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Thread: Road toll - Police stupid obsession blaming speed

  1. #31
    Join Date
    5th April 2004 - 20:04
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDemonLord View Post
    If they were serious about reducing the road toll they would:

    1: Upgrade all our major inter-city aeterial routes to dual carriage ways, with a central divider
    2: Change our licence testing procedures to include a bigger focus on open-road, Motorway and back-road driving (especially for full license car drivers)
    3: Introduce defensive driving/Hazard Awareness type education as mandatory at a Highschool level
    4: Scheduled re-testing of licensed drivers
    5: Really crack down on Drink Driving, especially habitual drink driving (on your 3rd offence, you should be shot)
    6: Work on re-engineering major roads, that still have 20-30 kph hairpins in them - great for back roads and having fun, retarded for main access roads.

    Do all of the above - and our road toll would practically vanish over night.

    But that would mean several things:

    - Spending lots of Money
    - Admitting that Speed is not and never really was the major factor
    Would cost the end user, not the government.

    Being allowed to drive is a commodity, not a right.

    If it costs a grand or more, so be it. Works in Germany.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by MD View Post
    Watched the TV News tonight and yet again all the Police can say is we are speeding and we need to lower the speed limits. After decades of rolling out that same lame excuse. When, when, when, will they open their minds to the fact that, just maybe, other factors are behind why their decades of over Policing speeding has made no impact what so ever on the road toll.

    Sadly we have had two terrible head on crashes that sparked today's Media flurry. Southland one on a perfectly straight road. Taupo on a slight curve with double yellow lines. Both sections appear to provide good forward visibility. Yellow lines by the way mean don't cross to the other side. The other side being deceased.

    How fast any of these vehicles were going is irrelevant if they were capable of staying on their own side of the centre line. Whether they were doing 80kpm or 800kpm they would have safely passed each other on their respective sides of the road. Just maybe, just maybe, crossing the centreline is why they struck each other head on.
    And also two died just north of Te Kuiti on Sunday after crossing the centreline. The recent spate has been so horrific that we're losing track of our head-on fatalities.

    I don't know if it's the same copper as on the news (Greally was his name) but according to the Harold he said "The bottom line is decision-making from our drivers - this problem won't go away until this country understands that this is a really serious problem". Either he's disagreeing with himself or the headline is misleading (or both).

    Anyway, it's hard to argue that decision making is a really serious problem. It's one that training not only in information gathering and risk assessment but also emotional competence can really help with. Feeling pissed off and frustrated: I'll overtake over this slight crest 'cause I don't *think* there'll be anyone there. Feeling more level-headed: I'll wait until I can see better, thanks.

    None of which is about speed per se.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drew View Post
    Would cost the end user, not the government.

    Being allowed to drive is a commodity, not a right.

    If it costs a grand or more, so be it. Works in Germany.
    Indeed - The Autobahn really is the gold standard in motorway design and maintenance.

    Although - in NZ, I would argue that driving is almost a right - mainly since the public transport options are often limited and insufficient.
    Physics; Thou art a cruel, heartless Bitch-of-a-Mistress

  4. #34
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    fucken, how many times can this conversation be had with none of you old white cunts learning anything??

    Quote Originally Posted by OddDuck View Post
    As to fixing the situation - until the top cops publicly eat some humble pie and admit that there's more to it than just speed, I can't see things getting better.
    the cops job is to enforce policy. beginning and end of.
    the policy is thou shalt not exceed the posted limit.
    the policy is set by teh government. specifically, nzta.

    nzta also fund a large portion of the police. so in order to keep getting the sweet sweet budget, the police have to show a return on investment.

    it's nothing to do with "safety". it's all about budget.

    thanks for playing. dont forget to vote.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by neels View Post

    Pinging people for 10k over the limit on straight roads, or at the end of passing lanes, does nothing to improve road safety, but it's great for statistics and revenue so thats why we do it - Senior Road Pleecing Manager.
    I fixed that for you.
    I thought elections were decided by angry posts on social media. - F5 Dave

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by george formby View Post
    Generally this guy gets up my nose but......
    He's wrong. As usual. We're a country of 4.5 million people with no appreciable economic growth and 30 years of two political ruling parties being fanatically opposed to infrastructure investment.

    And yet we have a comprehensive road network from North to South and East to West that is in the main a network of sealed roads.

    Our expectations for road quality are way too high.

    Our expectations of driver competence are way too low.

    Imagine reducing to the UK population to less than 5 million people, cutting England, Wales and Scotland in half across the middle and then expecting that country to have decent roads.

    Currently they can do motorways. But their A roads are dodgy and anything under that is horrendous.

    The scenario above would result in the UK having network of single lane goat tracks guarded by fag smoking, tractor driving bumpkins on steam powered traction engines.
    If a man is alone in the woods and there isn't a woke Hollywood around to call him racist, is he still white?

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Akzle View Post

    thanks for playing. dont forget to vote.
    You're a deeply flawed and cynical individual. Possibly why I enjoy you so much. That and the mad buttsecks.
    I thought elections were decided by angry posts on social media. - F5 Dave

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Akzle View Post
    thanks for playing. dont forget to vote.
    Is there an election or something coming up?
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  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDemonLord View Post
    Indeed - The Autobahn really is the gold standard in motorway design and maintenance.

    Although - in NZ, I would argue that driving is almost a right - mainly since the public transport options are often limited and insufficient.
    Autobahns are great, no trucks in the fast lane, and only use the fast lane if your going fast or overtaking.
    And on lots of them the opposing traffic is some distance away.
    I did see some crashes on them....messy.

    Govt will be keen on self drive cars as cheaper than doing better roads.
    DeMyer's Laws - an argument that consists primarily of rambling quotes isn't worth bothering with.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Voltaire View Post
    Autobahns are great, no trucks in the fast lane, and only use the fast lane if your going fast or overtaking.
    And on lots of them the opposing traffic is some distance away.
    I did see some crashes on them....messy.

    Govt will be keen on self drive cars as cheaper than doing better roads.
    I'm keen for self driving car. Will be able to watch pr0nz and have a wank on the way into work.... I mean I do that most days anyway, it'll just be easier then
    I thought elections were decided by angry posts on social media. - F5 Dave

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by HenryDorsetCase View Post
    I'm keen for self driving car. Will be able to watch pr0nz and have a wank on the way into work....
    I've gone off self-drive Uber...
    If a man is alone in the woods and there isn't a woke Hollywood around to call him racist, is he still white?

  12. #42
    Join Date
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    The police are so barking up the wrong tree.
    Lowering speed limits isn't going to do anything to those that speed
    Changing our roads will lower the death toll considerably, separating traffic so they cant hit each other for example, paint on a road and a number on a board is going to do jack shit!

  13. #43
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by MD View Post
    After decades of rolling out that same lame excuse. When, when, when, will they open their minds to the fact that, just maybe, other factors are behind why their decades of over Policing speeding has made no impact what so ever on the road toll.
    That is what happens when you have decades of propaganda shoved down your throat by your supervisors. The term "brain washing" could be used as well.
    Sadly they now only have ONE record to play and it is well and truly ineffective.

    Quote Originally Posted by HenryDorsetCase View Post
    one at least of these crashes (some fucktard named Moccasin McFuckface) was a fuckwit in a stolen car trying to evade pleece. I am glad he is dead and hope that more of his ilk do likewise - the only caveat being the kill themselves and their like and not decent right thinking taxpayers such as myself. Because fuck those clowns. Steal a car, drive the wrong way down the motorway, try and drive like GTA San An then find out the hard way that real world physics dont work like that. Their deaths are a net benefit for our species and we should celebrate them. I am, in my own special way.
    A huge "Thank you" has to go out to Mr Darwin!
    Love your work Sir, and this time you were VERY accurate in getting rid of the correct scum, without injuring anyone else.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDemonLord View Post
    If they were serious about reducing the road toll they would:

    1: Upgrade all our major inter-city aeterial routes to dual carriage ways, with a central divider
    Why bother with the roads? They are not to blame at all. It is the vehicle operator that is the problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doppleganger View Post
    Lowering speed limits isn't going to do anything to those that speed
    Actually it will. It increases the chance of the plod writing more tickets.
    That results in them claiming (incorrectly) that they are "doing something"... Actually they are just alienating themselves from the public, who they actually need to solve real crimes, etc, etc.
    TOP QUOTE: “The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.”

  14. #44
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDemonLord View Post
    Indeed - The Autobahn really is the gold standard in motorway design and maintenance.

    Although - in NZ, I would argue that driving is almost a right - mainly since the public transport options are often limited and insufficient.
    I'm talking about the standard they have to achieve before being allowed to drive.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drew View Post
    I'm talking about the standard they have to achieve before being allowed to drive.
    If you think that's high - and it's certainly much higher than NZ - have a look at their vehicle standards regs.

    Sorry sir, your tyre is the wrong size/brake lines aren't OE/lightbulb is wrong/mufflers aren't the road immediately and pay danegeld NOW...

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