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Thread: New Position

  1. #1
    Join Date
    13th July 2008 - 20:48
    Hanmer Springs

    New Position

    Hi Y'all

    I'm starting a new job in January, working with ACC on the Ride Forever team.

    Relocating to Wellington, which is occupying lots of our time. Packing up the house etc.

    I'm looking forward to Mrs Cat and I heading out on the lower North Island weekend rides. Mrs Cat is English, and has lived most of her time in NZ in the South Island. I'm looking forward to showing her the North Island.

    Always open to (positive) suggestions as to how we can improve things for motorcyclists. I'll read everything, and steal any good ideas.

    Tally ho.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    24th June 2004 - 17:27
    So old you won't care
    Quote Originally Posted by rastuscat View Post
    Hi Y'all

    I'm starting a new job in January, working with ACC on the Ride Forever team.

    Relocating to Wellington, which is occupying lots of our time. Packing up the house etc.

    I'm looking forward to Mrs Cat and I heading out on the lower North Island weekend rides. Mrs Cat is English, and has lived most of her time in NZ in the South Island. I'm looking forward to showing her the North Island.

    Always open to (positive) suggestions as to how we can improve things for motorcyclists. I'll read everything, and steal any good ideas.

    Tally ho.
    Good job - I work in town and happy to meet up for a coffee etc or you and Mrs can pop out one weekend for a BBQ etc.

    One area that's often neglected is the classic clubs / scene. Those old big wheel bikes act a little differently on the road and something relevant to these guys might help? Mind you they are usually pretty cautious.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    25th October 2002 - 17:30
    Good luck with the venture.

    I belong to a couple of NZ based motorcycle groups on FB, generic groups with riders from all backgrounds. The biggest issue I see is education, or lack there of combined with a bad attitude. So often I see posts from members arguing until their fingers are bleeding from typing that the majority of bike accidents are the result of other road users. When presented with the stats showing this isn't true typically they get very defensive and more steadfast in their stance. Until riders start taking personal responsibility for their own safety I doubt we'll see much change. Yes there are certainly many situations where other road users are at fault or have some degree of blame, but blame doesn't fix broken bones, skin rash, permanent injury or death.

    The next would be cellphone use in cars. I hate seeing the amount of drivers I do using their phones in traffic. This presents a huge risk for all road users but it seems like so many don't care or don't realise how quickly situations can change. I personally never touch my phone in the car when driving, for one I don't want to be a hypocrite but most importantly I don't want to live for the rest of my life knowing I caused hurt and suffering because of a text or phone call. No phone call is worth that.

    Attitude amongst many road users is probably a strong underlying issue here. She'll be right. It'll never happen to me. The belief that we know it all. The belief that we are without fault. All these things combine to cause attitudes that result in 'preventidents'.
    Last edited by onearmedbandit; 5th December 2019 at 13:46.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    13th July 2008 - 20:48
    Hanmer Springs
    Quote Originally Posted by onearmedbandit View Post
    Good luck with the venture.

    I belong to a couple of NZ based motorcycle groups on FB, generic groups with riders from all backgrounds. The biggest issue I see is education, or lack there of combined with a bad attitude. So often I see posts from members arguing until their fingers are bleeding from typing that the majority of bike accidents are the result of other road users. When presented with the stats showing this isn't true typically they get very defensive and more steadfast in their stance. Until riders start taking personal responsibility for their own safety I doubt we'll see much change. Yes there are certainly many situations where other road users are at fault or have some degree of blame, but blame doesn't fix broken bones, skin rash, permanent injury or death.

    The next would be cellphone use in cars. I hate seeing the amount of drivers I do using their phones in traffic. This presents a huge risk for all road users but it seems like so many don't care or don't realise how quickly situations can change. I personally never touch my phone in the car when driving, for one I don't want to be a hypocrite but most importantly I don't want to live for the rest of my life knowing I caused hurt and suffering because of a text or phone call. No phone call is worth that.

    Attitude amongst many road users is probably a strong underlying issue here. She'll be right. It'll never happen to me. The belief that we know it all. The belief that we are without fault. All these things combine to cause attitudes that result in 'preventidents'.
    That's what's called the education conundrum. Those who need it most are the least inclined to get it.

    Incentivising attendance at training is the key. Making it worth someone taking part.

    Presently the "hook" is the reduction in time on 6L and 6R for new riders. And Cashback for long time riders.

    If Cashback is a success as a pilot likely it will be widened.

    But hey, I dont start work there until 13 Jan. I have a lot to learn, but hope to bring my experience to the role to reduce harm done in motorcycle crashes.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    25th October 2002 - 17:30
    Quote Originally Posted by rastuscat View Post
    That's what's called the education conundrum. Those who need it most are the least inclined to get it.

    Incentivising attendance at training is the key. Making it worth someone taking part.
    I guess not many people want to be shown the error of their ways. And probably feel they don't have any. Maybe you'd have better luck with a more informal setting, at least initially. Get riding trainers out on the popular roads in the weekends and interacting socially but with an educative approach. Observing them and offering advice. Then get onboard with employers and incentivise them to allow their employee to have a paid day off work to attend a rider training experience. It's a day off work, it doesn't eat into their time or wages and it's a day at the track, and the employer has an employee who is less likely to require time off work due to injury.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    13th July 2008 - 20:48
    Hanmer Springs
    Quote Originally Posted by onearmedbandit View Post
    Then get onboard with employers and incentivise them to allow their employee to have a paid day off work to attend a rider training experience. It's a day off work, it doesn't eat into their time or wages and it's a day at the track, and the employer has an employee who is less likely to require time off work due to injury.
    Now that's a great idea. I'll steal that one.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    4th December 2009 - 19:45
    I Ride No More


    Quote Originally Posted by rastuscat View Post
    Hi Y'all

    I'm starting a new job in January, working with ACC on the Ride Forever team.

    Relocating to Wellington, which is occupying lots of our time. Packing up the house etc.

    I'm looking forward to Mrs Cat and I heading out on the lower North Island weekend rides. Mrs Cat is English, and has lived most of her time in NZ in the South Island. I'm looking forward to showing her the North Island.

    Always open to (positive) suggestions as to how we can improve things for motorcyclists. I'll read everything, and steal any good ideas.

    Tally ho.
    Congratulations with the new role. Feel sure that you will do well.

    Welcome to Wellington (though house prices might not be so welcoming).


  8. #8
    Join Date
    25th January 2008 - 17:56
    Africa Twin! 2018 all the fruit!
    New Zealand
    On Ya Rastus! Finally got to the big island aye! Lots of bloody good folks wot ride down thar! Head norf to Dorkland and theres always going to room at the inn here.
    Every day above ground is a good day!:

  9. #9
    Join Date
    13th July 2008 - 20:48
    Hanmer Springs
    Quote Originally Posted by caseye View Post
    On Ya Rastus! Finally got to the big island aye! Lots of bloody good folks wot ride down thar! Head norf to Dorkland and theres always going to room at the inn here.
    I've lived 21 years in Auckland. People get less than that for murder.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    4th November 2003 - 13:00
    BSA A10
    Quote Originally Posted by rastuscat View Post
    Relocating to Wellington, which is occupying lots of our time. Packing up the house etc.
    Don't pack my book up, drop it back before you go
    "If you can make black marks on a straight from the time you turn out of a corner until the braking point of the next turn, then you have enough power."

    Quote Originally Posted by scracha View Post
    Even BP would shy away from cleaning up a sidecar oil spill.
    Quote Originally Posted by Warren Zevon
    Send Lawyers, guns and money, the shit has hit the fan

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Hope it's everything you're after
    Quote Originally Posted by Jane Omorogbe from UK MSN on the KTM990SM
    It's barking mad and if it doesn't turn you into a complete loon within half an hour of cocking a leg over the lofty 875mm seat height, I'll eat my Arai.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    30th January 2004 - 11:00
    Indian Scout
    In a happy place - Kapiti
    Welcome to Windy Wellington. Are you skilled at riding in 140kph gusts.
    Actually that's not fair on Wellytown. I got back 1am Tuesday morning after 4 days solid riding down to Colac Bay (Riverton) and back. The wind through to Manapouri and then from Alex to Palmerston was ...holy shit, put Wellington winds to shame.

    OAB said it well about education and phones. I believe the biggest danger on today's roads is phones and crossing centrelines/cutting corners.

    Too many riders, many experienced who should know better by now, cut corners everywhere. As I always say, you might get away with that if a 1960 Morri Thou is approaching around the blind bend at 42kph. BUT it's more likely a lad pushing his new hot Audi hard or a rider on a sports bike going xxx+ kph will wipe you out.

    I may stretch the 9kph tolerance at times but I never cut corners no matter how much visibility there is.
    Happiness is a means of travel, not a destination

  13. #13
    Join Date
    13th July 2008 - 20:48
    Hanmer Springs
    Quote Originally Posted by Kickaha View Post
    Don't pack my book up, drop it back before you go
    PM me the address. I've often thought of dropping it back, but I'd forgotten who I borrowed it from !!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    13th July 2008 - 20:48
    Hanmer Springs
    Quote Originally Posted by Gremlin View Post
    Hope it's everything you're after
    I'm not even sure what I'm after, but hey, I'm only 54, there's no hurry.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    9th May 2008 - 21:23
    Congrats Pete, had been wondering who would end up filling DK's shoes, now we know.

    R4E gaining wider acceptance by those who actually need it, now that's a neat conundrum.

    Best of luck in the new role and the move to the capital.

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