BRONZ, how about having a rethink on the 1 September ride?
BRONZ, please call off this nonsense about riding to Parliament on 1 September, take three deep breaths and start again. Please don’t embarrass yourselves.
You’ve got a bunch of paid-up members and a wider motorcycle community you should first be having a conversation with. You should start by asking them whether they’ve got a problem with the ACC levies that apply to motorcyclists, what that means for them, how much of an issue they think that those are and what options they may have for change.
Feedback from such a conversation should help shape what, if anything, needs to happen next. It should also help shape a reasoned, factual, compelling and articulate story, something that is sadly lacking from the outrage recently shared on social media and online motorcycle forums.
Without such a story, what are Ministers and other dignitaries going to be told on 1 September? What’s the story that’s going to be sold to the media to get them interested? And, most importantly, what’s the message that’s going to be told to motorcyclists to get them excited enough to want to devote their time to supporting a cause?
The campaign at the moment looks like something invented by a bunch of blokes in a pub, coloured by emotions sponsored by the on-tap draught.
What’s the success outcome that’s desired? Effigies of politicians burned in front of a mob chanting en mass for the demise of Judith Collins? A list of names of people who want ACC wound up presented to the Clerk of the House? Graham McCready enlisted to take legal action against whomever?
What is it that bikers want, and do they want to be taken seriously?
I reckon that if I don’t understand what the game is here, there will be others like me.
Lack of compelling issues aside, your timing is also bad. There’s an election campaign underway on 1 September which will be considerably more newsworthy than a couple of dozen incoherent bikers and placards turning up outside Parliament on a Monday.
Please start again. There’s no shame in that.
"Standing on your mother's corpse you told me that you'd wait forever." [Bryan Adams: Summer of 69]