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Thread: Stuff article about road safety

  1. #31
    Join Date
    1st November 2005 - 08:18
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    Quote Originally Posted by gjm View Post
    Interesting to hear the AA are suggesting the police review their current zero tolerance policy on speeding.
    The police have said it is too early to tell if the policy has been effective.
    Sadly, the police are their own worst enemy.
    Keep repeating the same stuff and expecting different results... (Would they like the name of a good psychologist to visit?)

    Driver training and road skills. Their problem becomes "how do we make money for the politicians from this".

    Interesting to note the already "massaged" statistics which exclude two motor fatalities on beaches.
    TOP QUOTE: “The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.”

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by nzspokes View Post
    Cassina is a female.
    Uh, yeah, and....?????
    I lahk to moove eet moove eet...

    Katman to steveb64
    Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
    I'd hate to ever have to admit that my arse had been owned by a Princess.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by cassina View Post
    ..... Where a women may feel the pressure would be perhaps in keeping up with her boyfriend.
    Hopefully not! Any bloke who put pressure on his gf to keep up would have to be a dick, and any woman who couldn't say to her bf "hey do you mind riding to my speed, at least until I improve more" needs to speak up and lose him if he says "nah".
    I lahk to moove eet moove eet...

    Katman to steveb64
    Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
    I'd hate to ever have to admit that my arse had been owned by a Princess.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by PrincessBandit View Post
    Uh, yeah, and....?????
    You used a male reference. Just correcting you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
    but once again you proved me wrong.
    Quote Originally Posted by cassina View Post
    I was hit by one such driver while remaining in the view of their mirror.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by nzspokes View Post
    You used a male reference. Just correcting you.
    Comprehension's not your strongpoint, is it?

  6. #36
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigreddog View Post
    Anyone else read this?

    And then did you have to read quote over and over to believe some one had actually said it?

    Road-safety campaigner Clive Matthew-Wilson, editor of The Dog and Lemon Guide, said :

    The remaining 20 per cent of fatalities were caused by high-risk drivers who were "almost exclusively yobbos, impaired drivers or motorcyclists - all of whom are basically immune to road safety messages".

    Am I reading this out of context and getting het up over nothing or is this blatant anti-bikerism?

    He is a self professed motoring safety expert who, in my opinion and that of many others, is exactly why is is not. His often opinionated views are based on a poor understanding of the data and arguably lots of prejudice.

    I write a monthly column for a car trade publication and I had this to say about his comments...

    Finally here is my snapshot of 2014 in review - Crawford’s Annual Brickbats and Bouquets.
    · A brickbat to Clive Mathew-Wilson who today described motorcycle riders as high risk drivers along with yobbos and impaired drivers (Come on Clive you know better than that. There are a few crazy drivers/riders in all categories of road users, but blanket statements about all motorcyclist can only be best described as being based on ignorance and prejudice)..."
    Old enough to know better
    (but doing it anyway!)

  7. #37
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by MrKiwi View Post
    He is a self professed motoring safety expert who, in my opinion and that of many others, is exactly why is is not. His often opinionated views are based on a poor understanding of the data and arguably lots of prejudice.

    I write a monthly column for a car trade publication and I had this to say about his comments...

    Finally here is my snapshot of 2014 in review - Crawford’s Annual Brickbats and Bouquets.
    · A brickbat to Clive Mathew-Wilson who today described motorcycle riders as high risk drivers along with yobbos and impaired drivers (Come on Clive you know better than that. There are a few crazy drivers/riders in all categories of road users, but blanket statements about all motorcyclist can only be best described as being based on ignorance and prejudice)..."
    Great work MrKiwi...this ignoramus must not be allowed to get away with making these outrageous comments.
    If it was any other minority the whole country would be up in arms...thank goodness we have people such as yourself that
    are able to defend us in print.
    Those who risk nothing, Do nothing, Achieve nothing, Become nothing.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    5th December 2009 - 12:32
    It was on the good
    ship Venus, by Chri
    I see that now he wants the speed limit to be shown in mph on the signs as well as km/h for those who are still imperial, overlooking the little known fact that the speedometer in cars over here is shown in km/h - douchebag.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    4th June 2013 - 17:33
    I read about that pommie fella getting a discount on his ticket. Seems the cop who did it will be getting a quite word.
    The whole "I didn't know" defence is less than pathetic, there are no shortage of signs on the roads and the speedos are all in kph. If people cannot work that out, should they be on the roads? Like the guy in Wellington who whinged about losing his licence for doing 100 on a 60 road because the last time he rode it the limit was 100. The signposts every km stating 60 might have been the clue there, says a lot about his observational skills.

    With respect to the group riding thing any given weekend on our SH network one can usually see the various approaches to group riding

    1. The SQUIDs as they race from one corner to the next demonstrating rubber band group riding and that is possible to exist without a brain.
    2. The hard men who like to be in touching distance of one another while they ignore every other bugger on the road.
    3. The summer weekend warriors whose chrome and open face helmets are so sparkly its like a scene from Excalibur and can't keep the bike straight at anything less than 20kph.
    4. The precision spacing of a tightly marshalled group, are they really German tourists?
    5. The group that is actually a series of individuals who have agreed a meeting point and ignore each other until there.
    6. Some mates out for a ride together who have an understanding of each others skills and ride accordingly.

    Have done the charity ride thing, am pretty selective now which ones I go to, some have been a lot of fun, some have been a survival exercise, thems the breaks. My general philosophy in life is, outside of work, I choose who I spend time with, that includes those I ride with. I choose not to ride with those who don't share my approach to riding. Doesn't make me right or better but I don't really care if you like that approach or not.
    Life is not measured by how many breaths you take, but how many times you have your breath taken away

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigreddog View Post
    Anyone else read this?

    And then did you have to read quote over and over to believe some one had actually said it?

    Road-safety campaigner Clive Matthew-Wilson, editor of The Dog and Lemon Guide, said :

    The remaining 20 per cent of fatalities were caused by high-risk drivers who were "almost exclusively yobbos, impaired drivers or motorcyclists - all of whom are basically immune to road safety messages".

    Am I reading this out of context and getting het up over nothing or is this blatant anti-bikerism?
    Clive Matthew Wilson.A bloke who still has to use a book of crap car stats he put out over 5 years ago after his name so people will know who he is.Enough said?

    Its seems to me that he puts stats together then uses them to try and come across as knowing what hes on about like he has real world exp on the subject at hand also.

    Hence the reason why he sounds so Anti biker atm.He is simply quoting the figures the ACC and Police have given him as his own re worded rant.

    This comes to grief when he tries to apply his own solutions to the problem of road safety like "Lets put barriers down the middle and each side of the road on all state highways".

    Im wondering if the AA PR role is coming up soon and hes plying for the job.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    19th March 2005 - 18:55
    Wots I gots.
    Quote Originally Posted by Berries View Post
    I see that now he wants the speed limit to be shown in mph on the signs as well as km/h for those who are still imperial, overlooking the little known fact that the speedometer in cars over here is shown in km/h[/URL][/U]
    That's just him being even weirder than usuul. My Yanqui-sourced bikes run mph speedos and even the OCD VINZ and WOF places haven't required me to put a km/hr face on them, or stickers... 50k is 30m and 100 is 60 and no need to think about it...

  12. #42
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    1st October 2013 - 15:29
    Voicing the need of mph signs for peeps hooning along in rentals with kph speedos is beyond a brain fart comment. He's a fuckwit that continues to successfully advertise that fact.

  13. #43
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    25th June 2007 - 21:21
    Quote Originally Posted by Tazz View Post
    Voicing the need mph signs for peeps hooning along in rentals with kph speedos is beyond a brain fart comment. He's a fuckwit that continues to successfully advertise that fact.
    That whiny motherfucker who can't tell the difference between mph/ kph should just fuck right off.

    If you can make it on Kiwibiker you can make it anywhere.

  14. #44
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    1st October 2013 - 15:29
    Quote Originally Posted by EJK View Post
    That whiny motherfucker who can't tell the difference between mph/ kph should just fuck right off.
    You should write poetry man

    I'd say though. A dude advocating road safety that thinks there is a need for something as trivial as that shit is an embarrassment to the news agencies that seek his opinion. If someone can't read a sign a different sign isn't going to do shit. Some people are just a bit thick no matter what you do

    Old Gertrude from Unit 2 at Drippynooks retirement village probably has more insight into road safety than that pompous fuck.

  15. #45
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Berries View Post
    I see that now he wants the speed limit to be shown in mph on the signs as well as km/h for those who are still imperial, overlooking the little known fact that the speedometer in cars over here is shown in km/h
    What if you have Dyslexia then the signs would read 100 + 60 = 160 and the next problem would be is that mph or kmh, the DR650 can't handle those speeds.

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