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What is needed to stay alive on two wheels

  1. High Risk Roads for Motorcyclists

    Shows the risk to motorcyclists of fatal or serious crashes on New Zealand’s roads

    I haven't seen this resource being referred to anywhere, so I made this "blog" to post a link to it for future reference.
  2. Long John Silver on - Riding further than the next latte.

    When I changed from riding an Intruder cruiser to the ST1300 sports tourer, I considered getting a radar detector, however, I figured that a detector might well encourage me to ride faster than the allowable limits and therefore opted an alternative measure of speed control and that was riding off the economy gauge, whereby if the speed rose and the economy dropped, then one was inspired to button off a bit. Ahh the joys of being a tight-arse!

    The other major factor that entered into ...
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  3. KSS Rocks!

    Another day, another dollar!.....ummm......yeah, nah.......I had the day off and spent nearly three grand!!

    There was a time I would have been ecstatic to be riding a $3K bike but we nearly spend that on decent riding gear these days and today I spent that much making improvements that probably won't do anything to the value of the bike.

    At the beginning of this year I was chatting with Andrew Templeton at a Capital Coast Conehead session and he mentioned how rapt he ...
  4. IAM Observer Test (10/07/2014)

    If If’s and An’s were pots and pans, then I’d have a whole pile more blog posts than I do. Suffice to say my blogging has been crap in the last year or so.

    I blogged my IAM Initial Assessment round April 2012, a monthly ride in May 2012, and then nothing, so I should probably update you on that. Around May/June 2013 I passed the IAM Advanced Test, making myself a full member. In August/September I was part of the 2013 Trainee Observer intake, essentially, right back into being ...
  5. Junipers Guide to Commuting 101....


    So I class myself as a not too bad commuter, this means that I have not had a crash yet and when I do it will be impressive.

    A thread came up a while ago where I posted some of the tips I have about lane splitting and commuting in general, and surprisingly enough I got a green rep from someone I didn't expect. So to push my luck even further I thought I would write up my tips, tricks and advice on commuting here. Particularly because I keep breaking ...
  6. Fear & Anxiety

    fear /fɪə/ n
    1. a feeling of distress, apprehension, or alarm caused by impending danger, pain, etc
    1. to be afraid (to do something) or of (a person or thing); dread
    anxiety /æŋˈzaɪɪtɪ/ n ( pl -ties)
    1. a state of uneasiness or tension caused by apprehension of possible future misfortune, danger, etc; worry
    2. intense desire; eagerness
    3. a state of intense apprehension or worry often accompanied by physical ...
  7. IAM Initial Assessment Ride (29/04/2012)

    The alarm rings at 8am and I'm not exactly jumping to my feet. Not feeling particularly excited either, but nevertheless, after snoozing the alarm for 10 minutes I got up and had some breakfast and got ready. Out the door just after 9am in slightly questionable conditions I made my way out to Westgate.

    Following on from my blog about having a session with Tricia at Roadcraft School of Motoring, it was now time to start the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) course: ...
  8. Advanced Rider Training Session with Tricia (24/03/2012)

    It’s been a while in the making but after making this blog: I found out about IAM ( and started on a campaign to improve my riding.

    With the mileage I do I’m sure my riding isn’t completely hopeless, but I do believe in being the best you can be. I did a lot of visiting YouTube, searching for IAM and the British bikers in action, especially the ...
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