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    ESE's works engine tuner

    Thread Starter: TZ350

    . This is Thomas a Vietnamese race mechanic, you know that place where they have all those hot 50's and 125's are big bikes. Thomas, ESE's Race Team's Tuner is fettling number 9. adjusting the port timing for Taupo. Its hard to see but he has taped a degree wheel to the magneto flywheel...

    Last Post By: Wos Yesterday, 20:51 Go to last post

    Canterbury Trail Rides?

    Thread Starter: pete-blen

    Anyone thinking of doing the Lees Valley / Glenburn ride on the 1st.. I'm hopeing to make it.... http://www.myrides.co.nz/trail-rides-xidc53532.html

    Last Post By: dangerous Yesterday, 17:51 Go to last post

    MotoGP 2024

    Thread Starter: onearmedbandit

    With only 2 days until the new year, and just over 2 months until the season starts it's time for a new thread. Who's your money on? Will Bagnia do the triple? Will Marc return to former glory and bring us a season in which he dominates? Will Martin secure his dream to win a championship?...

    Last Post By: iYRe Today, 07:13 Go to last post

    Hustler class ( Vinduro Buckets)

    Thread Starter: Flettner

    Found, In all her glory. Stock standard original, un molested.

    Last Post By: Wos Yesterday, 21:34 Go to last post
  • Mom

    by Published on 29th August 2010 12:41
    1. Categories:
    2. Community News,
    3. ACC Levy News

    It is with great pleasure we announce the arrival of MAG-NZ to the biker scene in New Zealand. While our official launch date is October 3rd 2010 we have launched our website today and invite you to come in and find out a bit more about us.


    Motorcycle Action Group of New Zealand (MAG-NZ) has been formed by bikers, for bikers and promises a new era of meaningful and purposeful representation for bikers in New Zealand.

    As the name suggests MAG-NZ is about Action.

    As an organisation we are committed to upholding bikers freedoms, and resisting imposed restrictions and laws which impede those freedoms.

    We will do so actively, we will not passively accept the eroding of our legal right to ride. MAG-NZ believes that bikers themselves understand, and are responsible for, the actions that are required to ensure their freedoms. We will not wait for others to do our job for us.

    MAG-NZ believes there are 3 levels of action required;

    • Personal;
    • Local;
    • National.

    As an organisation MAG-NZ is committed to all three.

    We also see the sense in belonging to an international group, committed to similar ideas. MAG-NZ has the support and backing of MAG-UK and will use the resources this affiliation brings to ensure we achieve our goals.

    So, do not ask what MAG-NZ can do for you, rather, what can you do for your fellow bikers?

    Membership of MAG-NZ is open to anyone regardless of what they ride. You don't even have to be a motorcycle owner - if you simply have "an interest" in motorcycles or things motorcycling we welcome your membership.
    Join us today!
    by Published on 18th November 2009 06:54
    1. Categories:
    2. Protests


    Sunday Breakfast/Brunch anyone?

    Where: Mission Bay

    When: Sunday November 22

    Time: 8:00am onwards

    Fancy a coffee and a bite to eat, while keeping this ACC issue in the public face? Join us for coffee and breakfast at Mission Bay. Get in early and find yourself a carpark. Yes folks a carpark. Make sure you have change for the parking fees if any. One bike per park please. Then take a leisurely stroll to the nearest cafe and get a coffee and something to eat. Take your time, relax, enjoy your brunch.

    Please find a park on the street front first, followed by the carpark opposite the Fish Pot Cafe, then moving down to the other one as numbers build. We will be assembling around the fountain to make a bit of noise, this will kick off at 8:30am. After the rebel rousing we will then be free to go and enjoy our brunch.

    If we do it right, there wont be any parking for cars available, highlighting the fact that if these bastards tax us off the roads, we will be forced to "drive" a car, and there will be no parking available anywhere. We also will be supporting the local businesses so they are not disadvantaged because of this protest action.

    At all times this will be a peaceful gathering, we are not out to upset anyone, we just want to make a point. Please ensure you do support the businesses after we have made our point. Talk to people about why we are so angry.

    Bring your noise makers, this one is going to be LOUD!

    Hand out leaflets to the general public letting them know we are fighting this fight for all of us, dont forget WHOS NEXT?

    A few rousing rounds of our battle cry from time to time would not go amiss either.


    Flyer in this post. Please print and distribute at liberty!

    by Published on 15th May 2008 12:03
    1. Categories:
    2. Protests

    Saturday June 28th

    A series of rides have been organised around New Zealand for the dual purpose of raising funds for local Rescue Helicopter Services and to bring the Cheese Cutter issue back into the public eye.

    Please look at the threads below and make the effort to support this event!


    In Auckland

    In Auckland 9am - Botany Honda
    In Tauranga 11:30am - Bayride Motorcycles
    In Rotorua 1:00pm - Bike Force
    In Hamilton 3:00pm - Boyd Motorcycles
    In Auckland 5:30pm - Mechanics Bay - if you are intending to meet the ride back in Auckland can you please look here and register your attendance (OSH requirement for Helicopter base) http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/sh...ad.php?t=74627

    In Hawkes Bay

    In Napier 11:00am - Five Star Suzuki

    In Manawatu

    In Palmerston North 10:30am - Phill Turnbulls Motorcycles

    In Nelson/Marlborough

    Richmond A & P Showgrounds 10:00am

    In Canterbury

    Meet 10am Belfast Pub

    In Dunedin

    MCR (Motorcycle Replacements) at 11:00am
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    LED headlamps and foglamps (Votes: 16)

    1. I have no problems with others lights (Votes: 0)

    2. I’m constantly blinded by bright lights and hate night driving (Votes: 3)

    3. Some newer vehicles are too high intensity lighting (Votes: 7)

    4. Just hate poorly adjusted lights (Votes: 8)

    5. I’m too busy looking at phone to notice (Votes: 1)

    6. I’ve illegally modified my lights and dont care (Votes: 0)

    7. I ride around on full beam not caring that people can’t see my indicators (Votes: 0)

    8. I’m a bat and just use sonar (Votes: 0)