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Thread: Newshub strikes again

  1. #16
    Join Date
    1st September 2007 - 21:01
    1993 Yamaha FJ 1200
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    Quote Originally Posted by jellywrestler View Post
    maybe their ankle bracelet restrictions doesn't stretch to a 100km/h zone?
    The accident happened about 3am. Those with the ankle bracelet ... have to be home a lot sooner than that ...

    Maybe they were just trying to beat the traffic lights ... obvious fail ...
    When life throws you a curve ... Lean into it ...

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    When I accidentky end up travelling above posted speed limits I recalculate my go or no go decision parameters, I’ll observe a slower motorist a bit longer before deciding if an overtake is on.
    I know of three separate FATAL accidents that involved friends of mine while on a ride ... all of which they would not have seen the vehicle that killed them until the last second. One of which I was 100 meters behind him. At 130 km/hr. ALL the (now) deceased said the same thing.

    I wish you good luck in the future in that regard ...

    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    You have to remember all road safety laws are set around the lowest common denominator. You may very well be able to travel at speed safely and have a flash vehicle with good brakes etc....
    So ... if you (or anybody) is involved in an accident ... they will be one of the lowest common denominators ... right ... ??

    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    But you don’t get to choose when you end up interacting with a sub standard driver in a substandard vehicle on a substandard road in less than ideal conditions, only the reaper decides who wins then if no one changes their behaviour.
    That will be the major flaw in your plan/statement. Because ... the "When and Where" is not your choice to make. And you wouldn't know what a substandard driver looks like. And when you find out ... it might be to late to do anything.

    People die on good roads in perfect driving conditions. Feeling safe enough to increase their speed (Just like you do).

    I hope you're feeling lucky ...

    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    Btw I saw raw footage of that’s crash scene via a media channel and it’s quite clear that’s ute had a VERY significant impact with the pole.
    Then explain why a few on here laughed at the journalist ... that made the comment that the crash highlighted the "Speed kills" ... ??

    Apparently it was just a hoon getting it wrong.
    When life throws you a curve ... Lean into it ...

  3. #18
    Join Date
    1st November 2005 - 08:18
    Banana Republic of NZ
    Hitting a traffic light? In a Hilux?

    After what Top Gear put their Hilux through, I'm really quite impresseed how these fucktards managed to ahieve this level of vehicular destruction from a fucking traffic light.

    Nice work Mr Darwin!
    TOP QUOTE: “The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.”

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