It's barking mad and if it doesn't turn you into a complete loon within half an hour of cocking a leg over the lofty 875mm seat height, I'll eat my Arai.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by rastuscat View Post
    ... we'd be out writing tickets for ... following too close...
    That would be good.

  9. #39
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    Daelim VL250 Daystar
    Quote Originally Posted by HenryDorsetCase View Post
    Because both of those things are insanely dangerous. speeding is not, inherently.
    No. They may be insanely annoying but not dangerous compared to travelling at excessive speed. There is the potential for a vehicle following to close to hit the other and shunt it into oncoming traffic but this scenario is rare compared to your typical fail to give way at a junction etc.... And not indicating, well in NZ no one looks or cars who has right for way anyway, indicating is a mere formality of courtesy and other physical actions of the road user are more likely a better indicator of their trajectory.
    Driving a truck you frequently get your safe following distance violated by someone overtaking you who then thinks the ritual of dancing on the brake pedal entitles them to some extra courtesy. Despite your best intentions you end up following to close. and then there are other situations when a tactical driving situation involves a slightly more purposely close following distance. In combination this scenario has happened for me thousands of times.
    Number of times it resulted in a collision of any sort... ZERO.
    I've been hit from behind twice on car and bike, both times had nothing to do with following distance, the other drivers just wasn't paying attention at all.
    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

  10. #40
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    Daelim VL250 Daystar
    Quote Originally Posted by willytheekid View Post

    "Police operated a 4kmh tolerance last summer - from December 1 to January 31 - but still issued more than 200,000 tickets for people speeding between 1kmh and 10kmh over the limit.
    That was more than five times the same period the previous year when there was no reduced tolerance, a police report into the Safer Summer campaign showed.
    The tickets totalled more than $6 million in fines, an increase of about $5m from the previous years"

    Seems like a pritty good earner

    ps...its your excuse's that are getting colourful mate

    A quick google of the police budget reveals just under 300 million dollars allocated for 'road safety programmes' eg writing tickets.
    If it was about money they would invest that 300 million in the stock market, it would return a lot more than the ticket revenues....
    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moi View Post
    That would be good.
    Every time cop pulls someone for 4k over its valuable time they could be looking for anus drivers being dangerous.
    Sick of people following 5 metres behind and cutting me off to change lanes without warning.
    Not really concerned about people driving 105 on a motorway.
    I have evolved as a KB member.Now nothing I say should be taken seriously.

  12. #42
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    Police to target all speeding in summer

    I didn't think!!! I experimented!!!

  13. #43
    Join Date
    17th April 2011 - 14:39
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    Goody, more donuts left in the shops.
    For a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him. Keep an open mind, just dont let your brains fall out.

  14. #44
    Join Date
    30th August 2006 - 21:44
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    So, we should keep our eyes on our speedos at all times to ensure we are under the posted limit? That is a great safety message to send a biker. Don't watch the road, watch your speedo so you don't go over the limit, which will no doubt be reading incorrectly. This is outrageous!

    I reckon we should all just sell our bikes and walk... (sarcasm for those that missed it).

    FFS! I wish I had a bit more time to devote to making some noise about this shit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gubb View Post

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  15. #45
    Join Date
    19th January 2006 - 19:13
    mutton dressed up as lamb and a 73 XL250
    On any given sunday?
    Thing is our roads have more than there share of dumb cunts on em so its money for jam.Coppers must at time have a chuckle over where and when some choose to speed.
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