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Thread: Media reports the price of car reg going up.

  1. #16
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    4th October 2008 - 16:35
    Quote Originally Posted by Moise View Post
    This was part of the announcement, but not for a few years. So no more fuel tax but all light vehicles will pay the same RUC.

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    that wont work with the current system.The purchase of RUC is virtually a manual transaction.I cant see it working if suddenly there are millions of users rather than thousands.However I think it s the way forward as the plug in hybrid users are paying twice ..They pay 5.5 cents a kilometre RUC whilst pure BEV and light(less than 3.5 tonne) diesels pay 7.6. non plug in hybrids pay nothing .They use far less petrol but still use the roads

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by BMWST? View Post
    the plug in hybrid users are paying twice ..They pay 5.5 cents a kilometre RUC
    It looks like they are getting burnt by the fuel economy figures published by their manufacturers, which for testing purposes are low thanks to including the rather limited electric range, but in reality are very optimistic compared to actual real world usage.

    Quote Originally Posted by BMWST? View Post
    non plug in hybrids pay nothing .They use far less petrol but still use the roads
    Therein lies one of the problems, the increasing number of hybrids, and petrol cars in general getting more efficient. There are more cars using the roads, but the tax take per car from fuel excise is ever decreasing, so they need to find another way to extract money to pay the increasing roading costs.
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  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by neels View Post
    It looks like they are getting burnt by the fuel economy figures published by their manufacturers, which for testing purposes are low thanks to including the rather limited electric range, but in reality are very optimistic compared to actual real world usage.

    Therein lies one of the problems, the increasing number of hybrids, and petrol cars in general getting more efficient. There are more cars using the roads, but the tax take per car from fuel excise is ever decreasing, so they need to find another way to extract money to pay the increasing roading costs.
    Exactly. This issue was flagged by NZTA years ago, but of course the government just kicked the problem down the road until it became a serious funding shortfall.

    (No pun intended!)

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  4. #19
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    I didn't realise how many petrol hybrids there are out there, almost as many as petrol if these figures are to be believed.

    Still, an increase in the excise tax would be a far simpler mechanism to compensate for any funding shortfalls, and they could do that tomorrow.
    Moe: Well, I'm better than dirt. Well, most kinds of dirt. I mean not that fancy store bought dirt. That stuffs loaded with nutrients. I...I can't compete with that stuff.
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  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by nerrrd View Post
    I didn't realise how many petrol hybrids there are out there, almost as many as petrol if these figures are to be believed.

    Still, an increase in the excise tax would be a far simpler mechanism to compensate for any funding shortfalls, and they could do that tomorrow.
    that would further confuse the issue with plug in hybrids I think there needs to be a revisit to the ruc price to plug ins as they pay rughly 5/8 of the full ruc charge . Surely the ruc charge should be the average range on the battery of the plug in / the average range of a full ev as a fraction of 7.6c

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by nerrrd View Post
    I didn't realise how many petrol hybrids there are out there, almost as many as petrol if these figures are to be believed.

    Still, an increase in the excise tax would be a far simpler mechanism to compensate for any funding shortfalls, and they could do that tomorrow.
    That is a significant percentage, then again everywhere you look is a toyota hybrid with red stickers above the door handles.

    Increasing the excise on fuel would serve to punish two very different groups, people at the bottom of the food chain who can't front the capital for a more efficient car, and those who can afford to buy enormous european SUVs with terrible fuel economy. The second group are probably the ones the current government would be trying not to upset.

    Applying RUC to everything would be a simple mechanism where if you use the road you pay, although at present it's a fairly blunt instrument on diesels where a 1000kg Ford Fiesta pays the same as a 2500kg Ford Everest, so there's no cost incentive to have a more fuel efficient vehicle.
    Riding cheap crappy old bikes badly since 1987

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  7. #22
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    At least an increase in excise tax is something you pay as you go, unlike RUCs where you have to pay upfront, which may actually be better for those who can't afford a more efficient car?

    Look there won't be a perfect system, which makes me sceptical that the administration costs of changing everyone to RUCs won't eat up most of the extra funds it's supposed to bring in, therefore requiring even bigger charges.
    Moe: Well, I'm better than dirt. Well, most kinds of dirt. I mean not that fancy store bought dirt. That stuffs loaded with nutrients. I...I can't compete with that stuff.
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  8. #23
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    4th October 2008 - 16:35
    Quote Originally Posted by neels View Post
    That is a significant percentage, then again everywhere you look is a toyota hybrid with red stickers above the door handles.

    Increasing the excise on fuel would serve to punish two very different groups, people at the bottom of the food chain who can't front the capital for a more efficient car, and those who can afford to buy enormous european SUVs with terrible fuel economy. The second group are probably the ones the current government would be trying not to upset.

    Applying RUC to everything would be a simple mechanism where if you use the road you pay, although at present it's a fairly blunt instrument on diesels where a 1000kg Ford Fiesta pays the same as a 2500kg Ford Everest, so there's no cost incentive to have a more fuel efficient vehicle.
    a "light diesel can be up to3500kg .I agree there should be anther weight band in there. We once considered a really small diesel car .The idea of paying the same ruc as a 4500v8 toyota landcruiser seemed a bit ridiculous for a 1.4 litre diesel

  9. #24
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    The RUC bands are based on the fully loaded weight - it was designed for trucks after all. So larger SUVs will be in band 2 and pay a slightly higher rate.

    It needs a lot of work to be equitable for light vehicles.

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  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moise View Post
    The RUC bands are based on the fully loaded weight - it was designed for trucks after all. So larger SUVs will be in band 2 and pay a slightly higher rate.

    It needs a lot of work to be equitable for light vehicles.

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    And how that is going to apply to bicycles is yet to be raised.

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by pete376403 View Post
    That and ending free school lunches for kids in low decile schools. Whatever it take to cut taxs for the rich.
    That’s ending because even the labour govt didn’t allocate more funding in budget and their own report said it was making no difference overall. It’s one of those ideas that sounds great but implementation through govt beauracracy causes wastage.
    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by BMWST? View Post
    that wont work with the current system.The purchase of RUC is virtually a manual transaction.I cant see it working if suddenly there are millions of users rather than thousands.However I think it s the way forward as the plug in hybrid users are paying twice ..They pay 5.5 cents a kilometre RUC whilst pure BEV and light(less than 3.5 tonne) diesels pay 7.6. non plug in hybrids pay nothing .They use far less petrol but still use the roads
    It’s been available automatic/electronically for well over ten years in NZ, check out e-road.
    Trucking company managers love it as you can setup auto purchase and you won’t be getting fines for failing to display current label cause a driver left it in smoko room.
    Also-road enables claiming back off-highway mileage which can be surprisingly high.

    Technology is progressing fast and on the back of everyone using covid tracer apps we will soon be hit with the MyDriver App. This will be a digital format of your driver licence, will use GPS to auto detect speeding and crashes and auto-fine you via your banking account. It will also autopay any parking charges and summarize your carbon emissions which will govern your allowed allocation of travel kms as a private citizen each year.

    The arguments in support will be freeing up cops for more important stuff and stopping the oppression of the poor who get fines for forgetting to buy rego.

    Also you WOF will be a QR code sticker you scan before every trip. No WOF no drive and ANPR camera will detect movement of any vehicle not logged in via phone system.
    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by R650R View Post
    That’s ending because even the labour govt didn’t allocate more funding in budget and their own report said it was making no difference overall. It’s one of those ideas that sounds great but implementation through govt beauracracy causes wastage.

    Is that another example of those "alternative facts" you specialise in ?

    11 AUGUST 2021
    School lunches evaluation report finds the programme is working
    it's not a bad thing till you throw a KLR into the mix.
    those cheap ass bitches can do anything with ductape.
    (PostalDave on ADVrider)

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by pete376403 View Post
    A decent rail system that gets the heavy freight off the roads wouldn't go amiss either, but the NactFirsts are ideologically committed to road over rail. And I'd agree that Fulton Hogan and the like dont want to fix the roads too well, otherwise, what do they do later
    WhoÂ’s gonna pay for that??? The taxpayer.

    Who benefits???? Mostly wealthy large companies who have enough bulk product

    At What cost???? Massive earthworks loss of productive land, huge taxes/inflation to pay for it.

    We are lucky we have the rail network now that was built in cheaper times. The cost today to expand it enough to take a significant amount of “ trucks off the road” is just off the charts crazy.
    People who play with toy train sets donÂ’t realise what happens when you scale that up to real world.In you trainset world you donÂ’t pay for real estate, you donÂ’t have noise or labour shortages affecting operation .

    We are a very small country that is spared from third world status thanks to our early days when our colonial fathers in Britain bought our meat butter and wool to help pay for stuff.
    Right now we are nearly broke. There is no money and also not enough vacant land in right places to build rail heads required for the mega rail freight utopia to work.
    Currently kiwirail is building a massive new hub at Palmerston North that will be great but there are few other opportunities around the country to do this.

    Trucking companies actually like rail and use it for some freight types it costs about same and frees truck up for other work/revenue.
    But turnaround times for freight handling vs direct delivery by a truck in modern world is limiting factor.
    As a customer you have to be accepting a 3-5day window at best compared to overnight and pay for the extra storage and double handling costs.
    Rail really only suits bulk commodities which is where itÂ’s at now, coal, milk, timber.
    ThereÂ’s a lot of other stuff the country needs and it travels on trucks.

    And you only have to travel to countries with great rail networks like UK or USA to see trucking is still a major component of not the dominant form of transport.
    ItÂ’s just like saying theoretically we could all push bike to work and save the planet and not pay petrol tax. But we know in practically carrying tools or wet weather gear etc that personal cars works better etc.
    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by pete376403 View Post
    Is that another example of those "alternative facts" you specialise in ?

    11 AUGUST 2021
    School lunches evaluation report finds the programme is working
    Usually when measuring something we go with up to date information

    Govt gives you nothing because it creates nothing - Javier Milei

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