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Thread: Hard core commuter turns Bike friendly Holiday Park lease owner (Kai Iwi Beach)

  1. #46
    Join Date
    7th February 2014 - 21:02
    2015/18 Blade, 81 Katana, KR150R
    Kai Iwi Beach
    Interesting points. This place is Kiwiana themed down to the Zeph in its main image. I'd don't see it ever being all about the bikes, its a family camp ground. I just like the idea of being bike friendly and perhaps some events. Definitely with an eye to the more social biker, the type that likes a bikers bar (I've been to plenty and not spoken to anyone, beer, tire kick, ride on).

    Can't say I've been a big fan of riding with others much of my riding. 99%+ would be on my own. More recently mind I've quite liked a few social rides (now that I don't ride so much myself).

    I hear don't ruin it for others. Easy done its big enough to have a few groups about and some individuals.

    Quote Originally Posted by ellipsis View Post
    ...after being on two wheels for close on fifty years and generally being fixated by the things for a lot longer, the last thing I would want is to be stuck with a bunch of other similarly fixated people while I was out for a 'get away' from it all tour...I like to meet different people, go fishing and walking, relax...

    ...the good old kiwi motor camp of the past, lots with their own style and situations seem to have changed a bit over the years...

    ...I remember an extended South Island loop my wife and I did some years back on the GL1000...we decided that as we had no plan for stops, we should make ended up being that we would only stay in very small settlements in pubs that had a Speights sign painted on the roof or fence...we managed to find just that over a two week ride...only one had another person on a bike staying there, we may have exchanged pleasantries but that was as far as it got...

    ...then again the thought of going to a bike rally or going on a ride with more than one or two mates is equally abhorrent to me...pandering to a niche market in the game you are embarking on may set it's own limitations...

  2. #47
    Join Date
    17th July 2003 - 23:37
    I forgot to add the other day, stays longer than 2 nights is normally family's.
    Often being the only 2 weeks of holiday they all have together.
    In my experience a camper returning has more to do with how the kids cope than how much fun they have themselves.
    Both theirs and others. Especially true if they have no kids with them themselves.

    If the campers are there without kids and there are noisy bored children every where odds are even if they have a good time they will try somewhere else next time.
    If the kids have lots to entertain them other campers will barely register they are there.
    But those kids will nag their parents all year about going back next year if they enjoy themselves.
    And brag to their friends about the cool place they go to every Easter, Christmas or whenever the family carve out the time.
    If some of those options don't require the parents to supervise directly even better.

    If the kids hate it they will spend every spare minute trying to ruin the holidays of campers.
    Perhaps not intentionally but that will be the result of the hijinks that will follow.

    I can't vouch for now but things that worked well for us were a Friday cookout.
    The adults all congregated for a grill what you bring on one side of a hedge and all the kids congregate on the other. Normally a few moms volunteered to look after the kids. But the parents weren't far away if required.

    We had 2 or basic cabins with double beds in one room and 1/2 dozen built in bunks in an adjoining room that could be let separately if needed.

    Lastly what could make a big difference would be barista coffee.
    If you don't have the budget get a proper machine get a coffee cart to come by at a fixed time over your peak period.
    It won't be a unique selling point but people who love their coffee remember how hard it is to get one when thinking about their stay.
    You'd be surprised how many lemmings will line up at 10 am sharp if that is when your cart is due and there is no other offering without going for a drive.

  3. #48
    Join Date
    19th March 2005 - 18:55
    Wots I gots.
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Dog View Post
    I forgot to add the other day, stays longer than 2 nights is normally family's.
    Often being the only 2 weeks of holiday they all have together. In my experience a camper returning has more to do with how the kids cope than how much fun they have themselves.
    Excellent insightful analysis if I may say so. When we have kids, it's almost all about the kids. Any place that is kid friendly sticks in our minds. In a very positive way. And almost always overlooking the actual cost, because anything that makes the kids happy, is more than worth whatever we paid for it. It's a memory from their childhood. And all of us who are grown up know that good childhood memories are literally priceless.

  4. #49
    Join Date
    13th July 2008 - 20:48
    Hanmer Springs
    Booked for next weekend today.

    No pressure.

  5. #50
    Join Date
    17th July 2003 - 23:37
    Quote Originally Posted by rastuscat View Post
    Booked for next weekend today.

    No pressure.
    Well expect you to go incognito, full report on yelp...

  6. #51
    Join Date
    17th July 2003 - 23:37
    Quote Originally Posted by rastuscat View Post
    Booked for next weekend today.

    No pressure.
    Alternative answer:
    You might want to fix that.

  7. #52
    Join Date
    13th July 2008 - 20:48
    Hanmer Springs
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Dog View Post
    Alternative answer:
    You might want to fix that.
    I almost feel responsible for the Covid alert going back up. I book a weekend away, alert level goes up.

    I need to get better at reading clues.

  8. #53
    Join Date
    4th December 2009 - 19:45
    I Ride No More
    Quote Originally Posted by rastuscat View Post
    I almost feel responsible for the Covid alert going back up. I book a weekend away, alert level goes up.

    I need to get better at reading clues.
    I wouldn't admit that on a public forum. Over on the KB Covid-19 thread, they're just about ready to start the hangings ... 8-)

  9. #54
    Join Date
    13th July 2008 - 20:48
    Hanmer Springs
    Quote Originally Posted by Viking01 View Post
    I wouldn't admit that on a public forum. Over on the KB Covid-19 thread, they're just about ready to start the hangings ... 8-)
    It's kind of like when I clean my bike. It causes rain.

  10. #55
    Join Date
    7th February 2014 - 21:02
    2015/18 Blade, 81 Katana, KR150R
    Kai Iwi Beach
    I agree. I want to hug the people that say "I hope you don't mind some feedback" and then give me a good list. I've turned those lists into reality lots of time they are top stuff. Hell I spent most of today doing this from the wife of a person who came for a visit after reading about us in this thread. She was massively useful and I will be implementing some of those changes in all our cabins (not all have a bathroom etc).

    What could we do be better - top marks definitely going to use that verbatim.


    Quote Originally Posted by Big Dog View Post
    Second that.

    Don't ever take the first answer from anyone about their opinion of your service unless they hunted you down to give it to you.

    It was grouse you say? What was good about it?
    What could we be doing better?
    Will you be back?

    Some people won't tell you the truth till the third or fourth layer so keep digging.

  11. #56
    Join Date
    7th February 2014 - 21:02
    2015/18 Blade, 81 Katana, KR150R
    Kai Iwi Beach
    Quote Originally Posted by ellipsis View Post
    ...that's a lovely spot...can you walk directly down to that blue salty stuff from the camp or is it private are now on my list of cool looking spots to go...I've kept the GL1000 thank goodness, just in case I ever had the time, inclination to cross the ditch and play up Nth...places like yours are a magic draw...a picture tells a thousand words, they say...
    Yeah it is a beautiful spot for sure. You can walk to the beach no problem. There is an internal track (but it is a bit step in spots or go down the main road). It takes 3-5 minutes to get to the beach depending which way you go. Great fishing.
    Here is a vid I took that shows the beach in the background from the park.

    GL1000! Great bike you should totally come north on that lovely beast sometime. Had a chap ride in on his almost new Harley today which was nice. Just stopped off for an icecream on a nice ride. Naturally I dragged him and his wife into the shed to show off my modded 1981 Katana!

  12. #57
    Join Date
    7th February 2014 - 21:02
    2015/18 Blade, 81 Katana, KR150R
    Kai Iwi Beach
    My wife and I would so be in that coffee line. We are keen to re-open the cafe here. We do need a coffee machine (and skill but we've someone here offered to train us at their cafe).

    The kids are a very good point and I know it well from being a camper with kids myself. Places that did activities with the kids where great. We will be looking to do that.
    I like the idea of a regular cookout. Beside I LOVE to BBQ so can quite happily do that.

    There is an epic kids park down at the beach (council park) with flying fox, witches hat etc but it is to far to send small kids to unattended. There is a play area and pillow in the camp but there could be more planned here for kids.

    I'm gagging to get the coffee sorted as I like good coffee too.

    Tempted to also do a more self service style setup with more basic cheaper options also, fancy self managed tea's and even perk or (cover the eyes of the kids) instant options.

    Our two kids (10 and 12) are highly social monsters and keen volunteers (we bribe them with icecream) which might help. Be good to even do simple ideas like sack races, three legged race, lollie scramble etc. We will likely have some friends around to help in parts of summer (some are great with kids).

    Great comments appreciated so thanks!

    Quote Originally Posted by Big Dog View Post
    I forgot to add the other day, stays longer than 2 nights is normally family's.
    Often being the only 2 weeks of holiday they all have together.
    In my experience a camper returning has more to do with how the kids cope than how much fun they have themselves.
    Both theirs and others. Especially true if they have no kids with them themselves.

    If the campers are there without kids and there are noisy bored children every where odds are even if they have a good time they will try somewhere else next time.
    If the kids have lots to entertain them other campers will barely register they are there.
    But those kids will nag their parents all year about going back next year if they enjoy themselves.
    And brag to their friends about the cool place they go to every Easter, Christmas or whenever the family carve out the time.
    If some of those options don't require the parents to supervise directly even better.

    If the kids hate it they will spend every spare minute trying to ruin the holidays of campers.
    Perhaps not intentionally but that will be the result of the hijinks that will follow.

    I can't vouch for now but things that worked well for us were a Friday cookout.
    The adults all congregated for a grill what you bring on one side of a hedge and all the kids congregate on the other. Normally a few moms volunteered to look after the kids. But the parents weren't far away if required.

    We had 2 or basic cabins with double beds in one room and 1/2 dozen built in bunks in an adjoining room that could be let separately if needed.

    Lastly what could make a big difference would be barista coffee.
    If you don't have the budget get a proper machine get a coffee cart to come by at a fixed time over your peak period.
    It won't be a unique selling point but people who love their coffee remember how hard it is to get one when thinking about their stay.
    You'd be surprised how many lemmings will line up at 10 am sharp if that is when your cart is due and there is no other offering without going for a drive.

  13. #58
    Join Date
    7th February 2014 - 21:02
    2015/18 Blade, 81 Katana, KR150R
    Kai Iwi Beach
    Dam right. Camps are a right of passage. You get those first bits of independence where the right age can get some time away with other kids. I remember those camp romances a bit later (even my first decent kiss was camping).

    The busy season is family and the major holidays. Getting the bikers out I see more outside those times (but not entirely just not a focus point during the holidays.

    We love kids, I'm looking forward to getting in there with a load of them and having some laughs. Camping is such a great memory from my childhood and some families here have been coming for three generations now.

    I'm not sure the wives will love me as much as I get their hubbies considering getting a bike again . As long as the kids are happy and all is clean and nice I might be ok.

    Quote Originally Posted by RDJ View Post
    Excellent insightful analysis if I may say so. When we have kids, it's almost all about the kids. Any place that is kid friendly sticks in our minds. In a very positive way. And almost always overlooking the actual cost, because anything that makes the kids happy, is more than worth whatever we paid for it. It's a memory from their childhood. And all of us who are grown up know that good childhood memories are literally priceless.

  14. #59
    Join Date
    7th February 2014 - 21:02
    2015/18 Blade, 81 Katana, KR150R
    Kai Iwi Beach
    Thanks again and pity we didn't get a chance to do a bike session. Your partner was SUPER helpful please do say thanks I've been all over those recommendations all day.
    If you make it back and fancy a ride on a fireblade I have two for the moment and I know all the good roads.

    Cheers for being the first person from Kiwibiker to come stay. By all means give some feedback here and be totally honest we only stand to learn something useful.

    You can see it in action here (I really do listen and make changes)

    I've put new hooks in the bathroom (I'd done this in all common areas and now this cabin and the other self contained also)
    Added Scissors to the kitchen utensils
    Replaced the jug (it was just a dribbly design so nice one that does not dribble)
    Replaced the toaster (it was not mentioned but newer, nicer 4 slicer)
    Replaced the light in the night stand lamp (that one was pretty average of us so sorry about that)
    Replaced sponges with new dish towels
    Added dish tidy
    Other bits are coming

    Honestly that was the most useful feedback I've had in a while and not only am I genuinely grateful for it but got a lot of it done same day.

    Quote Originally Posted by rastuscat View Post
    Booked for next weekend today.

    No pressure.

  15. #60
    Join Date
    7th February 2014 - 21:02
    2015/18 Blade, 81 Katana, KR150R
    Kai Iwi Beach
    I had to look up yelp, seems we have never been reviewed there.

    We do great on NZMCA and other proper sites. Not so much on Google Maps (no idea why perhaps just because its open with no checks or balances).

    Quote Originally Posted by Big Dog View Post
    Well expect you to go incognito, full report on yelp...

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