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Thread: 200 + o.k who was it !!

  1. #61
    Join Date
    15th May 2003 - 08:59
    2004 GSXR600 / 1989 K75 BMW
    Quote Originally Posted by spudchucka
    True but a parent can't watch their child 24 / 7. There are always the unpredictable times when the little buggers get away from you.

    I can imagine nothing harder to live with than the knowledge that you killed a kid because of your carelessness on the road.
    Come on ..I'm sure you can imagine something worse than that... How about wiping out an entire day care centre while on a 'P' frenzy ??
    Not even with yours!!!

  2. #62
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by spudchucka
    Agreed, unecessary and over the top. Theres nothing wrong with high profile and highly visible road policing, just their presence is usualy enough to modify behaviour.
    Exactly Spud. And the only possible explanation I can think of for this behaviour is that speeds have gone up since they finished resurfacing the road.

    For the last four weeks Wellingtonians have had to put up with endless delays as they resurfaced the road. Traffic has been down to stopped or under 20km/hr for most of the motorway. They finished it last week, so I guess its possible that speeds have been going up a bit as we come to grips with a lovely new surface on the road.

    Can't have uncongested roads now can we. Just not safe having the traffic flowing smoothly The traffic was still hideous at 6.15 pm last night though I didn't see any cops so they must have created an enormous tailback...
    And I to my motorcycle parked like the soul of the junkyard. Restored, a bicycle fleshed with power, and tore off. Up Highway 106 continually drunk on the wind in my mouth. Wringing the handlebar for speed, wild to be wreckage forever.

    - James Dickey, Cherrylog Road.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    9th March 2004 - 20:28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fazer Bloke
    I'm sorry, but only a complete twat does 120 in a 50
    I make no appology for my abusive reply..
    Quote Originally Posted by Wkid_one
    needless to say fuckwits like you with your casual attitude to ressie speeding piss me off no end
    Wow…guys…too much name calling!! guys don’t even know me, so stop judging me….not that friendly blocks, are you?...

    Hey WK…listen, Im sorry to hear what happened to you when you were 7, but don’t you think you are kinda taking it over the edge? You are alive, riding a fast bike and calling ppl names all over the place…seems like you are pretty happy with your life, so stop fricken acting like a sissy. I didn’t run over you…so don’t try to get me for it. Get over it.

    If you guys wanna grab every chance you get to ridicule ppl, being a big fat hypocrite as you are, then go ahead, specially in a forum when it doesn’t take any guts to say any kinda shit to anyone. Same goes for Fazer Block and couple of other guys…Coz I think you guys are being just a cynical basterd . When you speed, doesn’t matter where, doesn’t matter how much over the speed limit you always put other ppls life endanger, less or more. Doesn’t matter if you hit a 7 years old or a grown up. So if you guys could be as honest as me, then I bet all you guys would be guilty of the same crime.

    120kin a 50K is bad, no doubt about it. Like I said I don’t do it everyday and Im not proud of it. But I did do it and Im not ashamed to admit it. As you said WK, “'self-acclaimed' 120 in a 50 zone”…the main point I was mentioning this for, cop not giving me a ticket. NO, I wasn’t pissing in the wind.

    Now I hate bitching and moaning in the thread sitting in front of my comp. I have better things to do, unlike some ppl on here. Also I don’t think just coz you are saying F words 3 times in a line and calling ppl names and all, your point is better established. You can say the same thing without.

    So if you guys are PMSING, go ahead Im done PERIOD

  4. #64
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by celticno6
    Traffic has been down to stopped or under 20km/hr for most of the motorway....
    20km/hr - positively flying on the NW motorway in a car )

  5. #65
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by speedpro
    20km/hr - positively flying on the NW motorway in a car )
    Why do you think I have a bike? Takes me 25 minutes from the National Library to the Whakatiki Rd turnoff in rush hour.

    If you ask me you're mad taking a cage on the motorway in rush hour...
    And I to my motorcycle parked like the soul of the junkyard. Restored, a bicycle fleshed with power, and tore off. Up Highway 106 continually drunk on the wind in my mouth. Wringing the handlebar for speed, wild to be wreckage forever.

    - James Dickey, Cherrylog Road.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    21st December 2002 - 11:00
    Manx TT by Sega
    Quote Originally Posted by SpeedDemon
    Wow…guys…too much name calling!! guys don’t even know me, so stop judging me….not that friendly blocks, are you?...

    Hey WK…listen, Im sorry to hear what happened to you when you were 7, but don’t you think you are kinda taking it over the edge? You are alive, riding a fast bike and calling ppl names all over the place…seems like you are pretty happy with your life, so stop fricken acting like a sissy. I didn’t run over you…so don’t try to get me for it. Get over it.

    If you guys wanna grab every chance you get to ridicule ppl, being a big fat hypocrite as you are, then go ahead, specially in a forum when it doesn’t take any guts to say any kinda shit to anyone. Same goes for Fazer Block and couple of other guys…Coz I think you guys are being just a cynical basterd . When you speed, doesn’t matter where, doesn’t matter how much over the speed limit you always put other ppls life endanger, less or more. Doesn’t matter if you hit a 7 years old or a grown up. So if you guys could be as honest as me, then I bet all you guys would be guilty of the same crime.

    120kin a 50K is bad, no doubt about it. Like I said I don’t do it everyday and Im not proud of it. But I did do it and Im not ashamed to admit it. As you said WK, “'self-acclaimed' 120 in a 50 zone”…the main point I was mentioning this for, cop not giving me a ticket. NO, I wasn’t pissing in the wind.

    Now I hate bitching and moaning in the thread sitting in front of my comp. I have better things to do, unlike some ppl on here. Also I don’t think just coz you are saying F words 3 times in a line and calling ppl names and all, your point is better established. You can say the same thing without.

    So if you guys are PMSING, go ahead Im done PERIOD
    Don't get me wrong - I am not ridiculing you - I am calling you a fucken stupid idiot for doing 120 in a 50 zone.

    Once you have dealt with the aftermath - you will know why. Besides my incident -a very close friend of mine ran a kid over doing 75 in a 50 zone - killed the kid and for the last 8 years has had to live with the guilt of doing it - along with the legal issues that followed.

    I won't get over it - as it is people like you with a 'so what I didn't hurt anyone' attitude that give bike riders a bad name and necessitate the law to consider residential speed limit drops to 40kph. It only takes ONE TIME to cock yours and another families life up. Why take the risk?

    I have honestly stated I don't speed in 50 zones - full stop. I have seen and been involved in what happens when you do. Not nice, not pretty, not worth getting to where you want to go 2 mins quicker.

    You opened pandoras box not by admitting to the speed - but by the casual manner in which you did it.....and your cavalier attitude to it - and it wasn't until people criticised you that you start playing it down.

    Unfortunately - you made your bed/reap what you sew.

    My only hope is you bin and kill yourself and no one else.
    As for swearing - it is who I am - why change it because I am online.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    21st December 2002 - 11:00
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpeedDemon
    You riding a fast bike
    PS - IF only

  8. #68
    Join Date
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    Hey this has been a good thread. If nothing else, it's really made me examine my attitudes, like speeding because I feel like it, including in 50k zones. Yes, I *do* have kids (3), and yes, I am a hypocrite, because I speed in the area I live in, but it pisses me off when I see other people doing it: "Hey! Go speed somewhere else - there's kids living around here!"

    But then again, I don't speed very much; the fastest I've been in our street is 130. Oops. My bad... Please forgive me KiwiBikers, for I have sinned, and given all you more law-abiding bikers a bad name.

    With Easter coming up soon, I'm certainly going to check my attitude before setting off on the highway. In the car. With the kids and wife. But I guess there'll be no speeding, owing to the ridiculous mass exodus from D'Auckland...

  9. #69
    Join Date
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    'o6 Spewzooki Banned it.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpeedDemon

    "When you speed, doesn’t matter where, doesn’t matter how much over the speed limit you always put other ppls life endanger, less or more. I bet all you guys would be guilty of the same crime."

    An assumption based on no evidence.

    "But I did do it and Im not ashamed to admit it." PERIOD
    You should be, then you'll learn.


  10. #70
    Join Date
    22nd October 2002 - 09:38
    2 x 07 GSXR1000, 99 TL1000
    Someone admits doing 120 in a 50k zone, and he's crucified by all!. I refuse to believe anyone, who has riden a reasonably powerful motorcycle, has not opened it up in an urban area!. And when you give a powerful bike a handful, like you do every so often, you're doing 100+kph in a split second!.
    If you refute that, your a bloody liar!, or a pussy rider!.
    I'm not ashamed to admit it either, been there done!. you can shoot me down in flames too, I don't give a shit, but it pisses me off when some of you hypocrites put the guilt trip on someone when you know deep down that you've done exactly the same at least once in the past too!.

  11. #71
    Join Date
    13th February 2004 - 06:46
    Forza 155 SE Pit Bike
    Good point

    Sorry young fella! I would point out, however that my attitude to speeding in 50 kph zones has changed since having kids.

    I may have done it earlier but if I can discourage 1 person from doing it and possibly destroying their own life through hitting an innocent child, then it's objective acheived!
    Vote David Bain for MNZ president

  12. #72
    Join Date
    6th March 2003 - 16:47
    At castlepoint, I had a girl(6-8 yrs old?) on a bicycle fly out from behind a fence down from her driveway onto the road directly into my path. i lost sight of her below the bonnet of my kingswood as I swerved like crazy, and somehow I managed to avoid her. my mates were all yelling ohhhhhhh. the girl was oblivious & carried on riding along the roadside. I wasn't speeding but i'd have to wear a huge burden the rest of my life and the parent's woulda been completely devastated. i wouldn't wish that on anyone. just be careful. and parents, watch those kids.

  13. #73
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by festus
    ...If you refute that, your a bloody liar!, or a pussy rider!....some of you hypocrites.........
    I can live with being called a pussy. Could you live with yourself if you ended another's life just because you were late for a class (or whatever)?

    Hypocrite? whatever! Never have speeded in a 50 KPH, never will. Whether you beleive that is your porogative(?).

    Oh and on the subject of name calling, I'm just calling it as I see it.

    Fazer Bloke
    There is no try. Do, or do not do.

  14. #74
    Join Date
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    Oh! and before any of the PC queens jump back in with the "now, now, don't be like that", this is a heater discussion, not a verbal bitch-fight. I'll still love you guys in the morning!

    Fazer Bloke
    There is no try. Do, or do not do.

  15. #75
    Join Date
    11th February 2004 - 08:46
    Gold Coast
    wicked_one, how would you feel if you had been injured as a kid, say as a passenger in a car that was hit by a car/bike being driven/ridden well over the open road speed limit that lost control or ran wide around a corner etc?

    I think if you get pissed with speeding in residential areas, you should get as pissed with the same thing on the open road.

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