Originally Posted by
Paul in NZ
Too funny – we were having almost the exact same conversation yesterday in the car. A visiting relative was asking if we still rode as much as we used to (we don’t) and about the higher than normal rate of fatalities this year. To be honest I don’t know what’s happened but some days it feels as if the joy has been sucked out of motorcycling and it’s been squeezed into a hole by people with a vested interest in making $$. It’s getting to a point where I just don’t care to participate anymore – you are just a means to an end to an industry that couldn’t care less…
Of course your life would be a lot simpler if there was a single sort of motorcyclist but alas we are a series of rigidly structured substrata of styles with very little cross cover. And it appears that while the powers that be predictably hate motorcycles, pretty well all motorcyclists hate other motorcyclists except their immediate friends and occasionally other people at a specific rally.
Sadly – you will need to shape your approach differently to the different tribes and even then you will struggle to connect. I’ve become very wary of anything like this as its always going to cost me money and time and designed to leave me feeling hopelessly inadequate unless I sign up for 10 self-improvement courses today. We all have wallets swelling with loyalty schemes and special offers that offer neither loyalty nor anything special. Whatever you are offering needs to be very good to get any attention these days…
Very intelligent and accurate post.
If you want to engage with "motorcyclists" you need to define what a "motorcyclist" is and where they hang out. For instance you will probarbly find more actual riders at an All Blacks test than a street race, maybe not the hard core, and there won't be many bikes parked outside the stadium, but there will be a lot of riders there. Food for thought.
I mentioned vegetables once, but I think I got away with it...........